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  1. Cognitive Dissonance http://changingminds.Org/explanations/theories/cognitive_dissonance.Htm

Заняття 25. Тема:Psychology in a World Context. Психологія у cвітовому контексті.


1.Перегляд тексту з метою складання схеми і виділення головної ідеї.

2.Знаходження ключових речень, письмове формулювання питань і відповідей.

3.Висновки з теми.


1. Describe several of the major differences between North American and Western European psychology.

2. Discuss factors which influence psychology in the Eastern Europe and Ukraine?

3. Describe some of the advantages of cross-cultural research.

4. What factors have slowed the growth of psychology in Africa?

5. Describe how psychology varies throughout the middle-EASTERN COUNTRIES?


Основна (обов’язкова):

1. James V. McConnell. Understanding Human Behaviour. Edition: 3. – Publisher: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. – 787 pages.-РР.574-589.

Додаткова :

1.Psychological Science in a Postmodern Context*



1. African American Psychology:


Модуль 5-8 (3 -4 семестр)

Заняття 1.

Тема: Introduction. Вступ до модуля.


1. Тестування студентів на визначення рівня компетентності в англомовно­му професійному спілкуванні (1-4 модулі).

2. Читання та переклад тексту за темою бажаних поведінкових рис вчителя.

3. Відповіді на запитання з проблеми поведінкового менеджменту.


Discussion Questions :

1. In the case presented at the beginning of the chapter, what do you think Mr. Bobrinski should do and why? If you were in such a situation, what would you do?

2. Schools have both a formal and an informal (or hidden) curriculum. The concept of the hidden curriculum refers to the unplanned, unintentional lessons that are taught in school. Think back to your own schooling and the lessons you learned from the hidden curriculum.

3. William Glasser (1985) states: "All living creatures, and we are no excep­tion, only do what they be

lieve is most satisfying to them. The main reason our schools are less effective than we would like them to be is that, where students are concerned, we have failed to appreciate this fact"(p. 8). Do you agree or disagree? Have a debate in your class between those who support this statement and those who do not.

Self-Reflection :

2. What kind of teacher do you want to be? Why did you decide to become a teacher? What are your best qualities as a teacher? What qualities do you most need to develop in order to be the kind of teacher you want

to be?

3. Describe the culture in which you grew up. How did your family interact (paying particular attention to the language you and your family used)? Describe your family rituals and ceremonies and your feelings about them. Describe a typical dinner at your home when you were growing up. What were your family's expectations for you and how were these expectations conveyed? What actions were praised/valued and which ones were punished in your home? Compare your own background with someone who seems quite different from you, looking for subtle differences in your experiences. Think about how these affect your outlook and perception of others.

4. Teachers touch lives permanently—sometimes in caring, helpful ways and sometimes in hurtful, destructive ways. Think about your teachers. Who was the best and why was he or she the best? Who was the worst and why? Write a letter to both (you may never mail it), telling them how you remember them and the way they treated you and what you liked or disliked about that treatment. Do the lessons you learned from these two teachers guide your own teaching?


Основна :

  1. Epanchin, Betty Cooper. Constructive Classroom Management: Strategies for Creating Positive Learning Environments / Betty C. Epanchin Brenda Townsend, Kim Stoddard.- Brooks/Cole Pub Co/ - 1994. – 365 pp.- PP.3-31.

  2. Darling-Hammond, L. (1993). Reframing the school reform agenda: Developing ca­pacity for school transformation. Kappan, 74, 752-61.//Reframing the School Reform Agenda: Developing Capacity for - ERIC www.eric.ed.gov/.../recordDetail?accno... -

Title: Reframing the School Reform Agenda: Developing Capacity for School Transformation. Full-Text Availability Options: PDF ERIC Full Text (1054K).


  1. Banathy, B. (1991). Systems design oj education: A journey to create the future. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications // Integrating 21st Century Skills into the Curriculum www.cehs.ohio.edu/gfx/media/pdf/ch7.pdf .

  2. How systems thinking applies to education. Educational Leadership, 50,38-41// How Systems Thinking Applies to Education - ASCD www.ascd.org/.../educational_leadership/.../... 

  3. Crowell, S. (1989). A new way of thinking: The challenge of the future. Educational Leadership, 47 (1), 60-63// Educational Leadership:The Changing Curriculum:Virginia's - ASCD www.ascd.org/.../educational_leadership/.../... 

  4. A conceptual analysis of constructivist classroom management

upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/.../etd.../00front.pdf –

  1. A conceptual analysis of constructivist classroom management. By. VICTOR JUSTICE PITSOE. Thesis. Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree ...

  2. Rethinking School Reform// http://www.ascd.org/publications/classroom-leadership/mar2005/Rethinking-School-Reform.aspx

  3. What Makes Great Teachers Great?


Заняття 2.

Тема : Creating Positive, Productive School Climates . Cтворення позитивного та продуктивного клімату шкільництва.


1. Читання та переклад тексту за темою «Наукові дослідження позитивного, продуктивного шкільництва».

2. Створення схеми та проблемних питань з теми «Візія, місія і філософія сучасної школи».

3. Рефлексія проблеми критеріїв ефективного викладання.


Discussion Questions :

1. A number of reform initiatives were discussed in this chapter: inclusion, site-based management, whole language, and constructivism. Select one of the topics and research it in greater depth. Have a class debate on the topic. Be certain that the strengths and the drawbacks of each position are examined.

