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§6.4 Predicative clauses

Subjunctive II is used in predicative clauses introduced by ‘as if’, ‘as though’ after the link verbs to be, to look, to seem, to feel, to behave, to taste, to sound etc. Present Subjunctive II shows simultaneousness, Past Subjunctive II shows priority.

e.g. He looks as if he were tired.

I feel as if you had never been away.

Ex. 123. Comment on the Subjunctive Mood in predicative clauses introduced by as if, as though.

1. Erik looks as if he were at peace with himself and the universe. 2. Samantha looks as if she had fallen in love. 3. Sindy felt as if she had lived a long, long time. 4. It was as though she were trying to see him through. 5. I never knew what terror was before, I know now. It is as if a hand of ice were laid upon one's heart. 6. The children now felt as if their father had never been away on that terrible war in the Persian Gulf. 7. It sounded as though it might be a good story. 8. It was almost as though I were looking at myself at the age of five. 9. What's the matter with you? You look as though you were miles away.10. Bill behaves as if he had got into a pretty good mess. 11. He managed to make his words sound as if hehad a bad taste in the month. 12. The trunk looked as though it would fall on our heads. 13. The Stones behaved as though we were the bitterest of enemies and hadn't been living next door to each other for twenty-four years.

Ex. 124. Finish up the sentences showing a) simultaneous actions, b) prior actions, c) the action following the action in the principal clause.


1. Не looked as if ... (he/to be surprised). 2. Her voice sounds as if ... (she to be upset).3. Why do you look as if ... ? (you/not to believe) 4. She felt as though ... (she/to spy on). 5. The water tasted as though ... (it/to be not fresh). 6. It was as if ... (we/not to be friends). 7. It seemed as though ... (the man/to cheat).8. He feels as if ... (he/to be fooled). 9. The air smells as though ... (it/to be spring). 10. Why do you look as if ... ? (you/to be angry).


1. The soup tastes as if ... (it/not to salted). 2. He looks as if ... (he/ to be running). 3. I feel as though ... (I/not to sleep). 4. It seems as though ... (the weather/to break). 5. His words sounded as if ... (he/to be offended). 6. She looked as though ... (his movements/to irritate). 7. I feel as if ... (I/to swallow). 8. It is as if ... (she/to deceive). 9. It was as though ... (somebody/to strike). 10. It seemed as if ... (I/not to be).


1. Не looks as though ... (he/to begin to shout). 2. She felt as if ... (she/to faint). 3. It seems as if ... (it/to be warmer). 4. You sound as though ... (you/never to forgive). 5. They looked as if ... (they/to start). 6. I feel as if ... (I/to get a fever). 7. If seemed as though ... (it/to snow). 8. She feels as though ... (she/to get better). 9. It was as if ... (they/to make peace). 10. The sun shone as though ... (it/to dry everything).

Ex. 125. Fill in the blanks.

1. For a moment Radl felt as if he ... back in short trousers and in front of his old schoolmaster. (to be) 2. It sounded as if it ... something important, but it wasn't. (to be) 3. It looked as though the silence of the night ... on her nerves. (to get) 4. They felt as if they … under siege. (to be) 5. Now that we're together again it looks as though we ... .(not to part) 6. She looked pale and as if she excited. (to be) 7. He fancied that she looked as though she … him. (not to believe) 8. The little girl looked for a moment as thought she ... to cry. (to be going) 9. The streets looked as if they ... of silver. (to make) 10. It seemed as if she ... the entire day. (to wait) 11. He looked as if he ... anything in his life. (never to fear) 12. He felt as if he ... . (to fly) 13. It was as though somebody ... a hurried search for something. (to make) 14. The voice sounded as if it ... in the room. (to be)

Ex. 126. Complete the following sentences.

1. The situation was as if .... 2. The weather looked as though ... . 3. The policeman nodded as if ... . 4. They feel as if ... . 5. She always looks smart as though ... . 6. Dan always interrupts people as if ... . 7. The sheriff spoke firmly as if ... . 8. Why is Nell looking at Ted as if ... ? 9. The child was scared as though ... . 10. Why are you crying as if ... ? 11. She looked nervous as if ... . 12. They met again as if... . 13. I know London so well as if ... . 14. You are asking so many questions as if ... . 15. Margaret did the job as if... . 16. The inspector behaved as though ... . 17. She felt his pain as acutely as if... .

