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The lower lavra Plan of the National Kyiv-Pechersk Historical and Cultural Reserve

  1. Gallery leading to the Far Caverns

  2. Gallery leading to the Near Caverns

  3. Church of the Elevation of the Cross

  4. Church of the Life Source

  5. Church of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin

  6. Bell tower of the Far Caverns

  7. Annozachatiyevska Church

The Belfry was constructed with the direct participation of Stepan Kovnir, a gifted architect and a serf of the Monastery. He also built other structures, including the printing works, the so-called Kovnir Building and the Belfry of the Lower Monastery. [21]

The Kovnir Building, which is located in the eastern part of the grounds, is one of the first civil structures of 18th-century Kyiv. Its first part - the south wing -was used as a bakery. Later Kovnir added a symmetrical building with three pediments to house the monastery's bookshop. [22]

The Kovnir Building was built over several decades, which had an effect on its style. Although it has remained essentially the same, the units (such as the pediments) that were built earlier are more austere, while those of a later period are a little more ornate. [23]

There is also the Kovnir Belfry (1754 -1761), graceful and elegant.

Near the walls of the former refectory (1893 - 1895) are the tombs of Vasil Kochubey and Ivan Iskra, prominent Ukrainian figures in the Northern War against the Swedes, victims of the treachery of Hetman Mazepa in 1708. Pushkin, in the commentary on his poem Poltava, quotes the old verses carved on the tomb stone. [24]

For many centuries the Kyiv-Pechersky Monastery was the seat of Ukrainian culture. In the 16th and 17th centuries a number of outstanding public figures, writers and missionaries were educated in the monastery. For many prominent painters the monastery was a useful school of art. Books published by its printing works were beautifully illustrated with woodcuts and copper-plate engravings. They were in great demand in all the Slav countries. [25]

The Monastery had also accumulated an extensive collection of valuable jewelry showing changes in artistic styles and the develop­ment of folk art. [26]

In 1926 a Government Decree proclaimed the Kyiv-Pechersky Monastery an ancient monument under state protection. [27]

2. Comment on the following:

1. Where is Kyiv-Pechersky Monastery situated?

2. Where were the first buildings of the monastery built?

3. What do you know about

a/ the collegiate Church of Dormition

b/ the Church of the Trinity

c/ the Church of the Saviour ‘at the village of Berestovo’ ?

4. Why and when was the monastery neglected?

5. Describe the architectural peculiarities of the Belfry.

6. What is Stepan Kovnir famous for?

3. Transcribe the following words to avoid possible mispronunciation and miscommunication in future:

huge, monk, feudalism, chronicle, divine, smalt, ecclesiastical, collegiate, austerity, niches, iconostasis, baroque, octahedral, tomb, treachery.

4. Search each numbered paragraph (Para) of the text for the appropriate English equivalents of the Ukrainian words and expressions:

Para 1: сяючі куполи

Para 2: Ближні печери; Дальні печери

Para 3: келії монахів схожі на печери;

Para 4: фортеця; влада князя;

Para 5: підтримка церкви; її престиж надавав божественної влади існуючому феодальному ладу; осипати цінними дарунками; церковні споруди; залишки майстерні, де виробляли смальту;

Para 6: келії монахів та каплиця були викопані на схилах Дніпра; церква Успіння Святої Богородиці; дерев’яна споруда;

Para 8: цегляна споруда, покрита розчином вапна; фундамент у формі хреста; суворість стилю; зсередини споруда була прикрашена мозаїкою та фресками;

Para 9: Троїцька надворітна церква; різьблений іконостас;

Para 10: володіння київських кнізів; тіло князя було поховано у церкві;

Церква спаса на Берестові; бути частково зруйнованим;

Para 11: на міфологічну тему; нагадувати різьблення по дереву;

Para 12: встановити гранітний надгробний пам’ятник;

Para 13: стустошення, яке принесли монголо-татарські орди; монастир було занедбано; швидко зростати;

Para 14: друкарський цех; цех з виробництва скла;

Para 15: велике підриємство;

Para 16: стиль барокко, який переважав у той час; поєднувати стародавні традиції;

Para 17: дерев’яні споруди; переробляти (реконструювати);

Para 18: багатий орнамент; затіняти основні риси; чітко визначений силует у формі башти;

Para 19: планування (розбивка споруди);

Para 20: дзвіниця у своїй основі має восьмигранний план; збудований з витесаних кам’яних плит; куполи, вкриті позолоченою міддю

Para 21: пекарня;

Para 22: суворий, простий; вишукано прикрашений;

Para 23: на них був попит.

5. Explain the meanings and give the context of the following words from the text above. Find the appropriate synonyms for the words:

to shower, ecclesiastic, austerity, to inter, ravage, lavish, to dominate, to blend, treachery, interior, serf.

6. Render the text in English:

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