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7. Read questions and discuss given answers. Propose your own answers.


Is there any psychological help for trauma victims of disasters (tsunami)?


Disasters like the recent flood and earthquake (tsunami) affect a huge group of people in a life-threatening situation. The impact of these disasters is greatest in developing countries where sufficient reserves and resources are lacking for many people. Even with international support no planned strategies for such an event will be sufficient and many people do not have any access to psychological support.

The psychological impact of such a disaster may not only have consequences for the victims and their relatives but also for anyone who is caring for these people and offers help.

The most important task at first is to provide basic needs for these people, including food, drinking water, shelter, emergency medical help and more. But we must not forget the large psychological consequences of this kind of trauma event. Since sufficient psychiatric or psychotherapeutical help is present in most countries, the Internet may give at least some sort of basic information.

The experiences of people affected by the tsunami are terrible:

your life and the lifes of your relatives are threatened

many relatives or close friends and colleagues may have died or are lost

homelessness and loss of personal belongings

somatic illness due to lack of water and food.


What are typical symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorders?


People who are exposed to a very scary or potentially dangerous event can develop a syndrome called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Some of the symptoms can be very difficult to identify because they can also be part of other mental diseases or even somatic disorders. This includes insomnia or disturbed sleep, pains or other somatic syndromes like dizziness or gastrointestinal problems. However some of the most characteristic symptoms of PTSD include:

You have the feeling or experience, that the terrible event is happening all over again. This can be like a video, images, noises, smells or just thoughts. Usually these flashbacks come without any warning and you do not have control over it.

Nightmare and disturbed sleep with memories of the event.

Extreme tension or irritability.

you avoid certain situations, places or persons as a consequence of the traumatic event.

Any confrontation with the event causes emotional pain.

It is hard for you to trust other person or to join social activities. So a significant withdrawal of group situation might be a consequence.

You feel guilty or ashamed (e.g. because someone died and you are still alive).

8. Look at these recommendations for psychologists and try to explain this division. Do you agree with it?


Do say:

  1. These are normal reactions to a disaster.

  2. It is understandable that you feel this way.

  3. You are not going crazy.

  4. It wasn’t your fault, you did the best you could.

  5. Things may never be the same, but they will get better, and you will feel better.

Don’t say:

  1. It could have been worse.

  2. You can always get another pet/car/house.

  3. It’s best if you just stay busy.

  4. I know just how you feel.

  5. You need to get on with your life.

9. Match the words in the left column with their explanations in the right column:

    1. Disorientation

A. not eating, bathing or changing clothes, inability to manage activities of daily living

    1. Depression

B. constantly on edge, restless, agitated, inability to sleep, frequent frightening nightmares, flashbacks and intrusive thoughts, obsessive fears of another disaster, excessive ruminations about the disaster – hearing voices, seeing visions, delusional

    1. Anxiety

C. thinking, excessive preoccupation with an idea or thought, pronounced pressure of speech (e.g., talking rapidly with limited content continuity)

  1. Mental Illness

D. dazed, memory loss, inability to give date or time, state where he or she is, recall events of the past 24 hours or understand what is happening

  1. Inability to care for self

E. pervasive feelings of hopelessness and despair, unshakable feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy, withdrawal from others, inability to engage in productive activity

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