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Professional C++ [eng].pdf
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Designing with Libraries and Patterns

Designing with Patterns and Techniques

Learning the C++ language and becoming a good C++ programmer are two very different things. If you sat down and read the C++ standard, memorizing every fact, you would know C++ as well as anybody else. However, until you gain some experience by looking at code and writing your own programs, you wouldn’t necessarily be a good programmer. The reason is that the C++ syntax defines what the language can do in its raw form, but doesn’t say anything about how each feature should be used.

As they become more experienced in using the C++ language, C++ programmers develop their own individual ways of using the features of the language. The C++ community at large has also built some standard ways of leveraging the language, some formal and some informal. Throughout this book, the authors point out these reusable applications of the language, known as design techniques and design patterns. Additionally, Chapters 25 and 26 focus almost exclusively on design techniques and patterns. Some patterns and techniques will seem obvious to you because they are simply a formalization of the obvious solution. Others describe novel solutions to problems you’ve encountered in the past. Some present entirely new ways of thinking about your program organization.

It is important for you to familiarize yourself with these patterns and techniques so that you can recognize when a particular design problem calls for one of these solutions. There are obviously many more techniques and patterns applicable to C++ than those described in this book. Although the authors feel that the most useful ones are covered, you may want to consult a book on design patterns for more and different patterns and techniques. See Appendix B for suggestions.

Design Techniques

A design technique is simply a standard approach for solving a particular problem in C++. Often, a design technique aims to overcome an annoying feature or language deficiency of C++. Other times, a design technique is simply a piece of code that you use in many different programs to solve a common problem.

A Design Technique Example: Smart Pointers

Memory management in C++ is a perennial source of errors and bugs. Many of these bugs arise from the use of dynamic memory allocation and pointers. When you use extensive dynamic memory allocation in your program and pass many pointers between objects, it’s difficult to remember to call delete on each pointer exactly once. The consequences of getting it wrong are severe: when you free dynamically allocated memory more than once you can cause memory corruption, and when you forget to free dynamically allocated memory you cause memory leaks.

Smart pointers help you manage your dynamically allocated memory. Conceptually, a smart pointer is a pointer to dynamically allocated memory that remembers to free the memory when it goes out of scope. In your programs, a smart pointer is generally an object that contains a regular, or dumb, pointer. This object is allocated on the stack. When it goes out of scope its destructor calls delete on the contained pointer.

Note that some language implementations provide garbage collection so that programmers are not responsible for freeing any memory. In these languages, all pointers can be thought of as smart pointers because you don’t need to remember to free any of the memory to which they point. Although some languages, such as Java, provide garbage collection as a matter of course, it is very difficult to write a


Chapter 4

garbage collector for C++. Thus, smart pointers are simply a technique to make up for the fact that C++ exposes memory management without garbage collection.

Managing pointers presents more problems than just remembering to delete them when they go out of scope. Sometimes several objects or pieces of code contain copies of the same pointer. This problem is called aliasing. In order to free all memory properly, the last piece of code to use the memory should call delete on the pointer. However, it is often difficult to know which piece of code uses the memory last. It may even be impossible to determine the order when you code because it might depend on run-time inputs. Thus, a more sophisticated type of smart pointer implements reference counting to keep track of its owners. When all owners are finished using the pointer, the number of references drops to 0 and the smart pointer calls delete on its underlying dumb pointer. Many C++ frameworks, such as Microsoft’s Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) and Component Object Model (COM) use reference counting extensively. Even if you don’t intend to implement reference counting yourself, it is important to be familiar with the concept.

C++ provides several language features that make smart pointers attractive. First, you can write a typesafe smart pointer class for any pointer type using templates. Second, you can provide an interface to the smart pointer objects using operator overloading that allows code to use the smart pointer objects as if they were dumb pointers. Specifically, you can overload the * and -> operators such that the client code can dereference a smart pointer object the same way it dereferences a normal pointer. Chapter 25 provides an implementation of a reference counted smart pointer that you can plug directly into your program. The C++ standard library also provides a simple smart pointer called the auto_ptr, as described in the overview of the standard library.

Design Patterns

A design pattern is a standard approach to program organization that solves a general problem. C++ is an object-oriented language, so the design patterns of interest to C++ programmers are generally objectoriented patterns, which describe strategies for organizing objects and object relationships in your programs. These patterns are usually applicable to any object-oriented language, such as C++, Java, or Smalltalk. In fact, if you are familiar with Java programming, you will recognize many of these patterns.

Design patterns are less language specific than are techniques. The difference between a pattern and a technique is admittedly fuzzy, and different books employ different definitions. This book defines a technique as a strategy particular to the C++ language that overcomes a deficiency in the language itself, while a pattern is a more general strategy for object-oriented design applicable to any object-oriented language.

