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Терроризм как глобальная угроза (1).doc
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Учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для студентов четвертого и пятого курсов, обучающихся по специальностям «Международные отношения» и «Регионоведение», а также студентов-магистрантов, обучающихся по направлениям подготовки «Международные отношения» и «Зарубежное регионоведение».

Целью пособия является углубление языковых знаний и понимания оригинального английского текста, расширение словарного запаса, а также дальнейшее совершенствование навыков анализа аутентичных текстов общественно-политического содержания.

Пособие представляет собой сборник оригинальных текстов из периодической печати, Интернета и специальной литературы на английском языке по такой актуальной проблеме международной повестки дня, как терроризм, террористические организации и их деятельность.

Подобранные тексты снабжены аппаратом упражнений, направленных на совершенствование языковой, речевой и профессиональной подготовки студентов, а также навыков перевода в сфере профессиональной коммуникации.

Unit I

Terrorism and its types Part 1. Word Study

  1. Study the vocabulary units that you will make use of when you speak about terrorism as a vital issue of the day. Translate them into Russian. Use them in the sentences of your own.

  1. to terrorise/ to intimidate

  • terror

  • to generate terror

  • terrorism

  • to resort to terror

  • to practice terrorism

  • terrorist

  • to appease terrorists

  • to terrify

  • terrible

  • terrific

  1. threat

  • to pose a threat

  • to avert a threat

  • to threaten

  1. to violate/ to break/ to breach

  • violation

  • violator

  • violence

  • to abandon violence/ terror

  • to unleash violence/war

  • violent

  1. to assassinate

  • assassin

  • assassination

  1. to witness

  • witness to…

  1. to explode

  • explosion

  • explosive

  1. to magnify/ to exaggerate

  • magnification/ exaggeration

  • magnitude

  1. to expose to violence

  • exposure to a risk

  1. to adhere to…/ to advocate a view/ to stick to…

  • adherence/ commitment

  • adherent

  • an adherent

  1. to access smth.

  • access to smth.

  • accessible

  1. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian using the vocabulary units from the Word Study section

  1. The first recorded use of “terrorism” and “terrorist” was in 1795. The hijacking of an Italian cruise ship was followed by European policy of appeasing terrorists.

  2. No one who observed how the world responded to the globalization of terrorism between 1968 and 2001 should have been surprised by September 11.

  3. Legitimizing Arafat’s terrorist organization and persuading them to abandon terror quickly proved wrong.

  4. Terrorism’s public impact is greatly magnified by the media.

  5. Magnification of events often takes place in popular press.

  6. The reporters took up their own investigative reporting to expose the assassination.

  7. Any act of violence exposes viewers to the terrorists’ demands, grievances, or political goals.

  8. Two successive explosions occurred in the area for the last week.

  9. Electrically detonated explosives gave terrorists a new mobility and lethality.

  10. A single nuclear bomb exploding in the atmosphere over the United States could lead to a nationwide power blackout.

  11. They have a political creed of violence.

  12. The states may use the threat of violence against civilians to intimidate adversaries.

  13. Those adherent to communist ideas were pursued and prosecuted.

  14. This group of young people was distinguished by adherence to humanitarian ideals.

  1. Complete the sentences with suitable words

  1. Three armed Palestinian ………1…… hijacked an Israeli passenger plane; it was the first ……2……..act which ………3….. a nation into changing its policy.

  2. Any problem can be ……4…….. if it is covered by mass media.

  3. The ……5…….. of the measures taken is to be assessed later.

  4. ……6……… to the democratic ideas organized a meeting against the authorities.

  5. The arrested young people were accused of ……7……. to a nationalistic group.

  6. The European Court of Justice hears all cases of ……….. human rights.

  7. According to the UN General Assembly the use of nuclear weapons ……….. the UN Charter.

  8. Extremists’ …………. acts include kidnappings, assassinations, hijackings, bombings and taking hostages.

  9. A number of riots ……… in Liverpool last month.

  10. No one expected him ………….so violently to criticism.

  1. Prepare 10 questions using the vocabulary units from the Word Study section in order to discuss the most urgent issues of today with your group mates.