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Lesson 39

My Favourite Holiday

Цілі: вдосконалювати навички вживання нової лексики, аудіювання й усного мовлення; розвивати пам’ять, творчий характер; виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.


1. Warm-up

To Gramma’s House

To Gramma’s house we go, Heigh ho, heigh ho, heigh ho!

We’re on our way with horse and sleigh, Through fluffy drifts of snow.

Oh, what a trip to take. She’ll have a chocolate cake.

There’ll be some pies, of monstrous size, And chestnuts we can bake

To Gramma’s house we go, Heigh ho, heigh ho, heigh ho!

What lovely things Thanksgiving brings; The nicest things we know!

2. Listening

Listen to the dialogue about the history of Thanksgiving and answer the questions.

Hello! I’m Julia.

I’m Karina.

And we are friends!

How do you like my hat?

—...and my feathers?

Aren’t we charming?!

Today we have a cool holiday, Thanksgiving Day.

Join us and let’s celebrate it together.

But at first we’d like to tell you some words about this holiday.

Maybe someone doesn’t know why these Americans like eating turkey in November.

Imagine a day set aside for families to come together from near and far to feast and feel thankful for all that they have…

and you’ve got Thanksgiving Day in the United States.

Some families take part in religious ceremonies in the morning…

__ but for most families the highlight of the day is Thanksgiving dinner.

This custom began with the Pilgrims in 1621. They were members of the English Separatist Church.

Yeah, a Puritan sect. They had very strict moral standards and thought that pleasure was unnecessary.

So, they decided to leave the country in search of religious free-


In September 1620, a small ship called the Mayflower left Plymouth harbor in England and sailed west.

There were 102 passengers on the board and it took them 66 days to reach North America.

And at last in November 1620 they landed. But the first winter was very hard for the colonists. Half of them died.




But with the help of the native Indians, who taught them how to fish, hunt and plant corn, their chances for surviving the winter of 1621 looked much better.

After a successful harvest the Pilgrims decided to hold a special Thanksgiving feast and invited the Indians.

The Indians brought deer meat, turkeys, cranberries and even popcorn.

The original Thanksgiving lasted three whole days …

… and can you believe that all that food was prepared by three women!

This holiday didn’t celebrate every year at first and didn’t have the exact day.

But in 1864 Abraham Lincoln established the last Thursday in November as a day for all Americans to give thanks.

1.When do people celebrate Thanksgiving Day? (In November)

2)What is the best food for this holiday? (A turkey)

3)Why do people get together on that day? (To thank for all they have)

4)Do some people have religious ceremonies? (Yes)

5)When did this custom start? (In 1621)

6)Why did the Pilgrims leave England? (To search of religious freedom)

7)When did they start their voyage? (In 1620)

8)How was the ship called? (The Mayflower)

9)How many passengers were there on the board? (102)

10)How long did the Voyage take them? (66 days)

11)Where did they land? (North America)

12)Why did half of the colonists died then? (Because the first winter was very hard)

13)Who helped them? (Native Indians)

14)Why did the Pilgrims hold a special Thanksgiving holiday? (In 1621 they had a successful harvest)

15)How long did the original Thanksgiving last? (3 days)

16)How many people prepared the food? (3 women)

17)Who established the last Thursday in November as a day in 1864? (Abraham Lincoln)

3. Reading and speaking

Read the texts in Ex. 1, p. 66 and do the tasks in Ex. 2, p. 67.

4. Reading

Do Ex. 3, p. 67.

5. Speaking

Do Ex. 4, p. 67.

6. Summary

Answer the questions.

1)What is your favourite holiday?

2)Why is it your favourite holiday?

3)Do you usually get together with your family on that day?

4)How do you usually celebrate it?

5)Do you decorate your house?

6)What do you usually cook?

7)Have you got any special traditions to celebrate this holiday?


Write a short paragraph about your favourite holiday.


Lesson 40

New Year’s Day

Цілі: вдосконалювати навички аудіювання, читання, письма й говоріння, навички монологічного висловлювання; розвивати мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати інтерес до традицій інших країн.


1. Warm-up

Learn the poem.

A Happy New Year

The day is so clear, The snow is so white, The sky is so bright,

We shout with all might, “A Happy New Year!”

2. Listening

Listen to the story and do the task.

The first of January, New Year’s Day, is a national holiday in Great Britain. People don’t go to work on this day. They send cards and give presents. Although it is not as widely observed as Christmas. Some people just ignore it, but others celebrate it in one way or another.

