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January 2013

Have you ever heard of Chippolonia, Luchezaria or Bananas? I think you haven’t. Could you see the countries with such names on a geographical map? You certainly couldn’t, but try to imagine that they still exist together with many other countries which bear similar unusual names. You can get acquainted with these countries and their citizens if you have a rich imagination and get to an unknown continent of the Mini-UN friendly community. It is located in Perovo, in Moscow International Gymnasia, and the citizens of the states are always ready to welcome quests to their mysterious world of make-believe.

Bright maps of fantastic countries, their coats- of-arms, anthems, lively displays of activity, and picturesque national costumes will unmistakenly attract your attention and arouse your interest in these friendly class-countries.

But how do the students become citizens of the unknown countries? It is quite simple. The first grade students together with the teachers and parents choose a real country, learn about its history, culture, traditions, customs, language, political system, flora and fauna, its writers and fairy-tales. Taking all this into consideration they form (invent) an absolutely unique hypothetical country in which they live, study and play. Every student of the Mini-UN community is called a citizen and has a stamped passport. In the 7th grade the students leave the Mini-UN and join Models UN and different international projects of the UN, UNESCO and the ECIS (European Council of International schools).

Twice a year a session of the Mini-UN Assembly is held.

It includes an official ceremony of accepting new member-states, reports of the citizens’ life, work and studies.

Good-will ambassadors of new countries present letters of credit to the Secretary General of the Mini-UN and after that the audience is treated to a wonderful performance of singers and dancers in national clothes.

All the problems, concerns and initiatives of the Community pass through the Security Council, one of the main bodies of the MiniUN. The Security Council regulates the work of the Community and makes a positive contribution by organizing charitable activities donating clothes and books to the Orphanage, the Boarding house for children with disabilities, children from the Rehabilitation Centre of Saint Trinity Church in Kolomna, war veterans, and disaster victims.



January 2013

The Mini-UN Community was born in 1996. Boutros-Boutros Ghali, Secretary General of the United

Nations organization greeted its appearance and wished the Mini-UN to flourish following the democratic principles of the UN.

The Mini-UN was structured to imitate the UN organization. Its main goals are:

to enrich the youngest school children with a good knowledge of global problems of mankind;

to raise a young generation with dignity and respect for human rights and freedoms;

to help them learn the structure, objectives and principles of the UN, and live according to these principles;

to involve the students’ parents in the Mini-UN school activities.

The programme of the Mini-UN stresses awareness, communication, environmental concerns and knowledge of global trends and issues. It fosters in students social responsibility, compassion, kindness, tolerance and ethical norms of all kinds.

Mini-UN is a children’s organization, where the students are highly motivated by this long lasting role-play. The teachers, parents and the quests are astonished at the enthusiasm, interest, fantasy and initiative of the citizens of the Mini-UN community.

Mini-UN is a reality, Mini-UN is a game,

It is our life and studies, Mini-UN is our name.

Olga Karp,

Moscow International Gymnasia

Photos by the author

Педагогический университет


очно-заочные курсы повышения квалификации

Лицензия Департаментаобразованияг.Москвы 77№ 000349,рег.№ 027477 от15.09.2010

для жителей Москвы и Московской области

(обучение с 10 февраля по 26 апреля 2013 года)

Стоимость обучения – 5900 рублей за один курс.

Членам педагогического клуба «Первое сентября» и выпускникам наших курсов предоставляется скидка 10%. Количество мест в группах ограничено!

Прием заявок заканчивается по мере формирования групп.

Заявки можно подать по телефону: (499) 240-02-24 с 15-00 до 19-00 по рабочим дням или на сайте Педагогического университета «Первое сентября»: edu.1september.ru

(последнее предпочтительнее)

Перечень курсов второго потока




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