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Lesson 44

Home Reading. A Typical Year in Britain (p.160)

Цілі:вдосконалюватинавичкичитання,усногомовлення,уживанняв мов­ ленні граматичних структур і лексичних одиниць із теми, розвивати вміння послідовно висловлюватися іноземною мовою, мовну здогадку.


1. Warm-up

Brainstorm all words connected with the following key words: Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving.

What holidays through the year do we have in Ukraine? (Homework)

2. Listening

Listen to the story and answer the questions:

William is an English schoolboy. He is fourteen years old. It was December. William was very happy because he liked Christmas holidays very much.

All his friends — Henry, Rob, Jill and others — asked him to their parties. The children danced round the Christmas tree, played games and had a lot of nice things to eat.

One day there was a party at school. William went to the party with his elder sister Ann.

There was nice ice-cream at the school party and William ate quite a lot of it.

“Oh, William! This is the tenth ice-cream you are eating. What will people think of you?” said Ann.

“Oh, don’t worry, sister”, William said. “Every time I take another ice-cream, I say, ‘This is for my sister Ann’”.

1)Did William have a good time during his winter holidays?

2)How much ice-cream did he eat at the school party?

3)Why was he sure that the people wouldn’t laugh at him?

3.Speaking and writing

Before discussing the text answer some questions about your school life.

1)When did you start school?

2)What subjects did you learn at the primary school?

3)Have you got more subjects now?

4)What holidays do you have during the school year?

Let’s discuss the text.

Are Ukrainian school holidays similar to British ones? Let’s compare. Fill in the chart.

Ukraine Britain








Fill in the gaps.

In Britain the school year is usually divided into three (1) __ . Autumn term lasts from (2) __ till (3) __ holiday, which is about two

weeks. Then (4) __ term — till Easter holiday (also two weeks), and summer term, which lasts till (5) __ . Summer holiday is about (6) __ weeks.

In addition all schools have a (7) __ , which lasts a few days or a week in the (8) __ of each term.

Now tell about British school holidays very shortly.

4. Speaking

Now let’s talk about celebrating birthdays.

At first give Ukrainian equivalents to the following words:

1)get cards and presents

2)one candle for each year of your age

3)blow out the candles

4)make a wish


6)a bowling alley

Then answer the questions:

1)When were you born?

2)How do you usually spend your birthday?

3)Do you have a party at home or go out with your friends?

4)Do people in Britain celebrate their birthdays in the same way like you?

5)Are birthdays important for the British?

6)Name some ways how to celebrate a birthday.

Tell the class how you spent your last birthday party.

5.Writing Dictation

Write English equivalents to the following words:

Різдво, збиратися разом, святкувати, прикраси, прикрашати, традиційна їжа, індичка, зустрічати Новий рік, опівночі, братися за руки, більш важливе свято, ходити до церкви.

Now tell the class some sentences about celebrating different festivals in Great Britain.


1)What holidays are celebrated on the same date each year?

2)How do people celebrate New Year (Christmas, Thanksgiving Day, Easter)?

3)What is the usual meal for these holidays?


Which month of the year would you prefer to visit Britain? Why? Write a short paragraph about it.


Lesson 45

Listening Comprehension

Цілі: перевірити рівень умінь учнів з аудіювання; розширити знання учнів про країну, мова якої вивчається.


Listen to the text and do the tasks.

New words: nostrils — ніздрі, a bill — дзьоб.


Sometimes you can see a living emblem. One of such “emblems” is the kiwi, a very unusual bird found only in some parts of New Zealand. It has no tail, almost no wings, and its nostrils are situated near the end of its bill which is used to find food.

The kiwi lives in thick forests and prefers to spend its time in the dark.

Although the kiwi weighs only a little over two kilogrammes, it has a very good appetite. It can eat as many as three hundred worms a day, which are its main food.

The female kiwi lays only one egg, but it is a very large egg — it is about one-fifth of her own weight. After laying it, she loses all interest and leaves her husband to hatch the egg. This takes seventy-five days and by the time the chick is hatched father kiwi has usually lost onethird of his normal weight.

In some English-speaking countries New Zealanders are known as Kiwis, because the bird is also the symbol of the people of New Zealand.

True or False

1)The kiwi lives only in Australia.

2)It has a short tail.

3)It weighs a little over two kilogrammes.

4)The female kiwi lays only one egg.

5)Nobody takes care of the egg during seventy-five days.

6)New Zealanders are known as Kiwis.



















