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6Click OK.

7Click where you want to apply the fill in the image.

Texture fills are scaled to the image or image area to which you apply them. You cannot tile texture fills.

To apply a fill to a text object, you can first render the text as an editable area by selecting the text object with the Text tool and clicking the Create text mask button on the extended property bar. This produces a text-shaped editable area to which you can apply fills.

Applying gradient fills

Gradient fills let you create a gradual blend between colors in an area. They are similar to fountain fills, but they can be adjusted directly in the image window. Gradient fills can be flat, linear, elliptical, radial, rectangular, square, or conical. They can also be made up of bitmaps or texture patterns.

When you apply a gradient fill to an image, a gradient arrow, which marks the transition from one color to another, displays in the image window. Each color in the gradient fill is represented by a square node on the gradient arrow. You can change and add colors or adjust the transparency of individual colors. You can also adjust the size of the gradient fill.

Gradient fills can be used to enhance an image. You can adjust gradient fills in the image window.

Corel PHOTO-PAINT: Filling images


To apply a gradient fill

1Open the Fill flyout , and click the Interactive fill tool .

If you want to fill an object, you must select it using the Object pick tool before applying the fill.

2Choose a gradient type from the Fill type list box on the property bar.

3Choose Custom from the Interactive fill style list box on the property bar.

4Drag in the image window to set the gradient arrow.

5Drag a color swatch from the color palette to a color node on the gradient arrow. A black arrow displays to indicate that the color swatch is in position.

If a color palette is not displayed, click Window ` Color palettes, and choose a color palette.

If you are adding a gradient fill to an object, you must click the Lock object transparency button in the Objects docker before you select and apply the fill. When the Lock object transparency button is enabled, the object’s shape and transparency are protected.

When you choose a flat, bitmap, or texture fill type from the Fill type list box, color nodes do not display in the image window; the current foreground color determines the color of the flat fill, and the last settings for the bitmap fill or texture fill are applied.

From here

For more information about

In the Help index, see...



Applying a transparency pattern to fills

fills, transparency patterns



Rendering text as an editable area

editable areas




CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 User Guide

Соседние файлы в предмете Дизайн и юзабилити