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Lesson 34

Home Reading. Sports Day

Цілі: вдосконалювати навички читання, усного мовлення, уживання в мовленні­ граматичних структур і лексичних одиниць із теми, розвивати вміння послідовно висловлюватися іноземною мовою, мовну здогадку.


1. Warm-up

Answer the questions.

1)What sports are popular in our country?

2)What is your favourite kind of sport?

3)How many physical training lessons a week have you got at school?

4)Do you like them?

5)Do you go in for any sport?

6)Have you got any sport festival at your school?


Find all the words which are connected with sports.



Sports clothes





high jump


running track


long jump




throwing the discus




hurdles races






3. Listening

Write the following words on the board, then read the definitions and ask pupils to match the words to them: a competitor, a spectator, a mackintosh, a fleet, a hurdle, a result, a trophy.

1)A person who takes part in competitions.

2)A person who watches competitions.

3)A piece of clothes.

4)A prize for winning a race or other competition, especially a silver cup.

5)A group of planes, cars, buses that are controlled by one company.

6)A frame that a person or horse has to jump over during a race. The final number of points at the end of a competition or a game.


Give Ukrainian equivalents.



3)in case

4)at last

5)look forward to


7)half an hour’s ride


9)plenty of


11)at the same time




5. Writing

Complete the sentences.

1)In the late spring or summer we usually have __ .

2)When we have a sports day there are __ .

3)We usually go to the field __ .

4)The spectators are always ready to __ .

5)All the results we can see __ .

6)We should get the most points to win __ .

Key: a sports day, no lessons, by bus, cheer up their teams, on the

blackboard, a trophy.

6. Speaking

Answer the questions.

1)How often do the children have a sports day?

2)Why don’t the pupils of this school have a sports day at their place?

3)Are the schoolchildren glad to have a sports day?

4)Do they have lessons on that day?

5)Why do they sometimes worry?

6)What do they take with them?

7)What do the competitors (the spectators) do at first?

8)What can you see inside the circular track?

9)How can the spectators see a lot at the same time?

10)How can the spectators know which team is ahead?

11)What is a “house”?

12)How can the spectators differ the “houses”?

13)How many races are there?

7. Writing

Fill in the gaps.


are best results cheerful sports clothes cheer up packed lunches


playing field


the high jump











Every year we have a (1) __ day. As we haven’t got a (2) __ at our school we have to go to the sports (3) __ . We usually go there by (4) __ and take our mackintoshes and (5) __ with us. As we arrive (6) __ the centre we put on our (7) __ . Our spectators take their places to (8) __ us. Our team take part at (9) __ , the long jump, throwing the (10) __ , but we are usually the (11) __ at the hurdles races. We are (12) __ when we see our good (13) __ on the blackboard. And, of course, we (14) __ at the top of happiness when (15) __ win a cup.

Key: 1) sports, 2) playing field, 3) centre, 4) bus, 5) packed lunches, 6) to,7)sportsclothes,8)cheerup,9)thehighjump,10)discus,11) best, 12) cheerful, 13) results, 14) are, 15) we.

8. Summary

Give a short summary of the story.

9. Homework

Write a short paragraph about sports events in your school.


Unit 4. Round the Calendar

Lesson 35

Winter is coming

Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць і Question tags; удосконалювати навички усного мовлення й читання; розвивати мовну здогадку й мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.


1. Warm-up

Learn the poem about winter.

The snow is falling, The wind is blowing, The ground is white All day and all night.

This is the season When morning is dark, And birds do not sing In forest and park.

2. Listening

Read these short texts and ask pupils to guess what season it is.

It is hot and sunny. You wear shorts and T-shirts. You wear sandals on your feet.

It is cold and snowy. It’s windy too. You wear coats, hats, gloves and boots.

It is cool and cloudy. It often rains. You wear jeans, warm sweaters and raincoats.

It is warm and sunny. It sometimes rain. You wear jackets, jeans and shoes.

3. Speaking

Answer the questions.

1)How many seasons are there in a year?

2)How many months are there in each season?

3)When can you play snowballs?

4)When can you swim in the river?

5)When can you eat many tasty fruit and vegetables?

6)When can you see the first flowers?


Practise the new vocabulary.

Make up as many sentences as you can.




our holidays.




my birthday.



this football match.






warm days.




really looking forward to

celebrating New Year Day.




meeting her friends.





visiting his cousins.






having the party.







the end of the term.








Make up short dialogues. Express your surprise.


The weather is so changeable in March. Look, it’s snowing.

I can’t believe it.

The temperature is 30 degrees below zero.

The temperature is 40 degrees above zero.

We are going to celebrate the festival in the forest.

Last year we celebrated my birthday under the water.

It was so foggy that I’ve lost my way.

Look, I’ve bought this amazing calendar with monkeys.

Yesterday I was at Chinese New Year’s celebration.

5. Reading

Read the text in Ex. 1, p.60 and answer the questions.

