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Coreldraw 12 The Official Guide.pdf
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You can also use the Eyedropper tool to copy a blend. For more information, see “To copy effects from one object to another object” on page 80.

To set the distance for intermediate objects in a blend fitted to a path

1Select a blend.

2Click the Use steps or fixed spacing for blend button on the property bar.

3Type a value in the Number of steps or offset between blend shapes box on the property bar.

4Press Enter.

You can set object and color acceleration rates by clicking the Object and color acceleration button on the property bar and moving the corresponding slider.

To set the color progression for intermediate objects in a blend

1Select a blend.

2On the property bar, click one of the following:

Direct blend

Clockwise blend

Counterclockwise blend

You can’t create color progressions using blended objects filled with bitmaps, texture, pattern, or PostScript fills.

You can set how fast the object’s colors transform from the first to the last object by clicking the Object and color acceleration button on the property bar and moving the corresponding sliders.

To map the nodes of a blend

1Select a blend.

2Click the Miscellaneous blend options button on the property bar.


CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 User Guide

3Click the Map nodes button on the property bar.

4Click a node on the start object and on the end object.

To work with the start or end objects in a blend


Do the following



Select the start or end object

Select a blend, click the Start and end


object properties button on the


property bar, and click Show start, or Show





Change the start or end object of a blend

Select a blend, click the Start and end


object properties button on the property


bar, and click New start, or New end. Click


an object outside the blend that you want to


use as the start or end of the blend.

Fuse the start or end object in a split or compound blend

Hold down Ctrl, click a middle object in a blend, and then click a start or end object. Click the Miscellaneous options button on the property bar. If you have selected the start object, click the Fuse start button . If you have selected the end object, click the

Fuse end button .

You can reverse the direction of the blend by clicking Arrange ` Order `

Reverse order.

To change the blend path

1Select a blend.

2Click the Path properties button on the property bar, and click New path.

3Click the path you want to use for the blend.

You can also

Detach a blend from a path

Click the Path properties button

on the


property bar, and click Detach from path.







CorelDRAW: Shaping objects



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