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12. Give Short Definition of translation?

Translation - activities for interpreting the meaning of a text in one language (source language [FL]) and the creation of a new, equivalent text in another language

The term translation has two meanings:

1. The first translation is the process in which the text is created in one language, recreated in another language. As a psychological process, it examines the psychology and psycholinguistics.

2. Second, the transfer is called the result of this process, a new voice work, the new text, which arose in the target language. Translation theory just engaged in this text and its relation with the original original.

The purpose of the translation is as close as possible to introduce a man who does not know any language, with the specified text in that language.

The main requirement is that the translation - complete transfer of the original text. "

Translation - this integrative and intuitive process, during which the translator through multiple iterations of trying to find the best translation solution."

Descriptive theory is unable to anticipate all translation situation

In this case, I somehow always turns in the brain is the word "iteration" in terms of gradual approximation to the optimal variant.

And about the theory of translation: when I begin to talk about the "discourses", then take it as theorizing, which does little to solve practical problems of translation. If my memory serves me, in modern science and pseudo-scientific disciplines, the term "discourse

13. What are the interacting elements in translation? What elements are deducible?

14. What interralated operations does one fulfil in the process of translation?

The existing models of the translating process are, in fact, based on the situational (or referential) model and the semantic-transformational model. These models are supposed to explain the dynamic aspects of translation. In other words, it is presumed that the translator actually makes a mental travel from the original to some interlingual level of equivalence and then further on to the text of translation

15. What three stages does one distinguish in translation?

In the articulation of the stop, three phases can be distinguished:

  • Catch: The airway closes so that no air can escape (hence the name stop).

  • Hold or occlusion: The airway stays closed, causing a slight pressure difference to build up (hence the name occlusive).

  • Release or burst: The closure is opened. The released airflow produces a sudden impulse causing an audible sound, or burst (hence the name plosive).

In many languages, such as Malay and Vietnamese, word-final stops lack a release burst, even when followed by a vowel, or have a nasal release. See no audible release.

Nasal occlusives are somewhat similar. In the catch and hold, airflow continues through the nose; in the release, there is no burst, and final nasals are typically unreleased across most languages.

In affricates, the catch and hold are those of a stop, but the release is that of a fricative. That is, affricates are stop–fricative contours.