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1. Classroom environment instruments: development ... Http://www.Geocities.Ws/elli_bar_ilan/fraser.Pdf

Заняття 18.

Тема: Informal Assessment in the Classroom. Неформальна оцінка класу.



1. Перегляд тексту з метою складання схеми і виділення головної ідеї.

2. Знаходження ключових речень, письмове формулювання питань і відповідей.

3. Висновки з теми.

Discussion Questions:

1.Can communication between the teacher and pupils be organized into a social and learning setting?

2.From what sources do teachers obtain the information they use to form initial impres­sions of pupils ?

3. The assessment information that is gathered in the first week or so of school is synthesized by the classroom teacher into a general perception and character sketch of each pupil, isn’t it?

4. Are these perceptions formed early in the year and re­main quite stable over time?

5. Are initial assessments are very important in forming teachers' per­ceptions about pupils?

6. Can teacher-pupil interactions influence throughout the school year?

7. Do initial assessments rely heavily on teacher observations that are idiosyncratic, subjective, and occur in a naturalistic, unplanned manner?

8. Why is it important to be certain that the informal assessments made at the start of the school year are valid and reliable?

9. How many sources of assessment inval­idity were described in the chapter?

10. When does observer’s bias occur?

11. When do log­ical errors occur?

12. The longer the inferential sequence, the more likely the teacher's perception of the pupil is to be wrong, isn’t it.

13. Is reliability a concern in informal assessment, particularly since the information is gathered and the perceptions formed dur­ing the first few days of school?

14. Does the reliability issue involve the ex­tent to which a few observations made in the first few days of school represent the typical behavior of the pupil?

15. Is the information gath­ered representative or not of the pupil's typical behavior, percep­tions of the pupil?

16. What recommendations were made for enhancing the validity and reliability of informal assessments?

17. Give several examples of recommendations for enhancing the validity and reliability of informal assessments.


Основна :

1. Peter W. Airasian. Classroom Assessment / Peter W. Airasian. – Mcgraw-Hill College, 1991. – 450pp.- PP.27-69.


  1. Informal Classroom Assessment


Заняття 19.

Тема: Assessment for Instructional Planning. Оцінювання поурочного



1. Перегляд тексту з метою складання схеми і виділення головної ідеї.

2. Знаходження ключових речень, письмове формулювання питань і відповідей.

3. Висновки з теми.

Discussion Questions:

  1. With what question was concerned this chapter ?

  2. In planning instruction, every teacher is faced with at least three important factors over which he or she has little or no control. What are they?

  3. What has this chapter shown?

  4. What assessments has been the teacher re­quired before the process of formal instruction starts ?

  5. What are the teacher’s objectives to identify the pupils’ content and behavior ?

  6. What must the teacher consider in these decisions?

  7. Texts contain objectives, lesson plans, and other supplementary materials that can be useful for planning instruction, don’t they?

  8. Teachers must be aware of how well the objectives and lesson plans are suited to their particular pupils, aren’t they?

  9. Must teachers judge the complete­ness of the text materials?

  10. Must teachers be certain that the text objectives and plans encompass all the important pupil outcomes they desire?

  11. Do teachers have control over the makeup of their classes, the length of the school day, or the resources they have available for instruction?

  12. Must they take these factors into account when they plan the instructional program and define the educa­tional objectives for their classes?


Основна :

1. Peter W. Airasian. Classroom Assessment / Peter W. Airasian. – Mcgraw-Hill College, 1991. – 450pp.- PP.73-118.
