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“Virtual hosting” is, loosely, the act of serving a Pyramid application or a portion of a Pyramid application under a URL space that it does not “naturally” inhabit.

Pyramid provides facilities for serving an application under a URL “prefix”, as well as serving a portion of a traversal based application under a root URL.

22.1 Hosting an Application Under a URL Prefix

Pyramid supports a common form of virtual hosting whereby you can host a Pyramid application as a “subset” of some other site (e.g. under http://example.com/mypyramidapplication/ as opposed to under http://example.com/).

If you use a “pure Python” environment, this functionality can be provided by Paste’s urlmap “composite” WSGI application. Alternately, you can use mod_wsgi to serve your application, which handles this virtual hosting translation for you “under the hood”.

If you use the urlmap composite application “in front” of a Pyramid application or if you use mod_wsgi to serve up a Pyramid application, nothing special needs to be done within the application for URLs to be generated that contain a prefix. paste.urlmap and mod_wsgi manipulate the WSGI environment in such a way that the PATH_INFO and SCRIPT_NAME variables are correct for some given prefix.

Here’s an example of a PasteDeploy configuration snippet that includes a urlmap composite.










use = egg:mypyramidapp


use = egg:Paste#urlmap /pyramidapp = mypyramidapp

This “roots” the Pyramid application at the prefix /pyramidapp and serves up the composite as the “main” application in the file.


If you’re using an Apache server to proxy to a Paste urlmap composite, you may have to use the ProxyPreserveHost directive to pass the original HTTP_HOST header along to the application, so URLs get generated properly. As of this writing the urlmap composite does not seem to respect the HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST parameter, which will contain the original host header even if HTTP_HOST is incorrect.

If you use mod_wsgi, you do not need to use a composite application in your .ini file. The WSGIScriptAlias configuration setting in a mod_wsgi configuration does the work for you:

1 WSGIScriptAlias /pyramidapp /Users/chrism/projects/modwsgi/env/pyramid.wsgi

In the above configuration, we root a Pyramid application at /pyramidapp within the Apache configuration.

22.2 Virtual Root Support

Pyramid also supports “virtual roots”, which can be used in traversal -based (but not URL dispatch -based) applications.

Virtual root support is useful when you’d like to host some resource in a Pyramid resource tree as an application under a URL pathname that does not include the resource path itself. For example, you might want to serve the object at the traversal path /cms as an application reachable via http://example.com/

(as opposed to http://example.com/cms).



To specify a virtual root, cause an environment variable to be inserted into the WSGI environ named HTTP_X_VHM_ROOT with a value that is the absolute pathname to the resource object in the resource tree that should behave as the “root” resource. As a result, the traversal machinery will respect this value during traversal (prepending it to the PATH_INFO before traversal starts), and the pyramid.request.Request.resource_url() API will generate the “correct” virtually-rooted URLs.

An example of an Apache mod_proxy configuration that will host the /cms subobject as http://www.example.com/ using this facility is below:

1NameVirtualHost *:80


3<VirtualHost *:80>

4 ServerName www.example.com

5RewriteEngine On

6 RewriteRule ^/(.*)$1 [L,P]

7ProxyPreserveHost on

8 RequestHeader add X-Vhm-Root /cms



Use of the RequestHeader directive requires that the Apache mod_headers module be available in the Apache environment you’re using.

For a Pyramid application running under mod_wsgi, the same can be achieved using SetEnv:




<Location />



Setting a virtual root has no effect when using an application based on URL dispatch.

22.3 Further Documentation and Examples

The API documentation in pyramid.traversal documents a pyramid.traversal.virtual_root()

API. When called, it returns the virtual root object (or the physical root object if no virtual root has been specified).



Running a Pyramid Application under mod_wsgi has detailed information about using mod_wsgi to serve Pyramid applications.






Unit testing is, not surprisingly, the act of testing a “unit” in your application. In this context, a “unit” is often a function or a method of a class instance. The unit is also referred to as a “unit under test”.

The goal of a single unit test is to test only some permutation of the “unit under test”. If you write a unit test that aims to verify the result of a particular codepath through a Python function, you need only be concerned about testing the code that lives in the function body itself. If the function accepts a parameter that represents a complex application “domain object” (such as a resource, a database connection, or an SMTP server), the argument provided to this function during a unit test need not be and likely should not be a “real” implementation object. For example, although a particular function implementation may accept an argument that represents an SMTP server object, and the function may call a method of this object when the system is operating normally that would result in an email being sent, a unit test of this codepath of the function does not need to test that an email is actually sent. It just needs to make sure that the function calls the method of the object provided as an argument that would send an email if the argument happened to be the “real” implementation of an SMTP server object.

An integration test, on the other hand, is a different form of testing in which the interaction between two or more “units” is explicitly tested. Integration tests verify that the components of your application work together. You might make sure that an email was actually sent in an integration test.

A functional test is a form of integration test in which the application is run “literally”. You would have to make sure that an email was actually sent in a functional test, because it tests your code end to end.

It is often considered best practice to write each type of tests for any given codebase. Unit testing often provides the opportunity to obtain better “coverage”: it’s usually possible to supply a unit under test with arguments and/or an environment which causes all of its potential codepaths to be executed. This is


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