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Научно-технический словарь

4.41 Mб

Михаил Циммерман, Клавдия Веденеева

Русско-английский научно-технический


А [см. тж. В то время как]





А [см. тж. В то время как]

Note that Condition (1) is equivalent to stability, whereas (or while) Condition (2) can always be satisfied by scaling.

А вместе с ним и

The positive charge will be reduced, and with it the coulombic attraction for the lig-and.

А именно

The movement itself gives rise to a second field, namely, the magnetic field.

А как насчёт

What of the vast masses of granite now between the remnants? How and when did they originate?

А может быть и [см. тж. Если не]

In such circumstances collaborative tests become very important if not essential.

The only explanation is that some variable components of a quasar, if not the entire quasar, may be not much larger than the solar system.

А на самом деле это не так

The alternating double and single bonds should be of different lengths, which they are not.

А не

These deviations may be manifested in the form of an accelerating instead of a decelerating wave. Under such circumstances, the two donor atoms on the same chelate molecule coordinate with different metal atoms rather than with one; thus, a polymeric chain may result rather than [or (and) not] a ring structure.

Since the various types of microscope supply different kinds of information, they complement each other rather than competing.

That means that the laser beam is elliptical instead of round.

The resulting F-band is dependent upon the particular alkali halide used, not upon the alkali metal vapour.

А не на

Most of the energy goes into heating the bulk gas instead of (or and not) into promoting the desired reactions.

А не наоборот

It is much more likely that the motion of the lithospheric plate governs the flow of convection currents in the asthenosphere, rather than (or and not) the reverse (geol.).

А не только

All air must be heated, and not just the small fraction that contributes to the formation of the product.

А пока

We shall revert to this subject in a later para-graph; for the moment we assume that...

We will learn how to develop such equations in the next chapter, for now, we may rely on a set of tabulated equations given in Appendix D.

The rms speed is different from ...; for the present, the value of u will be taken as indicative of...

For the time being, draw all plate boundaries as single lines, without any distinction

For the time being, draw all plate boundaries as single lines, without any distinction as to the type of boundary each represents.

А потому и [см. И, следовательно].


Апотому и [см. И, следовательно].

Аследовательно, и [см. тж. И, следовательно]

Supercharging increases cylinder weight charge and consequently (or thus, or hence) power output.

А также [см. тж. Вместе с; Как и; Так же, как и]

This detector is highly selective as well as sensitive.

Absorption bands arise in the ultraviolet as well as in the visible portion of the spectrum when...

Ethanol and sulphuric acid always react to yield a mixture of ethylene, ethyl hydrogen sulphate, and diethyl ether, along with a few minor by-products.

Cadmium-coated articles should not be used in contact with food, nor should cadmium-plated articles be welded or used in ovens.

Aluminium hydroxide can react with a strong base as well as with acids (or and also with acids, or and with acids too).

This fact combined (or coupled, or together) with the absence of ... led to some confusion.

The collenchyma cell wall is composed of cellulose and pectic compounds plus a very high proportion of water.

These are chiefly nickel and arsenic, together with smaller amounts of other elements.

А также не

The structure is not reciprocal, nor (is it) anti-reciprocal.

The rocks were not hydrated, nor was there any retention of CO2.

As a rule, microspheres do not show a capacity for concentrating materials, nor do they possess the ability to ...

Абсолютно [см. тж. Вообще, Совершенно]

The comet tail is almost perfectly (or absolutely) transparent. These techniques were totally unknown at the time.

Абсолютно все [см. Все без исключения].

Абсолютно не встречая сопротивления

The free electrons are able to move through the crystal lattice without any resistance whatsoever.

Абсолютно не соответствовать

Then anxiety assumes a significance which is out of all proportion to the actual size of the problem.

Абсолютно отличаться от [см. тж. В корне отличаться от]

Totally different from the conventional machine is the Photon typesetter.

The truth was vastly different and more complex than the dreams of the science-fiction writers.

Абсолютно ясно

One thing is abundantly (or quite, or absolutely) clear: we do not know how to predict...

Абсолютный [см. В полной темноте].


Because of their tendency to take up (or absorb) oxygen, solutions of sulphurous acid almost invariably contain sulphate ions.


