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to apply — применять

to derive — происходить

the Middle Ages — Средние века, средневековье

obstacle — препятствие

pearl — жемчуг

vivid — яркий, ясный

hidden — скрытый

luxurious — роскошный

elaborate — тщательно разработанный, искусно сделанный

surface — поверхность

means — средство

faith — вера

preceding — предшествующий

rapidly — быстро

to tend — иметь тенденцию; направляться

the remainder — остальная часть

restrained — сдержанный

sober — трезвый, спокойный (о красках)

refinement — утонченность

to seek (sought) — искать; обращаться

spirit — дух

precise — точный

an appeal — призыв, обращение

I. Choose the right form of the adjective.

1. Baroque space contrasted with the static, defined space of the ... Renaissance.

a) Higher b) the Highest c) High

2. The Baroque tended toward ...architectural forms and surfaces,

a) free b) freer c) the freest

3. In Protestant regions architecture was ... and developed a sober, quiet monumentality.

a) the most restrained b) restrained c) more restrained

4. In the Protestant countries and France architecture was ..., formal, and precise.

a) more geometric b) the most geometric

c) geometric

5. Dome des Invalides, Paris is generally agreed to be ... church of the last half of the 17th century in France.

a) finer b) finest c) the finest

II. Choose the right sentences.

1. During the Baroque period architecture and sculpture became pic­torial.

a) Baroque architects and sculptors used luxurious materials.

b) "Baroque" means imperfectly shaped pearl.

c) Baroque architects and sculptors used the methods of painting.

2. Baroque art was concerned with vivid colours, hidden light sources and elaborate contrasting surface structures.

a) Baroque art was characterized by vivid colours, hidden light sources and elaborate contrasting surface structures.

b) The Baroque never exploited hidden light sources.

c) The Baroque developed from the early 17th century to the mid 18th century.

3. This style contrasted markedly with the High Renaissance and Man­nerism.

a) The Baroque resembled the High Renaissance and Mannerism.

b) The Baroque had little in common with the High Renaissance and Mannerism.

c) The Mannerist period featured the frustrating conflict of unbal­anced spaces.

4. In Protestant regions architecture was restrained.

a) In Protestant regions architecture was austere.

b) In Protestant regions architecture had free and active forms.

5. Domes des Invalides is the finest church of European Baroque Ar­chitecture.

a) Domes des Invalides is the finest church of the 18th century.

b) Domes des Invalides was built in 1675.

c) Domes des Invalides is a masterpiece of European Baroque ar­chitecture.

III. Circle a), b), or c) to complete the following sentences.

1. The term "Baroque" was used by philosophers ...

a) during the period of the Enlightenment

b) during the Middle Ages

c) in ancient times

2. During the Baroque period architecture and sculpture became ...

a) illusionistic b) realistic c) pictorial

3. Baroque architecture was a means of propagating ...

a) faith b) atheism c) anarchism

4. Mannerism is the term applied to certain aspects of...

a) social life b) artistic style

c) scientific research

5. The Baroque rapidly developed into two separate ...

a) forms b) sides c) parts