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Научно-технический словарь

4.41 Mб

Как функция


Как функция

H is plotted against (or versus, or vs., or as a function of) U.

Как часто случается (или бывает)

If, as is often the case (or as often happens), a complexing agent is a weak acid,...

Как чисто (на чертежах)

Mill or grind to clean up (or until the surface "cleans").

Как это бывает

As is sometimes the case,...

Как это делает

Synthetic chelates which absorb and desorb oxygen reversibly, as does hemoglobin, have been prepared in the laboratory.

Как это делается

This loss can be eliminated as is done at our plant.

Как это делается в случае отсутствия

The modulator shutters are not permitted to open as wide as would be the case if the undercorrection path were nonexistent.

Как это имеет место в

When the bonding atoms are rigidly positioned around the metal by the organic framework, as (is the case) in the por-phins, the resulting increase in stability is unusual.

The electrons are hence not free to diffuse into a larger volume, as happens with homostructure lasers.

Как это имеет место при

Vapour-phase dehydrogenation of isoalco-hols as in the preparation of acetone from ...

If the vertical velocity component is small, as it is in the large-scale motion of the atmosphere,...

Как это ни странно

Strange as it may seem, ...

Как это обычно делается

As is customary when a new phenomenon is discovered, he tried to reproduce ...

Как это сделал

Consider now, as was done by Debye in 1912, the contribution to ...

Как это увязать с

How does all of this fit into the general scheme of things?

Как это часто бывает

Galvanic corrosion results from ..., as is often the case, for example, in hull piping systems.

Как явствует из [см. тж. Как видно из]

As may be inferred [or As is clear (or evident, or obvious)] from the graph ...

As the data of Table 5-5 suggest,...

Какая-то доля

The refracting ray loses a fraction of its power at each reflection.

Какие происходят

The instrument cannot be used for sharp density changes such as occur at the shock front itself.

Каким бы ни казался

Bright as the future of composites seem to be, there is still a great deal of work to be done.

Каким-либо другим путём


Significant as such a factor might seem, it is not as important as ...

Каким-либо другим путём

This device converts electric energy into light, heat, or mechanical energy, or otherwise consumes electric energy as in ...

Каким образом

This indicates the manner in which DE varies with flow rate.

It is necessary to consider more closely the way the two types of microscope produce their images.

Каков бы ни был

Whatever (or No matter what) the initial direction of the particles (may be), they will soon be moving perpendicularly to the wave front.

Какова бы ни была причина этого [см. Чем бы это ни было вызвано].

Каково строение ... ?

How are such molecules constructed?

Каковы преимущества или недостатки ... по сравнению с ... ?

How does the new instrument compare with the other light detector?

Какое место он занимает в ... ?

What are fibre bundles and how do they enter into physics?

Какое расстояние покрывает... ?

How far does a molecule travel between collisions?

Какой бы метод ни применялся

Whatever the method, ...

Какой бы ни

Whatever order you use, you will find ...

Какой бы он ни был

Floods can be catastrophic; disastrous as they may be, we must consider them as the expression of natural stream behaviour.

Какой-либо [см. тж. В каком-либо направлении]

When any(one) cock is opened,...

The maximum rate of change of a particular (or a certain) characteristic of the orbit...

Какой-нибудь [см. Всего лишь, Какой-либо].

Какой-нибудь один

The hydroxyl proton does not belong to any one molecule but to many molecules.

Какой-то [см. тж. В какой-то точке, За какие-то секунды]

At some point on the earth's surface ...

Какой-то момент [см. В какой-то момент].

Какой только можно себе представить Any conceivable number can be represented by ...

Какую роль он играет в [см.

Калиброванный в единицах

Какое место он занимает в].


Some FM radars use electronic frequency meters calibrated in range as indicators.

Калибровать по

The screens are calibrated against standard filters.

The analytical cells were calibrated with known mixtures of orthoand parahydro-gen.

Калибровка по


The changes in temperature can be calibrated from the changes in resistance.

Калибровка по

Calibration against a black body radiator...

Calibration with a standard solution of...

Камень преткновения

The misapplication of pushbutton and selector switches has been a stumbling block for many control systems.

Канавка [см. тж. Иметь канавку, С канавкой, С прямыми канавками]

A tap having three flutes is recommended.

Капитальный ремонт

Major repairs (or Overhaul).

Капля [см. Добавлять каплями, По капле].


The first shipload of Russian coking coal reached Japan in ...

Кардинальный вопрос

The questions at issue for any food additive are whether or not it is necessary and, if so, whether or not it is safe.


