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Advanced Web Application Topics

11.1. Handling Browser Windows

The UI of a Vaadin application runs in a web page displayed in a browser window or tab. An application can be used from multiple UIs in different windows or tabs, either opened by the user using an URL or by the Vaadin application.

In addition to native browser windows, Vaadin has a Window component, which is a floating panel or sub-window inside a page, as described in Section 6.7, “Sub-Windows”.

Native popup windows. An application can open popup windows for sub-tasks.

Page-based browsing. The application can allow the user to open certain content to different windows. For example, in a messaging application, it can be useful to open different messages to different windows so that the user can browse through them while writing a new message.

Bookmarking. Bookmarks in the web browser can provide an entry-point to some content provided by an application.

Embedding UIs. UIs can be embedded in web pages, thus making it possible to provide different views to an application from different pages or even from the same page, while keeping the same session. See Section 11.2, “Embedding UIs in Web Pages”.

Use of multiple windows in an application may require defining and providing different UIs for the different windows.The UIs of an application share the same user session, that is, the VaadinSession object, as described in Section 4.7.3, “User Session”. Each UI is identified by a URL that is used to access it, which makes it possible to bookmark application UIs. UI instances can even be created dynamically based on the URLs or other request parameters, such as browser information, as described in Section 4.7.4, “Loading a UI”.

Because of the special nature of AJAX applications, use of multiple windows uses require some caveats.

11.1.1. Opening Popup Windows

Popup windows are native browser windows or tabs opened by user interaction with an existing window. Due to browser security reasons, it is made incovenient for a web page to open popup windows using JavaScript commands. At the least, the browser will ask for a permission to open the popup, if it is possible at all. This limitation can be circumvented by letting the browser open the new window or tab directly by its URL when the user clicks some target. This is realized in Vaadin with the BrowserWindowOpener component extension, which causes the browser to open a window or tab when the component is clicked.

The Popup Window UI

A popup Window displays an UI. The UI of a popup window is defined just like a main UI in a Vaadin application, and it can have a theme, title, and so forth.

For example:


public static class MyPopupUI extends UI { @Override

protected void init(VaadinRequest request) { getPage().setTitle("Popup Window");


Handling Browser Windows

Advanced Web Application Topics

// Have some content for it

VerticalLayout content = new VerticalLayout(); Label label =

new Label("I just popped up to say hi!"); label.setSizeUndefined(); content.addComponent(label); content.setComponentAlignment(label,

Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); content.setSizeFull(); setContent(content);



Popping It Up

A popup window is opened using the BrowserWindowOpener extension, which you can attach to any component. The constructor of the extension takes the class object of the UI class to be opened as a parameter.

You can configure the features of the popup window with setFeatures(). It takes as its parameter a semicolon-separated list of window features, as defined in the HTML specification.


Whether the status bar at the bottom of the window should be enabled.


Enables scrollbars in the window if the document area is bigger than the view area of the window.


Allows the user to resize the browser window (no effect for tabs).


Enables the browser menu bar.


Enables the location bar.


Enables the browser toolbar.


Specifies the height of the window in pixels.


Specifies the width of the window in pixels.

For example:

//Create an opener extension BrowserWindowOpener opener =

new BrowserWindowOpener(MyPopupUI.class); opener.setFeatures("height=200,width=300,resizable");

//Attach it to a button

Button button = new Button("Pop It Up"); opener.extend(button);

The resulting popup window, which appears when the button is clicked, is shown in Figure 11.1, “A Popup Window”.

Opening Popup Windows


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