2. View the film about School and discuss how closely schools in the film fit your vision of the ideal school.


  1. Evaluate the quality of instruction in your school using the following scale adapted from Newmann and Wehlage (1993).

Does your school have a clear vision and mission? Did you or some of your colleagues participate in developing it?

2. Have there been conflicts about your vision and mission? Do some members of your faculty disagree with aspects of the philosophy/vision/ mission? What happens when these disagreements arise?

3. Do students feel loyal and proud to be at your school?

4. Are diverse learners welcomed and valued?

5. Are people from your community involved in your school? Is your school an open, welcoming place? How do you know? On what type of infor­mation do you base your answer?

6. Are high academic standards set for all students in your school? Are stu­dents supported in their effort and helped in their failures?

7. Do teachers criticize and gossip about students in the teachers' lounge? How do you respond, and how should you respond?

8. When students misbehave, does your school suspend them or are students put on in-school suspension and strategies developed to address the mis­behavior?


Основна :

  1. Epanchin, Betty Cooper. Constructive Classroom Management: Strategies for Creating Positive Learning Environments / Betty C. Epanchin Brenda Townsend, Kim Stoddard.- Brooks/Cole Pub Co/ - 1994. – 365 pp.- PP.33-47.


1. Ann Dinsmoor Case, The Special Education Rescue: A Case for Systems Thinking// Educational Leadership: The Special Education Rescue: A Case for Systems Thinking http://www.ascd.org/publications/educational-leadership/oct92/vol50/num02/The-Special-Education-Rescue@-A-Case-for-Systems-Thinking.aspx

Заняття 3. Тема : Creating Positive, Productive School Climates . Cтворення позитивного та продуктивного клімату шкільництва.


1. Перегляд тексту «Організаційна структура продуктивної школи».

2. Створення схеми та питань за темою заняття.

3. Вибіркове читання відповідей на питання за темою «Практики продуктивних шкіл».


Discussion Questions :

1. With the permission of the school administration, interview both students and faculty in your school, asking them the simple question posed by Poplin and her colleagues (1992), "What's wrong with schools?" Compile their responses. What were their dominant themes?

2. Observe in an inner-city or low-income school. Do you see evidence of

Haberman's "pedagogy of poverty"? What kinds of expectations do teach­ers seem to have for the students? Do you think the students receive subtle negative messages about school and themselves?


1. When students miss a lot of school are they punished or does someone try to find out what the problem might be? Are they welcomed back or pun­ished through the policy?

2. Is there a system for self-evaluation in place so that your school gets regu­lar feedback about its operations?

3. Are students with disabilities valued members of your school community? Are classrooms labeled by the disability or by other means? Are students called by their disability or by their names?

4. Are you directive and controlling in the way you run your class or do you try to use democratic principles and incorporate student wishes and in­terests in your program?

5. Do substitute teachers tell you that your class runs itself when you are out or do your students only behave when you are present?

6. What types of activities are you using to recognize and celebrate the ethnic, cultural, racial, religious differences among the students in your class? Are you involving parents and community people in these activities?


Основна :

  1. Epanchin, Betty Cooper. Constructive Classroom Management: Strategies for Creating Positive Learning Environments / Betty C. Epanchin Brenda Townsend, Kim Stoddard.- Brooks/Cole Pub Co/ - 1994. – 365 pp.- PP.47-69.


1. Ann Dinsmoor Case, The Special Education Rescue: A Case for Systems Thinking// Educational Leadership: The Special Education Rescue: A Case for Systems Thinking http://www.ascd.org/publications/educational-leadership/oct92/vol50/num02/The-Special-Education-Rescue@-A-Case-for-Systems-Thinking.aspx

Заняття 4.

Тема . FamilySchool Partnerships in a Pluralistic Society. Взаємодія школа-сім’я у плюралістичному суспільстві.


  1. Перегляд тексту з метою складання схеми і виділення головної ідеї.

  2. Знаходження ключових речень, письмове формулювання питань і відповідей.

  3. Висновки з теми.


Discussion Questions and Activities:

1. Construct an activity that would elicit family input in the development of a home-school behavior management philosophy.

2. Generate a list of issues you consider as problems in contemporary families' lives. Reflect on the four myths discussed at the beginning of the chapter. How do the myths influence our definitions of family problems?

3. Design a family involvement activity for children whose family members' work schedules and transportation limitations prohibit their attendance at the annual parents' night. Construct activities allowing these families to share in the excitement of the new school year. More specifically, develop a way to engage them in the planning process without losing valuable family income.

4. Many persons (other than parents) provide after-school and evening care for children with behavior problems. Design an activity for the children to identify the family members (neighbors or relatives) who care for them outside of school. What factors would you consider in structuring home-school partnerships when a child's older sibling provides after-school and evening care?

5. How does the family's ethnicity and socioeconomic status influence the design of culturally sensitive home-school activities?

Reflective Questions:

1. Does your school welcome all families, even those who are different? How are families welcomed? How effective is the welcoming?

2. Do teachers judge who the "nice" families are, or are teachers accepting of a multitude of caregiving relationships?

3. Do school practices reflect the expectation of traditional families ?


Основна :

  1. Epanchin, Betty Cooper. Constructive Classroom Management: Strategies for Creating Positive Learning Environments / Betty C. Epanchin Brenda Townsend, Kim Stoddard.- Brooks/Cole Pub Co/ - 1994. – 365 pp.- PP.71- 97.