A pocket(-sized) lest set.

Картина [см. Набросать общую картину].

Картина вырисовывается [см.Начинает вырисовываться картина].

Картина потока

The surface drag changes the flow pattern.

Карьерный способ (горн.) [см. Добывать карьерным способом]. Касание [см. Точка касания].

Касательная к

The tangent to the curve ...

Касательный к

These trajectories are semi-ellipses tangent to the orbit of the Earth.

Касаться I

We will not go into (or dwell on) problems which ...

We have already touched on vapour pressure correlation forms.

Касаться II [см. тж. Все, кого это касается; Относиться к; Поскольку это касается; Распространяться на; Справедливо ; Это также относится к]

Most of these design considerations also apply (or refer) to aluminium. This paper concerns (or is concerned with) experimental control systems. The article deals with (or discusses) the modifications at the power stations. The same holds true for (or of) any sensitive device which ...

The investigation concerned the effect of shock waves propagating into air.

One project is concerned with the possibility of producing electricity in low-temperature geothermal fields.

Касаться III [см. тж. Соприкасаться]

The magnetic head is in contact with the surface of...

Касаться вопроса о том


The operating and equilibrium lines nearly touch (or are nearly tangent to) one another.

Касаться вопроса о том

We have not yet touched on how the cosmic jets are fuelled.


Further interesting information relative to (or regarding, or relating to, or referring to, or concerning, or in relation to, or in respect to) the equation of state may be found in Ref. 24.

Катализатор [см. Над катализатором].

Категорически отвергать

Why did they reject his hypothesis so vigorously (or out of hand)?

Категория [см. В эту рубрику входят, Делить на категории, Относиться к категории]. Катод [см. На катоде].

Качание маятника [см. Колебание маятника].

Качественные показатели

The qualitative characteristics of...

Качественный [см. тж. В количественном (качественном) отношении, Высококачественный, Доброкачественный]

We can make some qualitative conclusions concerning ...

Качественный анализ

Qualitative analysis.

Качество [см. В качестве, Высшего качества, Использоваться в качестве, Критерий качества, Служить в качестве].

Качество снижается

The grade of ore used for copper production has been going downward (or deteriorating).

Качество... снижено настолько, что

The quality is degraded to the point (or extent) that it is not useful for its intended purpose.

Квадрат [см. Возводить в квадрат].

Квадрат площадью 6 кв. дюймов

A square of 6 sq in.

Квадрат, построенный на

Therefore the square on FB = the squares on FH, HB.

Квадрат расстояния

The distance x squared ...

Квадрат со стороной в 6 дюймов

Imagine a square six inches on a side.

The test fixture consisted of a slab of plate glass six inches square.

Квадратичный по

H is quadratic in p0 .

Квадратного сечения

A square duct with water in turbulent flow was simulated. A two-inch square bar (со стороной в 2 дюйма).

Positive clutches may consist of two or more jaws of square section.

Квадратный корень [см. Корень квадратный из 2].


Квадратный корень [см. Корень квадратный из 2].

Квадратура круга

The ancient Greeks formulated the famous problem of "squaring the circle".

Квантовать по

The angular momentum is quantized in magnitude and direction.


This is a true Keplerian orbit.

Кипение [см. Доводить до кипения].

Кислород воздуха

Atmospheric oxygen (or Oxygen of the air).

Кислотный, основной

Alcohols are less acidic than water; aromatic amines are less basic than aliphatic amines.


Paleozoic seas were swarming with highly differentiated aquatic plants.

Класс [см. Делиться на категории].

Класс отделки [см. Высокий класс отделки поверхности].


Modem methods of malignancy grading lake into consideration mitotic activity,...

Классификация в соответствии с тем, является ли

The classification of tunneling rays according to whether the attenuation is effectively infinite or zero ...

Классификация по

The classification of human tumours by tissue type is given in ...

Классифицировать [см. тж. Делить на, Относить к]

Organic compounds may be categorized according to certain arrangements of atoms. Chloramphenicol is classed as an antibiotic.

Acedobacter suboxydans is classified among the vinegar bacteria. This error may be classified as a deformation error.

Fluid flow may be classified under two types, laminar and turbulent.

It is impossible to categorize E. histolytica as either a parasitic or as a commensal organism since it may be either.

Классифицировать в соответствии с его назначением

Dams may be classified by their purpose.

Классифицировать по размерам

Then the flows are ranked according to magnitude.

Классифицироваться по

The polar fluids are rated in order of their available power, toxicity, resistivity,...

Класть [см. Положить].