The nitrate is taken up (or absorbed) by the plants.

Аварийная остановка

There must be provision for emergency stopping of the machine.

Аварийная ситуация


Аварийная ситуация

To shut a reactor down in an emergency,...

Аварийный [см. Запасной].

Аварийный ремонт

Both periodic and casualty (or emergency) repairs ...

Авария [см. Безаварийный].


Automated inspection...


An automatic(ally operated) direction

Автоматическое (или Автоматизированное) оборудование

Automated equipment.

Автомобилестроение [см. В области автомобилестроения].


Automotive fuel (pumps, etc.).


Professor B. is an authority on radiobiology.


Expert (or Authoritative) information ...

Автором которого является [см. Выведенный]. Автором является [см. Выведенный, Принадлежать].

Адсорбироваться на

The molecules are adsorbed on (or by) the catalyst.

Ажиотаж [см. Вызывать значительный ажиотаж].

Азот воздуха

Nitrogen oxides result from the reaction of atmospheric nitrogen (or nitrogen of the air) with oxygen.

Активно заниматься

Many geologists have been deeply involved in this research.

Активно участвовать в

We were too busy to take an active part in the new venture.


The study of this aspect is one of the "hottest" (sl.) areas in current research.


The above account outlines the topical (or urgent, or currently central, or pressing, or burning) problems.

Алгебраические выкладки

To avoid much algebraic manipulation, we used a simple shortcut method.

Алгебраическое действие над

Algebraic operations on numbers of...

Алфавитный порядок [см. В алфавитном порядке].


Алфавитный порядок [см. В алфавитном порядке]. Амбулаторные условия [см. В амбулаторных условиях].

Амортизировать удар [см. Воспринимать удар, Предохранять от ударов].


Satisfactory analysis (or assay) can be performed (or made, or done) on these samples. Blood examination.

This may be determined from an analysis of moonrock. Test (or Analysis) for alkalinity (or for beryllium)...

Medical tests (such as specimen analyses)...

Urinalysis (an analysis of urine)...

Анализ на присутствие

This compound is used to test for the presence of glucosamine.


To analyze the blood for malaria,...

The samples were analyzed for lactic acid.

Mouse interferon mRNA was assayed bio-logically.

Анализируемый [см. тж. Подлежащий анализу]

The substance (to be, or being) analyzed...

Аналогичен [см. тж. Весьма аналогичен]

This multiplier is identical in design to (or with) the first. The shock waves are analogous to the surface waves. This equation is similar (or akin) to Eq. 3.

Аналогичен по конструкции

The apparatus is similar in design to that described elsewhere.

Аналогичен по (своему)

Comparators that depend on contact are similar (or analogous) in physical arrangement.

Аналогично [см. тж. Совершенно аналогично]

In a similar (or like) manner (or Along similar lines), design equations may be derived from the general formula.

This type of door can be folded in a manner like the operation of the camera bellows.

The device would operate in much the same way (or manner, or fashion) as (or similarly, or analogously, to) a core array.

The retina cells transform the light image into a spatial pattern of electrical signals, much as a television camera does.

Gases behave similarly (or in a similar way) in all directions.

The components of strain are specified in a similar way to the stresses.

Аналогично тому, как

The lines of force represent the strength of the field, much as the lines on a geologist's map represent the height of the land.

Аналогично этому

In a like (or similar) manner (or Similarly), the length of a crossed belt is cut down accordingly.

Аналогичного размера

We have found similar-sized intermediates for both ribosomal particles.

Аналогичного характера

Proteins of a similar nature have now been isolated.

Аналогичные [см. Близкие (друг к другу)].


Аналогичные [см. Близкие (друг к другу)].

Аналогичные рассуждения приводят к выводу о том, что

Similar reasoning shows that...


This is something akin to the previously described model.

To have analogy to (or with)...

Kindred pumping services are grouped together wherever possible with a common driving unit. The carrier and the cruiser will be powered by like plants.

Like atoms are at minimum separations.

Later trials subjected glucose to like temperatures.

Related work on two-photon ionization of NA2 and BaCl beams was carried out by...

Related bimolecular reactions show the same result. A related explanation has been advanced for...

Elements with similar (or analogous) properties...

Another suggestion along similar lines is that...

