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  1. Instructional planning and assessment http://highered.Mcgraw-hill.Com/sites/dl/free/0070959668/405859/Airasian_88697_ch03.Pdf

Заняття 20.

Тема: Assessment during Instruction. Оцінювання в процесі інструктажу


1. Перегляд тексту з метою складання схеми і виділення головної ідеї.

2. Знаходження ключових речень, письмове формулювання питань і відповідей.

3. Висновки з теми.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Does Interactive instruction involve more hectic, less systematic assess­ment procedures than does planning for instruction?.

  2. What is the task in interactive instructional assessment is for the teacher?

  3. Do the main source of evidence to help teachers "read" and make decisions about involvement, pace, and learning is the re­actions of pupils?

  4. How many factors may diminish the validity and reliability of interactive instructional assess­ments ?

  5. Describe briefly the first factor of diminishing the validity and reliability of interactive instructional assess­ments.

  6. Describe briefly the second factor, which may diminish the validity and reliability of interactive instructional assess­ments ?

  7. Describe briefly the third factor, which may diminish the validity and reliability of interactive instructional assess­ments.

  8. Can interactive instructional assessments be made more valid and reliable if a conscious effort is made to include a sufficient array of indicators to assess all dimensions of the instructional process?

  9. What does this mean?

  10. Should efforts be made to assess pupil learning, not just pupil involvement and interest during in­struction.


Основна :

1. Peter W. Airasian. Classroom Assessment / Peter W. Airasian. – Mcgraw-Hill College, 1991. – 450pp.- PP.73-145.


  1. Instructional planning and assessment http://highered.Mcgraw-hill.Com/sites/dl/free/0070959668/405859/Airasian_88697_ch03.Pdf

Заняття 21.

Тема: Formal Assessment of Learning. Формальна оцінка



1. Перегляд тексту з метою складання схеми і виділення головної ідеї.

2. Знаходження ключових речень, письмове формулювання питань і відповідей.

3. Висновки з теми.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Does the review test provide pupils practice using general skills and processes, while the corresponding chapter test assesses performance on these same skills and processes, using similar, but not identical, test items?

  2. If there are pressures to teach specific test answers to pupils so they will do well on tests (Airasian, 1987), what does such a practice undermine to assess ?

  3. Describe official assessments.

  4. Describe the most common tech­niques used to gather information for official assessment.

  5. Are teacher-made tests, textbook tests, performance tests, and standard­ized tests- the most common tech­niques used to gather information for official assessment?

  6. Are official assessments most often used to grade pupils, and the most common way to obtain grading information is by means of a test?

  7. A test is a type of assessment in which formal tasks are presented to pupils to obtain systematic evidence about their performance, isn’t it?

  8. The primary goal of achievement testing is to provide a fair and representative indication of pupil learning based on the instruction provided, isn’t it?

  9. Explain, why unless an assessment procedure does this, a teacher will not be able to determine how much pupils learned from instruction and hence will be unable to make valid decisions based on the in­formation provided by the test.

  10. In order to attain appropriate in­formation about pupil achievement, the assessed behaviors should be similar to the behaviors in the teacher's educational objectives and to those taught during instruction, shouldn’t it?

  11. It is also necessary that the assessment procedure provide a representative sample of all that was taught, isn’t it.

  12. Since most textbooks now have accompanying tests, teachers must decide between using the textbook test or constructing their own.

  13. Should the questions on the textbook test be similar to the teacher's objectives and, more important, to the instruction actually provided pupils?

  14. Should the questions on the textbook test should require pupils to perform the behaviors taught?

  15. Multiple choice items, for example, cannot provide information about how well pu­pils can explain things in their own words, can they?



1. Peter W. Airasian. Classroom Assessment / Peter W. Airasian. – Mcgraw-Hill College, 1991. – 450pp. .- PP. 149-193.