Note that many patterns have several different names. The distinctions between the patterns themselves can be somewhat vague, with different sources describing and categorizing them slightly differently. In fact, depending on the books or other sources you use, you may find the same name applied to different patterns. There is even disagreement as to which design approaches qualify as patterns. With a few exceptions, this book follows the terminology used in the seminal book Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, by Erich Gamma et al. However, other pattern names and variations are noted when appropriate.

Chapter 26 provides a catalog of several different design patterns, including sample implementations in C++.


Designing with Libraries and Patterns

A Design Pattern Example: Iterator

The iterator pattern provides a mechanism for separating algorithms or operations from the data on which they operate. At first glance, this pattern seems to contradict the fundamental principle in objectoriented programming of grouping together in objects data and the behaviors that operate on that data. While that argument is true on a certain level, this pattern does not advocate removing fundamental behaviors from objects. Instead, it solves two problems that commonly arise with tight coupling of data and behaviors.

The first problem with tightly coupling data and behaviors is that it precludes generic algorithms that work on a variety of objects, not all of which are in the same class hierarchy. In order to write generic algorithms, you need some standard mechanism to access the contents of the objects.

The second problem with tightly coupled data and behaviors is that it’s sometimes difficult to add new behaviors. At the very least, you need access to the source code for the data objects. However, what if the object hierarchy of interest is part of a third-party framework or library that you cannot change? It would be nice to be able to add an algorithm or operation that works on the data without modifying the original object hierarchy of data.

You’ve already seen an example of the iterator pattern in the STL. Conceptually, iterators provide a mechanism for an operation or algorithm to access a container of elements in a sequence. The name comes from the English word iterate, which means “repeat.” It applies to iterators because they repeat the action of moving forward in the sequence to reach each new element. In the STL, the generic algorithms use iterators to access the elements of the containers on which they operate. By defining a standard iterator interface, the STL allows you to write algorithms that can work on any container that supplies an iterator with the appropriate interface. Thus, iterators allow you to write generic algorithms without modifying the data. Figure 4-1 shows an iterator as an assembly line that sends the elements of a data object to an “operation.”

Data Object



Figure 4-1

Summar y

This chapter focused on the design theme of reuse. You learned that your C++ design should include both reuse of code, in the form of libraries and frameworks, and reuse of ideas, in the form of techniques and patterns.

Although code reuse is a general goal, there are both advantages and disadvantages associated with it. You learned about these tradeoffs and about specific guidelines for reusing code, including understanding the capabilities and limitations, the performance, licensing and support models, the platform limitations, prototyping, and where to find help. You also learned about performance analysis and big-O notation, as well as special issues and considerations involved in using open-source libraries.


Chapter 4

This chapter also provided an overview of the C++ standard library, which is the most important library that you will use in your code. It subsumes the C library and includes additional facilities for strings, I/O, error handling, and other tasks. It also includes generic containers and algorithms, which are together referred to as the standard template library. Chapters 21 to 23 describe the standard template library in detail.

When you design your programs, reusing patterns and techniques is just as important as reusing code. You should avoid reinventing the wheel as well as rebuilding it! To that end, this chapter introduced the notion of design techniques and patterns. Chapters 25 to 26 provide additional examples, including code and sample applications of techniques and patterns.

However, using libraries and patterns is only half of the reuse strategy. You also need to design your own code so that you and others can reuse it as much as possible. Chapter 5 presents strategies for designing reusable code.


Designing for


Reusing libraries and other code in your programs is an important design strategy. However, it is only half of the reuse strategy. The other half is designing and writing the code that you can reuse in your programs. As you’ve probably discovered, there is a significant difference between welldesigned and poorly designed libraries. Well-designed libraries are a pleasure to use, while poorly designed libraries can prod you to give up in disgust and write the code yourself. Whether you’re writing a library explicitly designed for use by other programmers or merely deciding on a class hierarchy, you should design your code with reuse in mind. You never know when you’ll need a similar piece of functionality in a subsequent project.

Chapter 2 introduced the design theme of reuse. Chapter 4 explained how to apply this theme by incorporating libraries and other code in your designs. This chapter discusses the other side of reuse: designing reusable code. It builds on the object-oriented design principles described in Chapter 3 and introduces some new strategies and guidelines.

After finishing this chapter, you will understand:

The reuse philosophy: why you should design code for reuse

How to design reusable code

How to use abstraction

Three strategies for structuring your code for reuse

Six strategies for designing usable interfaces

How to reconcile generality with ease of use