The most common type of celebration is a New Year party. People usually have parties and dances with their relatives and friends. At midnight in London they go to Trafalgar Square. In this square there is a large New Year tree on which there are many little coloured lamps. The people of Norway send a great New Year tree to the English people every year. When Big Ben, the largest clock in London, begins to strike twelve, the people in Trafalgar Square take hands and sing the Scottish song “Auld Lang Syne” by Robert Burns. The song is about old days and friend ship between people. After that they wish one another a Happy New Year and go home to see the New Year in with more games and songs.

True or False

1)New Year’s Day is an important holiday for all people.

2)People usually have parties.

3)At twelve o’clock people usually go out into the streets and squares.

4)English people get a great New Year tree from one of the northern countries.

5)When Big Ben strikes twelve people come together.

6)They sing traditional English song.

7)People stay outside till morning.


Do Ex. 3, p. 68.

4. Listening and speaking

Listen and learn the song “Jingle Bells” in Ex. 4, p. 69.

5. Reading and writing

Read about British traditions and do the tasks.




Pantomimes are plays put on before Christmas, usually for children. They are based on fairy tales, such as Cinderella or Aladdin, and mix comedy, song and dance.

Christmas Day is observed on the 25th of December. On Christmas Eve everything is in rush. People get ready to see the holiday. They de­ corate their homes, arrange Christmas cards on shelves and tables and hang a bunch of mistletoe under which the boys kiss girls. They are busy cooking a turkey and baking Christmas pudding. Children wake up early to find a stocking full of small presents on their bed. Other presents, opened when everyone is together, are arranged around the Christmas tree.

Boxing Day, on the 26th of December, is the day when people visit their friends, go for a drive or long walks or just spent it in front of the TV recovering from Christmas Day.

In Scotland and the North of England people go first footing on New Year’s morning. They call at friends’ houses, trying to be the first person through the door after midnight. To symbolize good luck, the visitor carries a piece of coal and a glass of water. The luckiest type of first footer is a tall, dark man.

On New Year’s Day people make New Year’s resolutions. They decide to do something to improve their lives. For example, people decide to give up smoking or to go to the gym once a week.

Which of these sentences are true. Write the correct ones down.

1)You can see pantomimes at Christmas.

2)You can see pantomimes before Christmas.

3)On Christmas Eve everything happens as always.

4)On Christmas Eve everybody is in a hurry

5)People usually open their presents whenever they wish.

6)People usually open their presents on Christmas morning.

7)People are very busy on Boxing Day.

8)People relax on Boxing Day.

9)People look forward to the first person who comes in on the 1st of January.

10)People are afraid of the first person who comes in on the 1st of January.

Draw lines from the words on the left to the correct words on the right. Then write down the sentences.


Children can find stocking with presents


a pantomime.


Boys and girls should kiss


brings good luck.


The traditional food is


just for the rest.


A traditional English entertainment is


over the end of the bed.


Boxing Day is


under a bunch of mistletoe


People believe that first footer


help to start new life.


People believe that resolutions


Christmas pudding





6. Summary

Describe how you usually celebrate New Year. Describe what you wear, what you eat, who you meet and what you do.

7. Homework

Design and make a Christmas card. Don’t forget to write something inside.


Lesson 41

It’s time for reading

Цілі: вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення; виховувати інтерес до іноземної мови; розвивати мовну здогадку; виховувати почуття доброзичливості й загальну культуру учнів.


1. Warm-up

Write any vocabulary words or expressions from the topic on the board then have all the students repeat them as you write them down. Next send one student out of the room and erase one off the words or expressions, then on the count of three have all the students yell “Come on in!!!” The student outside the classroom comes back in and has to guess the right word, but none of the other kids can tell them the answer. Reward the student with a team or individual point.


Before you read

Answer the questions.

1)What is your favourite season?

2)When can you eat many tasty fruit and vegetables?

3)When can you see the first flowers?

4)When can you play snowballs?

5)When can you enjoy swimming in the river.

Practise the new vocabulary

New words to know:

selfish — егоїстичний

a giant — велетень

to get angry — розсердитись

to build — будувати

to be late — спізнюватись

to understand — розуміти

to become — ставати


Ask pupils to read the text for gist and answer the questions:

1)Who wrote the story?

2)What is the story about?

3)What are the main characters?

Ask pupils to read the story again and say if the statements are true or false.

1)The children liked the Giant’s garden very much.

2)The Giant built a high wall not to let the children in.

