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Managing fonts

CorelDRAW has several features that allow you to manage fonts. In this section, you’ll learn about

substituting unavailable fonts

embedding fonts

using Bitstream® Font Navigator®

Substituting unavailable fonts

You can use PANOSE font matching to access a list of fonts that can be used as substitutes for fonts used in a drawing but not installed on your computer.

You can set font matching options. You can use font matching in text only, in both text and text styles, or you can turn off font matching. With font matching, you can accept the default substitute font, or you can choose another font to substitute for the missing font. You can apply the substitution temporarily or permanently to the active drawing.

You can build a list of exceptions to font substitutions. Exceptions override default font substitutions. You can also specify font equivalents. This is useful when sharing drawings across the two platforms because sometimes the same font has a different spelling for its name on each platform.

To set font matching options

1Click Tools ` Options.

2In the list of categories, double-click Text, and click Fonts.

3Click PANOSE font matching.

4In the PANOSE font matching preferences dialog box, enable one of the following options:

Never use font matching — applies default font substitutions for both text in

the document and text styles

CorelDRAW: Managing fonts


Use font matching for text — lets you select font substitutions for text in the document and applies default font substitutions for text styles

Use font matching for text and styles — lets you select font substitutions for

both text in the document and text styles

To substitute a missing font

1Open a drawing.

2Enable one of the following options:

Show fonts in the same code page — displays only missing fonts that support

the code page of the active drawing

Show all fonts — displays all missing fonts

3In the Font matching results dialog box, choose a missing font.

If you want to override the default substitution, choose a font from the bottom list box.

4Enable one of the following options:

Temporary — replaces the missing font with the substitution, but only in the

current session of the drawing

Permanent — permanently makes the font substitution in the document. When you save the file and reopen it, the new font automatically displays.

In order for the Font matching results dialog box to display, the drawing that you open must contain fonts that aren’t installed on your computer.

To build a list of exceptions to font substitutions

1Click Tools ` Options.

2In the list of categories, double-click Text, and click Fonts.

3Click PANOSE font matching.

4In the PANOSE font matching preferences dialog box, click Exceptions.

5In the PANOSE font matching exceptions dialog box, click Add.

6In the Add matching exception dialog box, type the name of the font you want to replace in the Missing font box.

7Choose a font that is installed on your computer from the Substituted font list.


CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 User Guide

Соседние файлы в предмете Дизайн и юзабилити