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Microsoft CSharp Programming For The Absolute Beginner (2002) [eng]-1.pdf
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Reading Values from the Keyboard

To code the Lunar Lander game, you first need some way to capture keystrokes from the user. You can always use text boxes to read from the user, as you did in Chapter 6, “Creating a Windows Program: The Visual Critter.” However, in a game environment, a text box is distracting. Also, text boxes are generally concerned with entire phrases of text and do not handle special keys such as arrow keys and function keys well. Fortunately, C# provides features that make it easy for your programs to read input directly from the keyboard.

Introducing the Key Reader Program

The form object features three events that can be used to determine which key a user has pressed. The KeyDown event fires whenever a key is being held down. The KeyUp event is triggered when the user releases a key. The KeyPressed event occurs after the key is pressed and released. The keyboard events are used to look at the keyboard in different ways. The Key Reader program shown in Figures 7.2 through 7.4 demonstrates some of these differences between the KeyDown() and KeyPressed() methods. Look at the program first, and I’ll explain why the various responses seem to disagree.

Figure 7.2: When the user presses lowercase a, both events display the value a, but they disagree on capitalization.


Figure 7.3: If the user presses a control key, only the KeyDown event can interpret the value.


Figure 7.4: The KeyDown event can also respond to arrow keys, function keys, and other special keyboard inputs.

Setting Up the Key Reader Program

The setup of the Key Reader program is very straightforward. The visual layout of the program includes three labels. I named two of the labels lblDown and lblPressed. These two labels show information from the KeyDown and KeyPressed events, respectively.

Trick I didn’t rename the third label; instead, I left it as the default name suggested by the Designer (label1). Although renaming is never a bad idea, there are a few objects you don’t need to rename. If you have a label meant entirely for displaying text to the user, if that label will never have any events activated and you will never refer to the label, you don’t need to worry about giving it a name. All these conditions are true for the label that holds the instructions to the user, so I didn’t give it a more explicit name. If you don’t want to worry about these rules, just rename every object in your programs, and you’ll be safe.

There are no other components on the form. I did set one of the form’s properties, however. The KeyPreview property determines whether a form will check keystrokes that are being sent to components on that form. For example, if you have a text box on the form, you might not want to trap for keyboard input when that text box is currently selected. Set KeyPreview to true to ensure that all keyboard presses are sent to the form handlers you will be writing shortly.

Coding the KeyPress Event

The KeyPress event occurs after the user has pressed and released a button on the keyboard. You


usually trap for the KeyPress event when you want to know which of the alphanumeric keys was pressed. The KeyPress event is not the default event for the form object, so to write code for it, you need to be sure that the form is visible in the Designer. Then choose the events list (with the lightning icon) in the Properties window. You see a list of properties the form recognizes. The KeyDown, KeyUp, and KeyPress events are listed on this screen. Choose the KeyPress event to code first, because it is the simplest. Here’s the code produced by the Designer:

private void KeyReader_KeyPress(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs e) {

}// end KeyPress

The KeyReader_KeyPress() method generated by the Designer provides two objects. The first is an object named sender, which refers to the object that triggered the event. Most event handlers have this parameter, although you will not need it the projects for this chapter.

Trick You can use sender if several buttons call the same event handler. Inside that event handler, you can do different things, based on which button called the event.

The other parameter is named e and is extremely useful. The e parameter is an instance of the KeyPressEventArgs class. It stores interesting information about what kind of keyboard event just occurred. Most event handlers pass an object as a parameter. Different kinds of event create different objects, but all of these event parameters are used to provide information about the event. The event objects are usually called e. Often, your event−handling code starts by looking at some parameters of e. Figure 7.5 shows the main help screen for KeyPressEventArgs so you can get a feel for its capability. Of course, you’ll want to look it up in the documentation as you program with it.

Figure 7.5: The KeyPressEventArgs object has properties and methods describing which key was pressed.

Trick Whenever you are trying to learn about a new kind of event handler, take a careful look at the parameters sent when that event is triggered. You can find these parameters either through the online help or by having the Designer create you an event of whatever type you’re interested in. The parameters are often classes that provide all kinds of useful


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