3)In spring there were a lot of beautiful flowers in the Giant’s garden.

4)In summer and in autumn selfish giant could see only snow in his garden.

5)The Giant saw some birds singing in his winter garden.

6)The children helped the Giant to understand that he was wrong.

7)Everybody became happy again.




Fill in the gaps.









get up







1)The Giant got angry because he __ the children.

2)The children were not __ to come into the garden.

3)There were all __ in all gardens.

4)In autumn the Giant had no __ but only __ in his garden.

5)In the corner of the garden he saw a tree with no __ .

6)In the tree he saw a __ .

7)Under the tree __ saw a boy.

8)The boy wanted to __ on the tree.

9)The Giant let the children come __ his garden again.

After you read

Answer the questions in Ex. 2, p. 71.

Rearrange the sentences according to the text.

1)All the time the trees were white.

2)In spring there were no green trees.

3)The Giant had a beautiful garden.

4)The Giant put the boy up into the tree.

5)The Giant decided to build a high wall around his garden.

6)The Giant was glad to see the children again.

7)One day the Giant didn’t like to see the children in his garden.

8)Only in the Giant’s garden there were no fruit.


Answer more questions to get ready for retelling.

1)What did the Giant have?

2)Who came to his garden?

3)Why did the Giant build the wall around the garden?

4)Did spring come to all the gardens?

5)Why did the Giant think that the spring was late?

6)Why weren’t there green trees in summer there?

7)What was his garden like in autumn?

8)What happened one morning?

9)What did the Giant understand?

Try to retell the story very shortly. Use the pictures in Ex. 3, p. 71.


What is the best moral of the story? Prove your opinion.

5. Homework

Read text “A Typical Year in Britain” (p.160) and get ready to discuss it.


Lesson 42

Let’s brush up our grammar

Цілі:вдосконалювати навички вживання Question tags у мовленні, усного мовлення й письма; розвивати увагу дітей та кмітливість; виховувати інтерес до іноземної мови.


1. Warm-up

How much do you know about British festivals?

1)At Easter people __ .

a)eat cross buns.

b)light bonfires.

c)make pancakes.

2)The Boat Race is between __ .

a)Oxford and Cambridge Universities.

b)Oxford and London Universities.

c)Cambridge and York Universities.

3)Children dress up as witches __ .

a)at Easter.

b)on Guy Fawkes’ Night.

c)at Halloween.

4)Ascot is famous for its __ .

a)football team.

b)horse race.

c)tennis tournament.

5)British children receive their Christmas presents on __ .

a)24th December.

b)25th December.

c)26th December.

6)St. Valentine’s Day is in __ .




7)Pancake Day is __ .

a)before Easter

b)during Easter

c)after Easter

8)The last weekend in August there is __ .

a)world tennis championship at Wimbledon

b)Notting Hill Carnival in west London

c)FA Cup Final at Wembley Stadium in London

Key: 1 a, 2 a, 3 c, 4 b, 5 b, 6 b, 7 a, 8 b.

2. Listening

Listen to the story and do the tasks.

Christmas in Australia is not like anywhere else! Everything is top- sy-turvy since December is one of the hottest months of the year. But the Australians have a great time anyway. Those who live near the coast go to the beach on Christmas day. They have a swim, play cricket or volleyball, surf or just sit around with family and friends enjoying Christmas dinner. Santa Claus arrives at Australian beaches on a surfboard — quite a change from sliding down a chimney! And since the weather is hot he often wears a swimsuit or funny baggy shorts.




Christmas is a great time for kids and students — it’s the beginning of their summer holidays and this means FUN, SUN and SURF!

Many Christmas decorations and symbols are the same as in Great Britain or the USA: Christmas trees (usually plastic), turkeys and plum puddings, snow scenes… But among the decorations you can also see toy kangaroos and koala bears.

Christmas in Australia is also celebrated in a fun way on the 25th of July. This ‘cold Christmas’ is usually just another excuse for a get-togeth- er with friends and family, but it’s becoming more and more popular!

New words:

Topsy-turvy — перевернутий догори ногами;

excuse — привід;

get-together — вечірка

True or False

1)It is hot in Australia on Christmas.

2)Santa Claus usually appears from a chimney.

3)Santa Claus wears a funny fur coat.

4)School summer holidays start on Christmas.

5)Christmas decorations in Australia, Great Britain and the USA are different.

6)People also celebrate Christmas on the 25th of July.

Complete the sentences.

surfboard kangaroos surf koala bears swimsuit beach

1)On Christmas day people go to the __ .