Класть в основу [см. Использовать в качестве основы для].


High-temperature nuts have either an "H" or "A" stamped on the crown for identification.

Клепать [см. Приклепывать к, Склепывать].


Клепать [см. Приклепывать к, Склепывать]. Климат [см. Изменение климата].

Ключ к [см. тж. Давать ключ к]

A knowledge of these features is the key to planning a liquid-liquid extraction. The clues (or keys) to this relationship lie in ...

Ключ к пониманию

The key to understanding how sediments are sorted ...

Ключом к... является

The key to these questions lies with nucle-ic acids.


The tube is tapered from top to bottom.

Кнопка [см. Нажим кнопки].

Кнопочное управление [см. С кнопочным управлением].

Ко времени писания этой книги (или статьи)

At this writing no one has proved the theorem. Ковалентно связанный Covalently bonded atoms ...

Ковать в горячем состоянии

The weld metal may be hot forged without difficulty.

Когда [см. тж. В случае, когда]

The fuel material is cooled as (or while, or when) it passes down through the steam generator. Once these operating requirements have been established, the engineer should consult a porcelain enameller.

Where really large moulds are to be produced, a vertical band saw can be used advantageously.

Когда возможно [см. Во всех случаях, когда это возможно]. Когда, и только когда [см. Если, и только если].

Когда идёт речь о [см. Когда речь идёт о].

Когда он находится

Aquatic beetles have several accessory structures to aid their respiration while underwater.

Когда он не используется

The beetle's wings are carefully folded when not in use.

Когда речь идёт о

When it comes to moving a piston-engine airplane through the air, there is no alternative to the propeller.

Когда это не угрожает безопасности населения

The consequences can be extremely costly even when public safety is not at issue.

Когда это необходимо

Cold water circulates, when required (or necessary) in the outer jacket carrying away the excess heat.

Когда это целесообразно

Use the unity method where appropriate.

Когда-нибудь [см. тж. В будущем, В какой-то момент]

These are the first hot-headed beryllium fasteners ever produced.

Когда-то [см. Одно время].


Когда-то [см. Одно время].

Когда-то должен прийти конец

There is a limit to the amount of these resources.

Кодировать в виде

The scattering angle is coded into a ten-digit binary number.

Колебание I [см. тж. Без колебания, Большие изменения]

Fluctuations in climate are considerable in this area.

The costs remain practically unchanged with wide variation in production rate.

Колебание II

The vibration of the conveyor.

The oscillation of the atoms within the molecule with respect to one another ...

Колебание маятника

Oscillation (or Swing) of a pendulum.

Колебание напряжения в сети

Line voltage fluctuation.

Колебания относительно

Temperature fluctuations about the freezing point.

Колебания температуры

Fluctuations in (or of) temperature.

Variations in temperature.

Колебание функций (матем.)

Oscillation of functions.


Populations fluctuate in size. The temperature fluctuates.

The pointer oscillates with respect to the centre of the scale. The atoms oscillate (or vibrate).

The prices vary (or fluctuate).

The conveyor vibrates.

In the steady state, с oscillates (or fluctuates, or varies) between upper and lower limiting values. The controlled variable will oscillate forever about the desired steady-stale value.

Колебаться от ... до ...

The amplitude of the radial velocity changes of stellar couples may range from a few kilometres per second to many hundred kilometres per second.

The output level is variable from 0.5 V to...

The safety factor varies between 1.3 and 2.

Колебаться относительно

The object oscillates about the true Lagrangian point.

Колесо [см. Установленным на колесах].


The reluctance force can be expressed quantitatively in terms of...

Количественные показатели

The quantitative characteristics of...




The quantitative results are obvious.

Количественный анализ

Quantitative analysis.

Количество [см. тж. В количестве, В незначительном количестве, В огромных количествах, Граммовые количества, Значительное количество]

A considerable body of data suggests that...

The gaseous products contain large proportions (or amounts, or quantities) of propylene, butylene and butadiene.

These countries produce large tonnages of bentonite.

Количество уменьшается

As quartz decreases in abundance, dacite passes into andesite.


The number of narcotics on the market is legion.

The stars emit radiation at a prodigious rate.

Комбинация [см. тж. Сочетание]

To obtain an adequate compromise (or combination) of oxidation resistance, refractory properties and resistance to impact, ...


A combined magnetic spectrograph and spectrometer.

Комета [см. Связанный с кометами].

Комнатная температура [см. При комнатной температуре].


A compact form.

This is a valuable machine of small bulk and low cost. We use space-saving printed wiring.


Methods of compensating for changes in temperature...