1)Is it cold?

2)What season is coming?

3)Are the days long?

4)What activities do you have in winter?

5)Where are the going to have a New Year Party?

6)What are the girls going to wear?

7)Why aren’t the children surprised about it?

6.Grammar practice

Explain the rule (p. 60), write example sentences on the board and practise them chorally and individually.

Match the two halves.


She is famous,


is it?


They are happy,


do they?


Your father’s name isn’t Andrew,


isn’t it?


You can swim,


doesn’t he?


They don’t have a car,


did you?


You have worked here since June,


aren’t I?


The weather is changeable here,


isn’t she?


You didn’t do your homework,


haven’t you?


I’m good at sailing,


can’t you?


He likes pizza,


aren’t they?





Work in pairs.

Guess your classmate using tag-questions.


This is a boy, isn’t it?

He is 12, isn’t he?

He plays football, doesn’t he?

He likes swimming, doesn’t he?

He can’t speak English well, can he?

He’s wearing black jeans today, isn’t he?

He doesn’t usually wear shoes, does he?

7. Summary

Describe today’s weather.

8. Homework

Write a short paragraph about the weather during your last travelling.


Lesson 36

It’s so cold today

Цілі: вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення, уживання Question tags; розвивати культуру спілкування; виховувати доброзичливе ставлення до співрозмовника.


1. Warm-up

Complete the sentences.

1)Today the weather is __ .

2)When it rains you take __ .

3)In winter you wear __ .

4)In autumn you eat __ .

5)Yesterday the weather was __ .

6)If it’s hot you wear __ .

7)When it’s snowy you can __ .

8)In summer you don’t wear __ .


Listen to your classmates’ stories about their travelling (homework) and ask tag-questions to check you understand everything correctly.

3. Reading

Read the text and do the tasks.

T o m. My favourite season is autumn. It’s a beautiful season. The leaves in the trees are red, yellow, brown and green. It is warm in September. I can go for a walk. On the first of September I am glad to see my friends at school after the long summer holidays. In autumn there are a lot of vegetables and fruit. I like sweet plums.

A l i c e. I don’t like autumn. It’s a dull season. I don’t like when it rains. In October it is cold and it often rains, and we can’t go for a walk. I like summer. Summer is a bright season. The trees are green. It’s hot and I can swim in the river. I can play outdoors all day long. And I don’t go to school.

D a v i d. And my favourite season is winter. Winter is beautiful. The trees are white with snow. There is a lot of snow in the streets and in the parks. My friends and I can play snowballs and hockey. But most of all I like to ski.

S u s a n. I don’t like winter. It’s so cold in winter. It often snows. The sky is grey. The days are short and the nights are long. I like spring. The sun often shines, the sky is blue, birds sing songs. In May the trees and grass are bright green. There are many beautiful flowers in May.

Write the correct name.

1)__ likes snow.

2)__ doesn’t like rain.

3)__ likes sunshine.

4)__ likes swimming in hot days.

5)__ likes meet friends after holidays.

6)__ likes colourful leaves.




True or False

1)It snows in winter.

2)October is an autumn month.

3)It’s hot in winter.

4)We start school on the first of October.

5)You can eat pears in autumn.

6)The trees are bright green in May.

4.Reading and speaking

Read the dialogue in Ex. 2, p. 61 and in pairs make up your own dialogues about the climate in other countries.

5. Writing

Do Ex. 3, p. 61.

6. Speaking

Make up as many questions as you can.





















It is



isn’t it?



It isn’t

is it?






























In pairs, do Ex. 4, 5, p. 61.


1)What kind of day is it today? — It’s __ .

2)What kind of day was it yesterday? — It was __ .

3)What kind of day do you think it’ll be tomorrow? — I think it’ll be __ .


Write a short paragraph about the weather in one of the seasons.


Lesson 37

It’s December now, isn’t it?

Цілі: вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення з опорою на лексикограматичні структури, навички письма; розвивати увагу дітей та кмітливість; виховувати доброзичливе ставлення до співрозмовника.



1)What do you do when it is hot and sunny?

2)What do you do when it is cold and slippery?

3)What do you do when it is raining?

4)What do you do when there is much snow on the ground?

5)What do you do if the weather is bad?


Listen and learn the poem.


I heard a bird sing

In the dark of December. A magical thing

And sweet to remember.

“We are nearer to spring, Than we were in September”, I heard a bird sing

In the dark of December.

Oliver Herford

3. Reading

Read the text and answer the Yes / No questions.


The name December comes from the Latin word “decem” which means “ten”. In our calendar today, December is the twelfth month of the year. But in old Roman calendar, before Julius Caesar, it was the tenth month. The Anglo-Saxons called it Mid-winter month.

