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III курс Задание 1

1. Проработайте устно темы: «Лоцманская проводка», «Прохождение узкостями и каналами» по пособию: Бобровский В.И. Деловой английский язык для моряков. М.: Высш. школа, 1984. Письменно выполните упражнения с заданиями: Answer the following questions. Translate into English к каждой теме.

2. Бобровский В.И. Судовая документация и переписка на английском языке. - М,: ЦРИА «Морфлот». Урок 10.

3. Стандартные фразы для моряков. – Вл-к: Мор. гос. ун-т, 2002 г. – 102 - 109 с.

4. Learn to read Pilot Book, Рекламинформбюро ММФ, М., 1976. – 96с.


I. Translate the following texts into Russian:

1. Pilotage in all estuaries, seaports, rivers, navigable waterways and canals within the Netherlands is exclusively undertaken by the state, the service being carried out by commissioned pi1ots.

Masters and ship's officers of Netherlands nationality mау be granted permission to act as а pilot of the vessel in which they serve.

Local authorities are authorized to organize port pilotage services within their respective territories.

2. Dangers

Morrison head, about 11/2 rni1es eastward оf Poor Islet, the southern point of the entrance to West Bay, is а peninsula, 60 feet high, with red c1iffs, connected to the mainland by а single beach. It is surrounded by а shoal ground that extends from 2 to 4 cables from it. There is a small boat harbour on its eastern side.

А rocky bank with а least depth of 41/2 fathoms over it, lies about 6 cables north-eastward of Morrison head.

Poor Islet is connected to the shingle beach of Poor point, southward of it, by а reef. Shoal ground extends about а quarter of а mile northward from the islet, and а rocky bank, with а least depth of 3 fathoms over it. Lies about half а mile, eastward of it.

II. Translate the following business letter into Russian:

Bristol, 15th January, 20…

Messrs. G. О. Lee & Со., Ship Agents,

72 Harbour Street,

Bristol, England.

Dear Sirs,

Please hire а motor-launch for 15-20 persons to carry out ship's crew from the roadstead to the port and back twice а day on the 17th, 18th and 19th inst.

The motor-launch should come alongside our vessel at 9.00 а.m. and at 1.00 р.m. to take the crew ashore, and leave the port from Berth No 127 at 11.30 а.m. and at 8.00 р.m. to take them back.

Yours faithfully,

V. N. Smirnov,

Master of the m/t "Leninakan"

III. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Капитан заранее сообщил портовым властям о предполагаемом времени прихода судна.

2. При следовании узкостями необходимо снижать скорость.

3. К этой бухте надо подходить с большой осторожностью.

4. Плавание в этом районе опасно из-за большого количества мелей.

5. Эту отмель следует обходить на расстоянии одной мили.

IV. Translate the following business letter into English:

г. Гулль, 21 января 20…

Фирме Паттерсон и сыновья,

Навигационная ул., д. N 12,

Гулль, Англия.


Настоящим сообщаю, что танкер «Грозный» прибыл в Ваш порт с. ч. и готов к разгрузке 5000 т льняного масла (Linseed Oil) согласно чартер-партии от 7 января с. г.

Сталийное время начнет засчитываться по истечении 6 ч после получения настоящего извещения.

В.И. Иванов

Капитан танкера «Грозный»


I. Translate the following texts into Russian:

1. Beacons, buoys, leading lights and marks for the guidance of navigators and pilots are provided round the coasts of England and Wales by the Corporation of Trinity House which also has the powers over river and local navigation. The administration of the Lighthouse Service of England and Wales and the Channel Island is also а statutory duty entrusted to Trinity House.

The earliest light-vessel to be established in England was at the east end of the Nore Sand аt the entrance of the Thames. This was in 1732. This station continued up to the recent war when а fort with lights and fog signals was established in the vicinity.

2. Buoys

Big Island is the name given to the western part of а peninsula, situated 13/4 miles eastward of Christmas Island. А narrow shingle ridge forms the isthmus of this peninsula.

West Eskasoni, а secure harbour for small craft with 1осаl knowledge, lies between Big Island and, the isthmus. The north-western edge of а reef, with depth of less than 6 feet over it, that extends about 3 cables westward from Big Island, is marked by red spar buoy, moored about 3 cables eastward of N. Island (Lat. 45°57'N, Long. 60033'W), the eastern part of the peninsula marks the eastern end of this reef.

II. Translate the following Notice of Readiness into Russian:

DАТЕ: 30 JULY 2005