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Examining a patient

Text 1

Doctor: Good morning, Mr. White. Just have a seat. I haven’t seen

you for a good long time. What’s brought you along here


Patient: Well, doctor. I’ve been having these headaches and I seem to

have lost some weight…

Doctor: I see, and how long have these headaches bothering you?

Patient: Well, I don’t know. For quite a while now.

Doctor: And which part of your head is affected?

Patient: Just here. Just here on the top. It feels as if there were

something heavy, a heavy weight pressing down on me.

Doctor: I see, and have they affected your vision at all?

Patient: No, I wouldn’t say so.

Doctor: And they haven’t made you feel sick at all?

Patient: No, nothing like that.

Doctor: Now, you told me that you’ve lost some weight. And what

about your bowels, any problems?

Patient: No, no they’re. I’m quite all right, no problem.

Doctor: And what about your waterwork?

Patient: Well, I’ve been having trouble getting started and I have, I

seem to have to get up during the night, two or three times at


Doctor: And do you get any pain when you’re passing water?

Patient: No, no.

Doctor: And have you noticed any blood, any traces of blood?

Patient: No, no, I can’t say that I have.

Exercise 1 Complete textbook extract look at words below to help you Examination of the abdomen

The doctor asks the patient to slip off his top things and then to lie down on the bed (coach) on the back.

To examine the patient for enlarged abdominal…, first feel for the… and the… on the right side. To do this ask the patient to take a deep breath, while pressing with the fingers upwards and inwards. Next, feel for the right… and then cross over to the other side for the left… Still on the left side, palpate for an enlarged… Finally, moving to the lower abdomen, feel for the … which is only felt if it is full.


organs, kidney, liver, kidney, gall bladder, bladder, spleen.

Useful words and phrases (in mini-dialogues) The first question to the patient in the doctor’s office

1. What do you complain of? – На что вы жалуетесь?

2. What’s brought you along today? – Что привело Вас сегодня ко мне?

3. What seems to be a problem? – Какие проблемы?

In the course of physical Examinations

1. I’ll just check a few things to see if we can get to the bottom of the trouble. First of all I’ll check your pulse and then I’ll do your blood pressure. I’d like you to take off your jacket and roll up your sleeve. - Я хочу еще кое-что обследовать и посмотреть, сможем ли мы добраться до сути (основания) проблемы. Прежде всего, я проверю Ваш пульс, а затем измерю Ваше давление крови. Мне хотелось бы, чтобы вы сняли курточку и засучили рукав (рубашки).

2. It’s just a little above normal – Немного выше нормы (несколько повышенное) давление.

3. The best thing would be to have another scan done. Ill make an appointment for you next week. – Лучше всего посмотреть (внимательно) еще раз. Я назначу Вам время на следующей неделе.

4. Would you like to roll up your shirt? I’m going to check your heart and lungs. – Не могли бы Вы поднять рубашку? Я хочу послушать Ваше сердце и легкие.

5. Have you brought your urine sample? – Вы сдали мочу на анализ?

6. The doctor send the patient to the biochemical laboratory to give his blood sample for analysis (a full blood count). - Врач назначает анализ крови (в биохимической лаборатории).

7. The doctor says: “I’ll have to take a blood test” (мне нужно Ваш анализ крови), sometimes we do a blood test to prove the cause definitely (мы делаем анализ крови для уточнения причины).