Аналогичный по химическому составу

A chemically similar body of water would appear to be a likely environment.

Аналогичным образом [см. тж. Точно так же]

Micelles also have been explored along comparable (or similar) lines.

In an analogous way [or Analogously, or Likewise, or In a similar way (or manner, or fashion), or Similarly] it is sometimes useful to consider alternatives.

Aliphatic hydrocarbons containing a large number of double bonds are named in analogous (or similar) fashion.

In a similar spirit it is easy to prove that...

Gases behave approximately in a like manner.

Аналогия [см. тж. По аналогии]

A common analogy to the above-mentioned effect is given by ...

The analogy with (or The similarity to) helium is fairly close. The parallels between electrical and magnetic phenomena ...


We compute rotation matrices that approximately undo the effect of the sensor position.

Анод [см. На катоде]. Апогей [см. В апогее].


Temperatures in electrical apparatus ...

Аргумент [см. Приводить аргумент].

Арифметическое действие

This requires thousands of arithmetic operations.

Армированный стекловолокном

Fiberglass-reinforced polyester (or Polyester reinforced with fiberglass) withstands years of use.


The laboratory workers revealed another interesting facet (or aspect) of this reaction.

Ассортимент [см. тж. Большой выбор]

Ferric oxides are available in a broad range of particle sizes and shapes.

We have a wide variety (or assortment, or choice, or selection) of standard packages.

Атмосфера [см. тж. В верхних слоях атмосферы, Верхние слои атмосферы, Выбрасывать в атмосферу] 7(996)

The physiotherapist can try out the full range of aids and appliances.

Атмосфера [см. тж. В верхних слоях атмосферы, Верхние слои атмосферы, Выбрасывать в атмосферу]

World-wide pollution of the atmosphere is a threat to life.

Атмосферное влияние [см. Воздействие атмосферы].

Атмосферное давление [см. Находиться под атмосферным давлением]. Атмосферные условия [см. Находиться под действием атмосферных условий].

Атомы, расположенные в узлах

The atoms embedded at specific sites in the lattice of a crystal.


База [см. Подводить базу под теорию]. Балл [см. Землетрясение в 8 баллов].

Баллистическая траектория

Nonpowered phase (or Coasting).

Ballistic trajectory [or flight path (or course)].

Баллистический полёт [см. Свободный полет].


Tо bubble the gas through the solution, ...

Барьер для

There is an energy barrier to rotation.


An array of photomultiplier tubes is directed at the night sky. A bank of capacitors (or counters, etc.) ...

Беглое ознакомление

Even a cursory examination showed that the samples were of histological thinness.

Беден [см. тж. Богат]

The sample was lean (or low, or poor, or deficient) in carbon 13. The Moon is low in sodium and potassium.

Беден кобальтом

In these countries a cobalt deficiency exists in the soil and natural vegetation.

Беден электронами

Carbonium ions are electron deficient.

Бедная растительность

The area is characterized by scanty vegetation.

Бедный [см. тж. Богатый]

Metal-poor clusters ...

Бедный кислородом

An oxygen-poor (or -deficient) environment was a major obstacle in the path of...

Без [см. тж. Минус, Не содержащий]


Без [см. тж. Минус, Не содержащий]

Figure 10 shows the energy level diagram for a semiconductor p-n junction with no applied potential.

Transmission yielding excellent quality television pictures was also made with the transmitter lens removed.

Now, with both the zerothand first order terms missing, the control system is unstable. The drag exclusive of (or minus, or less) the induced drag of the aircraft can now be estimated.

The shank must be free of burrs (or must be burr free). A rubber sheet free of pinholes is required.

The lapping tool, minus the handle, is inserted into the opening.

Без аварий [см. Безаварийный].

Без видимой причины

Such attacks occur in older people and occasionally for no apparent reason.

Без вреда для [см. тж. Без ущерба для]

This part can be omitted without damage to the study of plate tectonics.

This compound can be added without destroying the superb qualities of this glass. The gas can be breathed for a short time without ill (or adverse) effects to man.

Без герметической оболочки

Never take a naked light into a fuel-oil tank.

Без движения

Fouling arises when the propeller is stationary (or idle) for long periods.

Без дефектов

The objective glass must be flawless.