2)They swim, play cricket and __ .

3)Santa Claus arrives on a __ .

4)Santa Claus wears __ .

5)The decorations which you can’t see in America are toy __ and __ .


Do Ex. 1, 2, p. 72

4. Writing

Do Ex. 3, 4, p. 72.

5. Speaking

Practise comparative and superlative adjectives. Explain the rule (p. 73) and answer the questions.

1)Who’s the youngest in the class?

2)Who’s the best swimmer in the class?

3)Who’s the tallest in the class?

4)Who’s the fastest runner in the class?

5)Who has the longest hair in the class?

6)Who’s the funniest in the class?


Do Ex. 5(a), p. 73.

7. Summary

What holidays do we have in Ukraine?

Do Ukrainian celebrations differ from British ones?

8. Homework

Do Ex. 5(b), p. 73.


Lesson 43

Holidays round the world

Цілі: вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення, читання й аудіювання, систематизувати лексичний матеріал з теми, розвивати мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати доброзичливе ставлення до співрозмовника.


1.Warm-up Broken sentences

Cut out and shuffle the parts of the sentences. Students in pairs have to sort out the cards to make up the sentences.


It isn’t hot today,


is it?


It’s Monday today,


isn’t it?


He’s spoken to us,


hasn’t he?


They are working hard,


aren’t they?


You won’t tell anyone,


will you?


He loves you,


doesn’t he?


They are not Ukrainian,


are they?


They celebrate it every year,


don’t they?


You didn’t sat that,


did you?


She’s cooked something tasty,


hasn’t she?


You can bake Christmas pudding,


can’t you?


You’ve got a sister,


haven’t you?





2. Listening

Listen to the story and answer the questions.

St. Patrick’s Day is observed on the 17th of March. St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland (an independent state) and Northern Ireland (a part of the UK). This day has a special meaning for the Irish. There is a great celebration with the major parade in Dublin and smaller parades in more than 30 cities and towns throughout Ireland. Participants come from the USA, Canada, Britain and Continental Europe to join in the festivities. In New York the first St. Patrick’s Day parade was held in 1762. Chicago is famous for dying the city’s river green as part of celebrations — green is the national colour of Ireland. America’s first president George Washington declared himself “a lover of St. Patrick’s Day”.

1)Why do the Irish celebrate St. Patrick’s Day? (In honour of the patron saint of Ireland)

2)When do people celebrate it? (On the 17th of March)

3)How do they celebrate it? (With parades)

4)Do people in other countries celebrate this holiday? (Yes)


Work in pairs and do Ex. 1, 2, p. 74

4. Reading

Read the text and do the tasks.

Traditions and Customs

Every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions. In Britain traditions play a more important part in the life of the people than in other countries.




Holidays are especially rich in old traditions and are different in Scotland, Wales, Ireland and England. Christmas is a great English national party, and in Scotland it is not kept at all, except by clerks in banks; all the shops and factories are working. But six days later, on New Year’s Eve the Scotch begin to enjoy themselves. All the shops and factories are closed on New Year’s Day. People invite their friends to their houses and “sit the Old Year out and the New Year in”. When the clock begins to strike twelve, the head of the family goes to the front door, opens it wide and holds it until the last stroke. Then he shuts the door. He has let the Old Year out and the New Year in. Now greetings and small presents are offered.

Read the questions. Give only Yes / No answers.

1)Are traditions very important for the British?

2)Are the holidays the same in all the parts of Britain?

3)Do the Scotch celebrate Christmas widely?

4)Does everybody work on Christmas Day in Scotland?

5)Are all the shops open on New Year’s Day?

6)Do people greet each other after the last stroke?

Fill in the gaps.

Scottish traditions differ from (1) __ ones. For example, in Scotland people (2) __ celebrate Christmas at all. (3) __ is more important for them. They don’t (4) __ on thatday and get together to (5) __ this holiday. They have a funny (6) __ to let the Old Year out and to let the New Year in. Imagine the situation: the clock is striking (7) __ , you are opening the (8) __ and after the last stroke you (9) __ it not to let the New Year run away. Isn’t it amazing!

Key: 1) English, 2) don’t, 3) new Year’s Day, 4) work, 5) celebrate,

6) tradition, 7) twelve, 8) front door, 9) close.


Do Ex. 3, p. 74.

6. Summary

Answer the questions (p. 75).

7. Homework

Make a calendar for an English-speaking friend to show what happens in Ukraine during the year.