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Заняття 10-11. Тема. The Psychology of Learning. Психологія навчання.


1.Перегляд тексту з метою складання схеми і виділення головної ідеї.

2.Знаходження ключових речень, письмове формулювання питань і відповідей.

3.Висновки з теми.


1. How did Pavlov discover the conditioned reflex?

2. Describe some of the factors that affect conditioning.

3. What is the difference between positive punishment and negative punishment?

4. What did Koehler's famous experiment with monkeys demonstrate about learning?

5.Develop your five essay questions. Skim the chapter summary and develop five questions that you think your instructor is likely to ask on the exam.


Основна (обов’язкова):

1. James V. McConnell. Understanding Human Behaviour. Edition: 3. – Publisher: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. – 787 pages.-РР.220-262.

Додаткова :

Lesson Five: The Psychology of Learninghttp://psychology.about.com/od/introtopsychology/a/the-psychology-of-learning.htm


  1. Pavlov and The Conditioned Reflex (amazing TTC lecture) 6/6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TQSwuCk9Y4

  2. Chapter 7 – Conditioning and Learning Chapter Summary


Заняття 12. Тема: Memory. Пам'ять.


1.Перегляд тексту з метою складання схеми і виділення головної ідеї.

2.Знаходження ключових речень, письмове формулювання питань і відповідей.

3.Висновки з теми.


1.What are the basic characteristics of short-term memory?

2.Name and describe categories used to store information in long-term memory.

3.Briefly describe the ways in which forgetting occurs.

4.Define and describe the ACT model.

5.According to some scientists, what might RNA have to do with memory?

6. Write your five questions. Skim the chapter summary and develop five questions you think your instructor might be likely to ask on an exam.


Основна (обов’язкова):

1. James V. McConnell. Understanding Human Behaviour. Edition: 3. – Publisher: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. – 787 pages.-РР.262-289.

Додаткова :

Lesson Six: Human Memory

Understanding How Memory Workshttp://psychology.about.com/od/introtopsychology/a/human-memory.htm


1. Psychology- Short and Long Term Memory


Заняття 13-14.Тема: Cognition, Language, and Intelligence. Пізнання, мова та інтелект.


1.Перегляд тексту з метою складання схеми і виділення головної ідеї.

2.Знаходження ключових речень, письмове формулювання питань і відповідей.

3.Висновки з теми.


1.Describe how your brain uses attributes and rules to develop cognitive categories?

2. Name and describe four aspects of language acquisition.

3. Explain the nature-nurture disagreement between Chomsky and Skinner.

4. Describe how the first IQ test was developed, what it was for, and explain how the intelligence test quotient was calculated.

5. Explain what test reliability and test validity are and discuss why they are difficult to establish with IQ tests.

6. Develop your five essay questions. Skim the chapter summary and develop five questions that you think your instructor is likely to ask on the exam.


Основна (обов’язкова):

1. James V. McConnell. Understanding Human Behaviour. Edition: 3. – Publisher: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. – 787 pages.-РР.289-316.

Додаткова :

Lesson Nine: Intelligence