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Advanced Web Application Topics

static { SLF4JBridgeHandler.install();


This will make sure that the bridge handler is installed and working before Vaadin starts to process any logging calls.

Please note!

This can seriously impact on the cost of disabled logging statements (60-fold increase) and a measurable impact on enabled log statements (20% overall increase). However, Vaadin doesn't log very much, so the effect on performance will be negligible.

Using Logger

You can do logging with a simple pattern where you register a static logger instance in each class that needs logging, and use this logger wherever logging is needed in the class. For example:

public class MyClass {

private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MyClass.class.getName());

public void myMethod() { try {

// do something that might fail

}catch (Exception e) {





Having a static logger instance for each class needing logging saves a bit of memory and time compared to having a logger for every logging class instance. However, it could cause the application to leak PermGen memory with some application servers when redeploying the application. The problem is that the Logger may maintain hard references to its instances. As the Logger class is loaded with a classloader shared between different web applications, references to classes loaded with a per-application classloader would prevent garbage-collecting the classes after redeploying, hence leaking memory. As the size of the PermGen memory where class object are stored is fixed, the leakage will lead to a server crash after many redeployments. The issue depends on the way how the server manages classloaders, on the hardness of the back-refer- ences, and may also be different between Java 6 and 7. So, if you experience PermGen issues, or want to play it on the safe side, you should consider using non-static Logger instances.

11.13. JavaScript Interaction

Vaadin supports two-direction JavaScript calls from and to the server-side.This allows interfacing with JavaScript code without writing client-side integration code.

11.13.1. Calling JavaScript

You can make JavaScript calls from the server-side with the execute() method in the JavaScript class.You can get a JavaScript instance from the current Page object with getJavaScript().

// Execute JavaScript in the currently processed page Page.getCurrent().getJavaScript().execute("alert('Hello')");

Using Logger


Advanced Web Application Topics

The JavaScript class itself has a static shorthand method getCurrent() to get the instance for the currently processed page.

// Shorthand JavaScript.getCurrent().execute("alert('Hello')");

The JavaScript is executed after the server request that is currently processed returns. If multiple JavaScript calls are made during the processing of the request, they are all executed sequentially after the request is done. Hence, the JavaScript execution does not pause the execution of the server-side application and you can not return values from the JavaScript.

11.13.2. Handling JavaScript Function Callbacks

You can make calls with JavaScript from the client-side to the server-side. This requires that you register JavaScript call-back methods from the server-side. You need to implement and register a JavaScriptFunction with addFunction() in the current JavaScript object. A function requires a name, with an optional package path, which are given to the addFunction(). You only need to implement the call() method to handle calls from the client-side JavaScript.

JavaScript.getCurrent().addFunction("com.example.foo.myfunc", new JavaScriptFunction() {


public void call(JSONArray arguments) throws JSONException { Notification.show("Received call");



Link link = new Link("Send Message", new ExternalResource( "javascript:com.example.foo.myfunc()"));

Parameters passed to the JavaScript method on the client-side are provided in a JSONArray passed to the call() method. The parameter values can be acquired with the get() method by the index of the parameter, or any of the type-casting getters. The getter must match the type of the passed parameter, or a JSONException is thrown.


new JavaScriptCallback() {





public void call(JSONArray arguments)

throws JSONException {

try {






= arguments.getString(0);



= arguments.getInt(1);

Notification.show("Message: "

+ message +



", value: "

+ value);

} catch (JSONException e) {


Notification.show("Error: " +











Link link = new Link("Send Message", new ExternalResource( "javascript:com.example.foo.myfunc(prompt('Message'), 42)"));

The callback mechanism is the same as the RPC mechanism used with JavaScript component integration, as described in Section 16.12.4, “RPC from JavaScript to Server-Side”.


Handling JavaScript Function Callbacks

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