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Getting Started with Vaadin

Figure 2.1. Development Toolchain and Process

Figure 2.1, “Development Toolchain and Process” illustrates the development environment and process.You develop your application as an Eclipse project. The project must include, in addition to your source code, the Vaadin libraries. It can also include project-specific themes.

You need to compile and deploy a project to a web container before you can use it. You can deploy a project through the Web Tools Platform (WTP) for Eclipse (included in the Eclipse EE package), which allows automatic deployment of web applications from Eclipse. You can also deploy a project manually, by creating a web application archive (WAR) and deploying it to the web container.

2.2.1. Installing Java SDK

Java SDK is required by Vaadin and also by the Eclipse IDE. Vaadin is compatible with Java 1.6 and later editions.


1.Download Sun Java 2 Standard Edition 6.0 from http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp [http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp]

2.Install the Java SDK by running the installer. The default options are fine.

Linux / UNIX

Most Linux systems either have JDK preinstalled or allow installing it through a package management system. Notice however that they have OpenJDK as the default Java implementation. While it is known to have worked with Vaadin and possibly also with the development toolchain, we do not especially support it.

Installing Java SDK


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