Fill in the gaps.

thick dark bird large wings

The kiwi is an unusual __ . It has almost no __ . It lives in __ forests and likes to stay in the __ . Although the kiwi is not very __ it eats a lot.



















Answer the questions.

1)What is a kiwi.

2)Does this bird fly?

3)What does it look like?

4)What is its main food?

5)Who hatches the egg?

6)Why are the New Zealanders called Kiwis?






Lesson 46


Цілі: перевірити рівень умінь учнів з усного мовлення.


Choose any of the following topics and speak of it.

1.School Life

1)Do you like your school?

2)Can you tell five things you like about your school?

3)Have you got any problems with any school subjects?

4)What is your favourite lesson?

5)How many lessons have you got every day?

6)How often have you got English lessons?

7)Do you feel nervous when you have tests?

8)Do you like doing homework?

9)Which extra-school activities do you take part in?

10)Have you made friends with pupils from other classes?


1)What sports are you fond of?

2)What winter / summer sports do you know?

3)What do you prefer: to go in for sports or to watch sports events on TV or the stadium?

4)What sports and games are popular with your classmates?

5)What do you prefer: games or individual sports?

6)What place do you visit to watch field events?

7)What athletics events do you like most of all?

8)Why is sport so important in our life?

9)What should people do to keep good health?

10)What sports are popular in our country?

11)What is your favourite kind of sport? Why?

3.Round the calendar

1)How many seasons are there in a year?

2)How many months are there in each season?

3)When can you play snowballs?

4)When can you swim in the river?

5)When can you eat many tasty fruit and vegetables?

6)When can you see the first flowers?

7)What is your favourite holiday?

8)Why is it your favourite holiday?

9)Do you usually get together with your family on that day?

10)How do you usually celebrate it?

11)Do you decorate your house?

12)What do you usually cook?

13)Have you got any special traditions to celebrate this holiday?


Lesson 47


Цілі: перевірити рівень умінь учнів з читання; виховувати почуття відповідальності.


Read the text and do the tasks.

A Smart Lesson

Harry was always making excuses for forgetting to do things. His usual excuse was “I was too busy” or “I didn’t have time”.

Harry’s parents were worried about him. “He mustn’t go through life making excuses all the time”, his father said. “No one will trust him to do anything. He won’t be able to keep a job. No sensible girl will want to marry him”.

“I don’t know what we can do”, his mother said.

“I have an idea”, his father said. “If this doesn’t work, nothing will”.

The next day was Harry’s birthday. He was really looking forward to getting exciting presents. He woke up expecting his parents to wish him “Happy Birthday!” but all they said was “Good morning, Harry. Hurry, or you’ll be late for school”. There were no presents, not even a card. He was very disappointed.

“Never mind”, he thought. “There’ll be a surprise for me after school”. But there wasn’t. Sadly he said to his parents at dinner, “Today’s my birthday”.

“Oh!” his father said. “So it is. I forgot.’ “So did I”, his mother said.

“How could you forget?” Harry asked. “There must be a reason”. “Well, yes”, his father said. “We have a really good excuse for for-

getting your birthday, Harry. We didn’t remember your birthday because we were too busy”.

Poor Harry. He never had a silly excuse for not doing something again.

Give short answers to these questions.

1)Was Harry always making excuses?

2)Were Harry’s parents worried about him?

3)Did his mother know what to do about him?

4)Did Harry get a birthday card from his parents?

5)Did his parents really forget his birthday?

Copy the true sentence about the story.

1)Harry’s parents forgot about his birthday.

2)Harry’s parents tried to teach him a lesson.

3)Harry’s parents were too busy to celebrate his birthday.

Answer the questions.

1)What did Harry make excuse for?

2)Whose birthday was it the next day?

3)What was he hoping to get?

4)What was he expecting when he woke up?

5)What did he get for his birthday?

6)What is the best moral of the story.






Lesson 48


Цілі: перевірити рівень умінь учнів з письма.


1.Write the dictation

A Night Story

I watched a long time on TV last night, and it was very late when I went to bed. I read a book in bed because I couldn’t go to sleep. I fell asleep at about two o’clock at night but I woke up suddenly at three because I heard a loud noise in the kitchen. I walked downstairs, opened the kitchen door and I saw — our cat! I shouted at it and it ran away through the open kitchen window.

2.Write out the verbs in the Past Simple from the text and write down their infinitives.

3.Write a few sentences about something interesting what has happened in your life lately.

what happened;

when and where it happened;

if it was scared (funny, unexpected…)

how it finished.