December is the month of snow and ice, the month of short and dark days. On December 22nd, we have the shortest day and the longest night of the year. The sky is pale, grey and has low clouds. Snowflakes fall from the grey sky and we say: “It’s snowing”. or: “It’s snowing heavily” or: “There’s a heavy snowfall”. When snow covers the ground you have a good chance to see tracks of animals.

December is both the end of the year and the start of the winter. It is known as the frosty gates of winter. It cools the earth and makes it possible to use sleighs.

1)Does December come from modern language?

2)Is it the last month of the year now?

3)Was it the twelfth month long ago?

4)Does it have short days?

5)Is the sky bright?

6)Can we see snowflakes in December?

7)Can we find animals easily when the ground is covered with snow?

8)Is December the start of the year?

9)Is it frosty enough to use sleigh?




4. Grammar practice

Explain the rule (p. 63) and practice question tags in the exercises. Do Ex. 1, 2, p. 62.

Complete the conversation by putting in question tags.

We haven’t seen it before, __ ?

No, it’s just arrived to this country.

It comes from Italy, __ ?

No, from Spain.

It is beautiful, __ ?

Yes, it’s something incredible!

We couldn’t see it in the museum, __ ?

No, we saw it in the gallery last year.

Oh, I see, it was a painting, __ ?

Yes, you’re so smart!

It is Picasso, __ ?

Oh, yes, yes, you’ve known it!


Do Ex. 3, p. 62.


Work in pairs.

Do Ex. 4, p. 63

Sample dialogue:

It’s a beautiful day today, isn’t it?

Right. But it is a little bit windy, isn’t it? I don’t like windy weather.

But you look well today.

It is my new sweater that makes me look well, doesn’t it?

The sweater is beautiful. But I think it is not the right weather for wearing a sweater, isn’t it?

Yes, but it is not hot today, isn’t it?


Do Ex. 5 (a), p. 63.

Example: I think this is a father and he is reading a book.

8. Summary

Answer the questions.

1)It is December now, isn’t it?

2)It wasn’t Wednesday yesterday, was it?

3)You went to the cinema at the weekend, didn’t you?

4)Your mother was at school yesterday, wasn’t she?

5)Your friend hasn’t come today, has he?

6)Their parents like rock music, don’t they?

7)You can play chess well, don’t you?


Do Ex. 5 (b), p. 63.


Lesson 38

What Are Holidays?

Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; формувати навички вимови; удосконалювати навички аудіювання й читання; розвивати мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати позитивне ставлення й повагу до традицій своєї та інших країн.



Where are these holidays celebrated? Put these words in the proper columns.

Christmas Halloween Independence Day Easter Father’s Day New Year’s St. Valentine’s Day Pancake Day April Fool’s Day Victory Day Thanksgiving Day Guy Fawkes Day Women’s Day Mother’s Day Columbus Day Memorial Day Boxing Day the Day of the Constitution Martin Luther King’s Day Veterans’ Day Notting Hill Carnival President Day


Great Britain

the USA




Which holidays are celebrated in all these countries?

What holidays do you like most of all?

2. Listening

Listen to the story and complete the sentences below with the only word.

The Best Time for Apples

It was the first English lesson at a small school after summer holidays. The lesson was about the seasons of the year.

“There are four seasons in the year”, said the teacher. “They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. In spring it is warm and everything begins to grow. In summer it is hot and there are many flowers in the fields and gardens, in the parks and woods. The farmers work all day long on their farms. In autumn there are a lot of vegetables and fruit. In winter it is cold and it often snows.

Here the teacher stopped and looked at one of the pupils. “Stop talking, Tom”, he said. “Now listen to my question. Can you tell us what is the best time for apples?”

“Yes, sir”, answered Tom. “It is when the farmer is not at home and there is no dog in the garden”.

It was the first __ after __ about __ . In spring it is __ . In summer it is __ . In autumn there are a lot of __ . In winter it often __ . Listen to my __ . The best time for __ is when the farmer is not at __ and there is no dog in the __ .

3. Reading

Read the text in Ex. 1, p. 64 and do the tasks.

True or False

1)We usually rest during many holidays.

2)Many families have a good chance to get together.

3)On all holidays we have parades and fireworks.

4)All holidays are religious.

5)All countries have the same holidays.




6)Each country has its own customs and holidays.

7)Each person has his or her special own holiday.

8)Each holiday depends only on the date. Do Ex. 2, p. 65.


Do Ex. 3, p. 65 and then make up sentences according to the example. Example: In (country) people usually celebrate (holiday) on the


5. Writing

Make up sentences and write them down.

















a lot of tasty things



on Christmas Day


on Mother’s Day

a picnic

on Father’s Day

their houses

on holiday

Christmas tree

on Halloween

a party

on Christmas Eve

greeting cards

on my birthday

fancy dresses

at Christmas


at weekend

chocolate eggs

at Easter





6.Speaking Work in pairs.

Do Ex. 4, p. 65.


Do Ex. 5. p. 65.

8. Homework

Write a short paragraph about holidays in Ukraine.