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Mobile Applications with TouchKit

higher during hiccups.You may need to limit the use of the immediate mode, text change events, and polling.

22.2.3. Mobile Features

Phones and tablets have many integrated features that are often available in the browser interface as well. Location-awareness is one of the most recent features. And of course, you can also make phone calls.

22.2.4. Compatibility

The mobile browsing field is currently evolving at fast pace and the special conventions that are introduced by leading manufacturers may, in the next few years, stabilize as new web standards. The browser support in TouchKit concentrates on WebKit, which appears to be emerging as the leading mobile browser core. In addition to Apple's products, also the default browser in Android uses WebKit as the layout engine.Yet they have differences, as the Android's JavaScript engine, which is highly relevant for Vaadin, is the Google Chrome's V8 engine.

Vaadin TouchKit aims to follow the quickly evolving APIs of these major platforms, with the assumption that other browsers will follow their lead in standardization. Other platforms will be supported if they rise in popularity.

Back Button

Some mobile devices, especially Android devices, have a dedicated back button, while iOS devices in particular do not. TouchKit does not provide any particular support for the button, but as it is a regular browser back button, you can handle it with URI fragments, as described in Section 11.10, “URI Fragment and History Management with UriFragmentUtility”. For iOS, the browser back button is hidden if the user adds the application to the home screen, in which case you need to implement application-specific logic for the back-navigation.

22.3. Installing Vaadin TouchKit

You can download and install TouchKit from the Vaadin Directory at https://vaadin.com/addon/vaad- in-touchkit as an installation package or get it with Maven. If your project requires the use of the CVAL license, they can be purchased from the Directory.

See Chapter 17, Using Vaadin Add-ons for details regarding add-on installation. The add-on includes a widget set, so you need to compile the widget set for your project.

22.3.1. Installing the Zip Package

Vaadin TouchKit is distributed as a Zip package that contains the TouchKit JAR, a JavaDoc JAR, license texts, and other documentation. You can download the Zip package from the Vaadin Directory. A different package is provided for the two licenses, and the Directory asks for your choice.

The JAR should be put in the WEB-INF/lib folder of the web application.

Please see the README.html for more information about the package contents.

Mobile Features


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