Ex. 127. Complete the following sentences adding predicative clauses.

1. He was much too friendly; when he talked to them it was as though ... . 2. It seemed, somehow, just a little unreal, as though this young woman ... . 3. For a moment it almost seemed as if ... . 4. He was puffing slightly and it seemed as if ... . 5. I have just had my hair done. Do I look as if ... . 6. It's very quiet in the room. It's exactly as though... . 7. It seemed to her as if ... . 8. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, it was almost as if ... . 9. She was indifferent to him as though ... . 10. I feel uncommonly well as though ... . 11. The sky is grey. It is just as if ... . 12. They both looked as if ... . 13. Although they never met before it seemed as if... . 14. I feel at home here as if ... . 15. The child looked for a moment as though ... . 16. Her hands looked as if ... . 17. I touched her cheeks, they felt as though ... . 18. When she spoke she sounded as if ... .

Ex. 128. Translate into English.

1. Он выглядит так, словно тяжело болен. 2. Я чувствую себя так, словно я здесь совсем чужой. 3. Она выглядела так, словно ничего не произошло. 4. Ее голос звучал так, как будто она только что плакала. 5. Ты выглядишь так, как будто тебя обидели. 6. Казалось, он пытается что-то сказать, но не может. 7. Было похоже, что скоро тучи совсем закроют солнце. 8. Он чувствовал себя так, словно его окунули в холодную воду. 9. В комнате пахло так, словно в ней давно уже не жили. 10. Казалось, скоро пойдет дождь.

Ex.129. Supply the necessary forms of the Subjunctive Mood in clauses introduced by as if and as though.

1. Whenever I saw them it looked as though they (to be) on very good terms with one another. 2. The knife shone as though it just (to come) out of the workshop. 3. As I opened my door I seemed to hear a changing sound as if a mass of metal (to fall). 4. Suddenly the voice was clear and strong as if Constance (to be) in another room of the hotel. 5. Fred wasn't shy, and he talked to Gracie's parents as though he (to know) them all his life. 6. His tanned, smooth skin looked as though a razor never (to touch) it. 7. You behave as if you (to be married) to her already. 8. You look as though you (not to have) much sleep the last night or two. 9. She noticed a shade of thought pass over his face as if he (to begin) to realize that things were changed. 10. He felt as if he (to catch) cold. 11. He leaned against the desk, and upon my word he was shaking as though he (to get) fever. 12. He looked as if he (to step) from the pages of "Pickwick Papers". 13. She always smelled as though she just (to come) from a long walk in a forest. 14. She clutched the letter to her heart as though she (to think) I would take it from her. 15. He looked as if he (not to have) a meal for a week, and I hadn't the heart to refuse him. 16. Sharon frowned as if she (to be puzzled). 17. He looked as if he (not to sleep) much lately.

Ex. 130. Open the brackets using the right form of the Subjunctive Mood.

1. When you watch all those soaps on television, you feel as if people in them (think) only of love and (not have) any problems. 2. She walked as if she (be) a Queen, as if the world (belong) to her. 3. He felt fresh and rested as if he (not work) for twelve hours non-stop. 4. In that small dress Miranda looked as if she (be) a teenager. 5. What a fuss and what a mess! It looks as if the last preparations for Christmas (make). 6. He was holding the baby as if it (be) something very fragile. 7. Sometimes it seems to me as though the world (come) to an end! 8. It appears now as if Cora never (love) Martin, as if it (be) a bad dream. 9. While reading the novel I felt as if I also (live) in those times and actually (take) part in the events. 10. When you are looking at the Vesuvius you feel as if it (can erupt) at any minute. 11. Nigel is searching for something. It looks as though he (lose) the key. 12. The agent felt as if he (watch) by somebody. 13. She put on her sunglasses as if she (try) to hide the expression of her eyes. 14. Surprisingly, there were no people in the streets. It looked as if they (stay) at home or (leave) for their country houses. 15. Adrian looked at Pamela so tenderly as if he (forgive) her and (be) in love with her again. 16. She looked as though her mouth (be) full of lemon juice. 17. He kept gazing at her as if she (be) some sort of goddess or something. 18. Snape looked as though Christmas (cancel). 19. In so many ways he felt as though he (know) nothing, (learn) nothing, though he was sixty-eight years old. 20. She looked to him as if she (need) a good meal.

