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Semester 6 test 2


1. If... Match the halves of these sentences

  1. If you phone d. if they work in pleasant surroundings.

  2. People are more productive f. you can ask to send the catalogues to you.

  3. If you send a letter by Datapost g. I usually look after them.

  4. If inflation rises h. the value of people's savings goes down.

  5. If anyone from our Hamburg office visits us i. it gets to the addressee the following morning.

2. Rewrite the sentences in the Present Simple Passive.

1. This bulletin publishes the prices of these shares daily.

2. Nowadays most companies move their goods by road.

3. Factories usually pack these goods into boxes.

4. They export the updated machines to Europe.

5. The involvement of three different ministries (finance, transportation and trade) complicates the whole system.

3 Complete the phrases. Use since or for.




_______last year;


_______a week;


_______a few minutes;






_______he started work;




_______three weeks;



4. Use one word in each space.

1. Globalism embodies cultural diffusion, the desire to consume and enjoy f (7) products and ideas, adopt new

technology and practices, and participate in a "world culture"; loss of languages (and corresponding loss of ideas)

2. The currency issued by the government is usually the legal t (6) of each country as by law must they must be

accepted as payment of a debt, or for a product or service.

3. In a b (6) economy, a person having something to trade must find another who wants it and has something

acceptable to offer in exchange.

  1. Money, especially paper money, has no inherent v (5).

  2. In Japan, cellular phones act as mobile and personal ATMs, c (6) cards, and check books.

  3. There are around 2 billion Bank of England b (9) in circulation. That's between £750 and £800 per adult in the


7. The success of a banknote can be gauged by its a (13): in short, whether people have confidence in it and

trust it. That confidence is inspired by the security features built into the note itself.

  1. Some of the stone m_________(5) weighed over 120 kilos.

  2. Different societies used various о (7) for religious, philosophical or other reasons.

  3. In the 1200s, people in China used iron c (5) for their currency.

5. Translate into Ukrainian

Manufacturing can be performed more efficiently in some parts of the country than in others. Natural resources, an adequate labor supply, and transportation facilities have promoted the development of certain industries in particular regions of the country. For example, the computer industry is concentrated in northern California, the steel industry developed in western Pennsylvania, and large automobile factories were first built in southern Michigan.

Nations will gain because of differences in terms of climate, natural resources, labor supply, capital, and technology. Despite the many advantages of trade between nations, most countries often restrict that trade in a number of ways.