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7. Translate into English

1. В країнах, що розвиваються, глобалізація експлуатує дешеву працю і природні ресурси.

2. 68% керівників США вважають, що глобалізація створює більший ризик для інвесторів.

3. Я впевнена, що компанія підпише контракт.

4. Ми заплатимо їм у доларах.

5. Мені підпорядковуються п'ятеро людей.

Semester 6 Module test 2

V – 5


Match the halves of these sentences.

  1. If I can find a phone a. consumer spending will fall

  2. If the government raises the taxes b. I’ll give you a ring

  3. If I knew her address c. I would sleep better at night

  4. If we had the finance d. I would visit her

  5. If I didn’t work so much on the PC e. we could expend much more rapidly

2. Rewrite the sentences in the Present Simple Passive.

1. Employers pay many manual workers weekly.

2. Workers build a lot of the world’s supertankers in South Korea.

3. They keep a large amount of gold at Fort Knox.

4. Countries store most nuclear waste underground.

5. Business people often complain that they spend too much for phone calls at hotels.

3. Put since or for in front of the words or phrases.

1._______ Wednesday 6. __________many years

2. _______ he was seventeen 7. __________they left New York

3. _______ 40 minutes 8. __________a long period of time

4. _______ the last ten years 9. _________ February

5. _______ they last met 10. _______ dinner

4. Use one word in each space (cipher means the number of letters in a definite word)

1. B_______ (6) was a system of direct exchange of goods.

2. M______ (5) is any medium of exchange that is widely accepted in payment for goods and services and in settlement of debts.

3. Because of the recession many businesses have not been i______ (9) in capital equipment over the last couple of years.

4. C_____ (4) is actual money paid (not credit).

5. The value of c_______(9) money is equal to the value of the material contained in it, usually gold, silver, and copper.

6. We plan to increase our i______(10) in plant and equipment before entering Chinese market.

7. Most governments now issue paper money in the form of bills. Such money is known as f____ (4) money.

8. D___(4) is money owed by one person or organization to another person or organization.

9. The Account D________ (10) did all the book-keeping by hand.

10. S___ (5) market is a place where company shares are bought and sold.

5. Translate into Ukrainian.

Lots of companies talk about decentralizing responsibility and authority.

The real power players of the company of SOL are its 135 supervisors, each of whom leads a team of up to 50 subordinates. These supervisors work with their teams to create their own budgets, do their own hiring and negotiate their own deals with customers.

Laptops and cell-phones are standard equipment for all supervisors at SOL, freeing them to work where they want , how they want . Inside the offices there’s almost no room for paper. So the company stores all critical budget documents and performance reports on its Intranet, along with training schedules, upcoming events and company news.