Компенсировать [см. тж. Оправдывать расходы]

The extra positive and negative charges could compensate each other.

The two trays are independently mounted and the movement of each is opposed to the other to cancel out the forces set up by each tray.

To compensate for the loss of steam, ...

This pump immediately adjusts its stroke to compensate for any variation in line pressure. Voltage drop is compensated by a resistor.

This effect could be counterbalanced by using more material. The valve supplies fluid to make up for external losses.

Blending sand had to be added to make up for a deficiency in fines. The saving of steel might offset the high fabrication costs.

The moisture brought in with the air would be offset by the reduction in moisture diffusion.

Компенсировать недостаток

The impurity will attempt to make up the deficiency by taking an electron from a native atom near to it.

Компенсировать потери


Компенсировать потери

The factor R denotes the ratio of energy output needed to compensate for (or offset) all possible plasma losses.


Usually the pressure force is balanced out by an opposing force.

Any increase in ... would be exactly cancelled by an equal decrease in ...

Any transmission loss must be compensated for by a linear aperture increase. Reduced gain is made up by one amplifier stage.

The greater power cost may be offset (or compensated for) by the reduced investment.

Комплекс [см. тж. Образовывать комплекс с]

The climate of an area is the totality of atmospheric conditions of that area during ...

Automation and the complex of technological changes which are usually included in that concept...

Bacterial metabolism is the sum total of the chemical changes carried out by living bacteria.


A combined program of therapy ...

Complete (or All-round) automation ...

Comprehensive instrumentation...

The U-712-A is an integral drilling unit which includes a hoisting drum, a transmission, a rotary drive and an auxiliary brake.

An integrated and highly mechanized production line...

How does the locust coordinate the movements of eight different body parts into a single integrated response?

A diversified high-energy physics laboratory ...

Комплект [см. тж. В комплекте с, Серия]

The satellite will carry microchannel plates as part of its complement of X-ray detectors.

Комплект данных

A set of data.


These boilers are to be supplied complete (or as complete units) with burner and controls.


Sand is an important constituent (or component, or component part, or ingredient) of any block mix.

Gamma globulins are normal constituents of the circulating blood proteins.

Компонента, направленная под углом

Brewster-angled components will force oscillation into one direction of polarization.

Компьютер [см. Закладывать в компьютер, Управляемый компьютером]. Конвейер [см. По конвейеру].

Конвейерная сборка

Conveyorized assembly.

Конденсироваться в

Hydrocarbons from the cracking of ... may condense to aromatics. The steam condenses to water.

Кондиционирование воздуха

The plant facilities are air conditioned.

Конечная группа


Конечная группа

An additional phosphate group is attached to the terminal phosphate group.

Конечная скорость

When the raindrops attained their terminal velocity...

Конечная точка

The terminal point of the operating line ...

Конечная цель

This phase has as its ultimate (or final) goal (or objective, or aim) full-sized plants which ...


These branches of science were, to be sure (or of course) clear precursors of plate tectonics.

Конечный [см. тж. В конечном счете (или итоге), Начальный и конечный, Окончательный]

Valves, switches, relays, and so on have finite lives, i.e. are good for a limited number of operations.

Конечный продукт

The resulting (or terminal) product contained 99.6% SrCO3.

The ultimate (or end) products of this reaction are water and carbon dioxide.

Конечный результат [см. тж. Окончательным результат]

The end effect would be that the top layer would contain ...

The end (or final, or ultimate) result will be to speed up practical applications.


This invention relates to a broad class of novel organometallic compounds; more particularly (or specifically), the present invention relates to novel and useful metallic cyclomatic compounds.

Конкретно [см. Подробно]. Конкретность [см. Для конкретности].


Let us take the specific case of the Earth and the Moon.

With the particular (or specific) construction shown in Fig. 16, air filters are always supplied. The specific properties of any particular ionic compound depend on the individual component ions. The maximum rate of change of a particular characteristic of the orbit ...

The expansion should be allowed for in the die design for each specific (or concrete) application.

Конкретный пример

This is best illustrated by a specific (or concrete) example.

Конкурировать с [см. тж. Вполне может конкурировать с]

Hydrogen addition reactions are in competition (or compete) with elimination of carbon dioxide. The tube is competitive in size with the transistor.


This seal has proved useful in the design of loudspeakers.

Конструирование с помощью компьютера

A system for computer-aided design ...

Конструировать [см. тж. Проектировать, Сконструированный]

The air hoists are designed (or constructed) to be easily moved and installed by one man. Two new pumping systems have been