Без доказательства

If this simplification is accepted without proof,...

Без допплеровского смещения (ушире-ния)

Doppler-free techniques have been developed for...

Без доступа солнечного света

H2O2 must be stored away from sunlight.

Без единого

The atom crosses the chamber without a single collision.

Без затрат

Both raw materials can be conveniently obtained directly from the atmosphere without cost.

Без затруднений

The mean orbital velocity can be calculated without trouble (or difficulty) by taking...

Без изменения [см. тж. Не меняя, Оставаться без изменений]

These molecules are not utilized and pass through the body essentially intact. Doubling the volume with (or for) no change of mass...

Nearly all the photons pass through unaffected (or unaltered, or unchanged).

Без искажения

In that case the angle of ninety degrees is projected in its true value on the corresponding plane.

Без искажения размеров и формы

The resolved true size and shape quadrilaterals can be constructed by the above method.

Без исключения


Без исключения

For Σ to be true it must hold without exception for all points s belonging to the set S.

Без использования [см. тж. Не прибегая к]

The engine is run at its optimum speed without recourse (or resort) to variable blading.

Без колебания

I recommend this book without reservation.

Без конца [см. тж. Безгранично, Бесконечно]

We can start the series 3, 4, 5, and so on endlessly.

Без нагрузки

The discharge pressure varies from a maximum at no load to ...

Starting a motor under no-load conditions...

Без нарушения допусков [см. Деталь, изготовленная без нарушения допусков].

Без необходимости

This needlessly restricts the maximum allowable sample-cell length.

Без облицовки

Unlined ducts...

Ducts unlined with insulating materials ...

Без обработки

Much of the gravel is used "as is" (соl.) for building roads.

Без обслуживающего персонала

An unmanned factory ...

The installation can be operated without attention (or unattended).

Без оптического прибора [см. Видимый невооружёным глазом].

Без помех из-за

This permits most metals to be deposited without interference from hydrogen evolution.

Без последствий [см. Безболезненно].

Без потери общности

Coulomb friction can be considered as an extended load without (the) loss of (or in) generality.

Без примеси [см. Беспримесный].

Без проскальзывания [см. Без скольжения].

Без разрушения образца

Nondestructive testing...

Без риска

When the shield is raised, the operator can safely remove and load work.

Без скольжения

This motion can be represented as two circular cones rolling on each other without slip(ping).

Без смазки [см. тж. Всухую, Обрабатывать всухую]

The disk clutch may be operated dry or wet.

Без сомнения [см. Наверняка].

Без соприкосновения с воздухом

The purpose of the process is to melt, cast, and tap the metal out of contact with air.

Без трещин


Без трещин

A new group of crack-free coatings is on the way.

Без указания

Surface resistivity is expressed in ... without specifying the dimensions of...

Без учета [см. тж. Учёт, Учитывать]

It is difficult to estimate the water solubilities without considering additional factors.

An electronic circuit is assembled on a board without regard for final locations of components.

Без ущерба для [см. тж. Без вреда для]

The mandrel's light weight was achieved without sacrifice of precision.

These advantages of the sealant are obtained without sacrificing its valuable properties.

Без царапин

A scratch-free (or An unscratched) surface is obtained.

Безаварийная работа

Trouble-free service (or operation).


To fly an airplane safely (or trouble free),...


These nuclear installations are accident proof (or trouble free).


Such final control elements cannot be ignored without serious consequences.


There is no limit to the number of bosons that can occupy a single state.

Безгранично [см. тж. Бесконечно, Неограниченно]

The density cannot increase without limit (or unboundedly).

Безгранично расширять знания о

These data have added immeasurably to knowledge of star birth.

Безграничные возможности

Boundless opportunities.


Then the technological potential of superconductivity would be almost unbounded.

Безопасное обращение с

The safe handling of fluorine...

Безопасное расстояние от [см. На безопасном расстоянии от]. Безопасный [см. Безаварийный].

Безопасный уровень [см. Снижаться до безопасного уровня].


Modem material(s) handling devices must be more trouble free (or reliable) than ever before.

Безразлично [см. тж. Не иметь значения]

It does not matter whether we are cooling or heating.


Helmholtz had tried a different experiment with null (or without) results.