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Chapter 10

If you are still feeling a little unsure about polymorphism, start with the code for this example and try things out. The main function in the preceding example is a great starting point for experimental code that simply exercises various aspects of the class.

Multiple Inheritance

As you read in Chapter 3, multiple inheritance is often perceived as a complicated and unnecessary part of object-oriented programming. We’ll leave the decision of whether or not it is useful up to you and your coworkers. This section explains the mechanics of multiple inheritance in C++.

Inheriting from Multiple Classes

Defining a class to have multiple parent classes is very simple from a syntactic point of view. All you need to do is list the superclasses individually when declaring the class name.

class Baz : public Foo, public Bar


// Etc.


By listing multiple parents, the Baz object will have the following characteristics:

A Baz object will support the public methods and contain the data members of both Foo and Bar.

The methods of the Baz class will have access to protected data and methods in both Foo and Bar.

A Baz object can be upcast to either a Foo or a Bar.

Creating a new Baz object will automatically call the Foo and Bar default constructors, in the order that the classes were listed in the class definition.

Deleting a Baz object will automatically call the destructors for the Foo and Bar classes, in the reverse order that the classes were listed in the class definition.

The following simple example shows a class, DogBird, that has two parent classes — a Dog class and a Bird class. The fact that a dog-bird is a ridiculous example should not be viewed as a statement that multiple inheritance itself is ridiculous. Honestly, we leave that judgment up to you.

class Dog



virtual void bark() { cout << “Woof!” << endl; }


class Bird



Discovering Inheritance Techniques


virtual void chirp() { cout << “Chirp!” << endl; }


class DogBird : public Dog, public Bird



The class hierarchy for DogBird is shown in Figure 10-7.




Figure 10-7

Using objects of classes with multiple parents is no different from using objects without multiple parents. In fact, the client code doesn’t even have to know that the class has two parents. All that really matters are the properties and behaviors supported by the class. In this case, a DogBird object supports all of the public methods of Dog and Bird.

int main(int argc, char** argv)


DogBird myConfusedAnimal;




The output of this program is:



Naming Collisions and Ambiguous Base Classes

It’s not difficult to construct a scenario where multiple inheritance would seem to break down. The following examples show some of the edge cases that must be considered.

Name Ambiguity

What if the Dog class and the Bird class both had a method called eat()? Since Dog and Bird are not related in any way, one version of the method does not override the other — they both continue to exist in the DogBird subclass.

As long as client code never attempts to call the eat() method, that is not a problem. The DogBird class will compile correctly despite having two versions of eat(). However, if client code attempts to call the eat() method, the compiler will give an error indicating that the call to eat() is ambiguous. The compiler will not know which version to call. The following code provokes this ambiguity error.


Chapter 10

class Dog



virtual void bark() { cout << “Woof!” << endl; }

virtual void eat() { cout << “The dog has eaten.” << endl; }


class Bird



virtual void chirp() { cout << “Chirp!” << endl; }

virtual void eat() { cout << “The bird has eaten.” << endl; }


class DogBird : public Dog, public Bird



int main(int argc, char** argv)


DogBird myConfusedAnimal;

myConfusedAnimal.eat(); // BUG! Ambiguous call to method eat()


The solution to the ambiguity is to either explicitly upcast the object, essentially hiding the undesired version of the method from the compiler, or to use a disambiguation syntax. For example, the following code shows two ways to invoke the Dog version of eat().



Slices, calling Dog::eat()



Calls Dog::eat()

Methods of the subclass itself can also explicitly disambiguate between different methods of the same name by using the same syntax used to access parent methods, the :: operator. For example, the DogBird class could prevent ambiguity errors in other code by defining its own eat() method. Inside this method, it would determine which parent version to call.

void DogBird::eat()


Dog::eat(); // Explicitly call Dog’s version of eat()


Another way to provoke ambiguity is to inherit from the same class twice. For example, if the Bird class inherited from Dog for some reason, the code for DogBird would not compile because Dog becomes an ambiguous base class.

class Dog {};

class Bird : public Dog {};

class DogBird : public Bird, public Dog {}; // BUG! Dog is an ambiguous base class.


Discovering Inheritance Techniques

Most occurrences of ambiguous base classes are either contrived “what-if” examples, like the one above, or arise from untidy class hierarchies. Figure 10-8 shows a class diagram for the preceding example, indicating the ambiguity.




Figure 10-8

Ambiguity can also occur with data members. If Dog and Bird both had a data member with the same name, an ambiguity error would occur when client code attempted to access that member.

Ambiguous Base Classes

A more likely scenario is that multiple parents themselves have common parents. For example, perhaps both Bird and Dog are subclasses of an Animal class, as shown in Figure 10-9.





Figure 10-9

This type of class hierarchy is permitted in C++, though name ambiguity can still occur. For example, if the Animal class has a public method called sleep(), that method could not be called on a DogBird object because the compiler would not know whether to call the version inherited by Dog or by Bird.

The best way to use these “diamond-shaped” class hierarchies is to make the topmost class an abstract base class with all methods declared as pure virtual. Since the class only declares methods without providing definitions, there are no methods in the base class to call and thus there are no ambiguities at that level.

The following example implements a diamond-shaped class hierarchy with a pure virtual eat() method that must be defined by each subclass. The DogBird class still needs to be explicit about which parent’s eat() method it uses, but any ambiguity would be caused by Dog and Bird having the same method, not because they inherit from the same class.


Chapter 10

class Animal



virtual void eat() = 0;


class Dog : public Animal



virtual void bark() { cout << “Woof!” << endl; }

virtual void eat() { cout << “The dog has eaten.” << endl; }


class Bird : public Animal



virtual void chirp() { cout << “Chirp!” << endl; }

virtual void eat() { cout << “The bird has eaten.” << endl; }


class DogBird : public Dog, public Bird



virtual void eat() { Dog::eat(); }


A more refined mechanism for dealing with the top class in a diamond-shaped hierarchy, virtual base classes, is explained at the end of this chapter.

Uses for Multiple Inheritance

At this point, you’re probably wondering why anyone would want to tackle multiple inheritance in her program. The most straightforward use case for multiple inheritance is to define a class of object that is-a something and also is-a something else. As we said in Chapter 3, any real-world objects you find that follow this pattern are unlikely to translate well into code.

One of the most compelling and simple uses of multiple inheritance is for the implementation of mix-in classes. Mix-in classes were explained in Chapter 3. An example implementation using multiple inheritance is shown in Chapter 25.

Another reason that people sometimes use multiple inheritance is to model a component-based class. Chapter 3 gave the example of an airplane simulator. The Airplane class had an engine, a fuselage, controls, and other components. While the typical implementation of an Airplane class would make each of these components a separate data member, you could use multiple inheritance. The airplane class would inherit from engine, fuselage, and controls, in effect getting the behaviors and properties of all of its components. We recommend you stay away from this type of code because it confuses a clear has-a relationship with inheritance, which should be used for is-a relationships.