Ex. 131. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Вы так загорели, словно все лето провели на юге. 2. Она смотрела на меня, как будто не узнавая. 3. Вы так много курите, как будто вы чем-то взволнованы. 4. Я уверена, он сделает вид, будто слышит об этом впервые. 5. Что с вами? У вас такой вид, будто вам нехорошо. 6. Она ведет себя так, будто она ребенок. 7. Минуту, другую он стоял посреди комнаты, как будто не зная, что делать. 8. Почему вы смотрите на меня так, словно я говорю неправду? 9. Она говорила и смеялась, словно играла на сцене. 10. Я люблю тебя так, как любил бы собственную сестру. 11. У меня было такое чувство, будто мы говорим с ним на разных языках. 12. Я уверена, он будет держаться так, будто не чувствует никакой боли. 13. Она дышала так тяжело, как будто бежала всю дорогу. 14. Он говорит так, как будто повторяет чьи-то слова. 15. У вас такой вид, словно вы не знаете, куда идти. 16. Он говорил о вас так, будто хорошо вас знает. 17. Я помню все так четко, словно это произошло вчера. 18. Почему у тебя такой вид, будто ты мне не веришь? 19. Похоже, что все уже ушли. 20. У меня такое чувство, будто меня обманули. 21. Он говорит так, как будто ему не семнадцать лет, а семьдесят.

Ex. 132. Translate into English.

1. Она выглядит так, как будто бы не спала всю ночь. 2. Ей казалось, как будто бы ее лицо все горело. 3. Ему казалось, что он встречал этого человека раньше. 4. Она выглядела так, как будто ей всего шестнадцать лет. 5. Уже осень. Но на улице так тепло, что кажется, как будто бы вернулось лето. 6. У него был такой вид, как будто бы она вот-вот расплачется. 7. Его слова звучали так, как будто бы он сам не верил тому, что говорил. 8. Ей казалось, что она уже давно живет в этом доме. 9. Дориан Грей выглядел так, как будто бы он все еще был молодым человеком. 10. Посмотри, все кругом покрыто снегом. Кажется, что снег шел уже целую неделю. А ведь он начался всего два часа тому назад. 11. Похоже было, будто бы он собирается ударить ее. 12. Девочка упала и расшибла коленки. Кажется, как будто этот мальчик толкнул ее. 13. Посмотри, какая она загорелая. Кажется, что она только что вернулась с юга. А на самом деле она жила на даче под Москвой. 14. Похоже, что она обиделась на мои слова, хотя я не сказал ничего обидного. 15. Казалось, как будто бы он ждет ее уже два часа, а прошло всего 10 минут. 16. Она выглядела так, как будто бы она чувствовала себя неловко в их доме.

Ex. 133. Translate into English.

1. Жизнь протекала гладко, словно никогда ничего не происходило. 2. Будь я на твоем месте, я бы попытался вести себя так, словно ничего не случилось. 3. Она чувствовала, словно что-то необычное должно было случиться с ней. 4. Почему ты ведешь себя так, словно что-то скрываешь от нас или словно совершил что-то плохое? 5. Мы не обратили внимания на слова Чарльза, словно они не были важны, словно никто их и не слышал. 6. Он понимающе улыбнулся, словно прочитал мои мысли и знал обо всем. 7. Я уже взрослый. Почему ты все еще обращаешься со мной так, словно я ребенок? 8. Она выглядела так, словно была вполне довольна своей жизнью и не перенесла такого страшного шока. 9. Все это выглядит так, словно Николай всю жизнь учит английский язык и все-таки не может на нем говорить. 10. Лектор начал говорить медленно и красноречиво, словно старался с самого начала завоевать внимание аудитории. 11. В комнате был такой аромат, словно в ней был миллион роз. 12. Пирог был таким необычным на вкус, словно в него положили все пряности Востока. 13. Фильм произвел на меня такое сильное впечатление потому, что казалось, словно он о моей собственной жизни. 14. Все выглядит так, словно они узнали о моем решении и сейчас пытаются заставить меня изменить его. 15. — Я чувствую себя так, словно я абсолютно счастлив. — Словно это возможно! 16. Эмма взглянула на него и улыбнулась так, словно опять прочитала его мысли.

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