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VI. Укажите какие из данных утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста.

1. The programming languages used today are much more difficult in use in comparison with the early computer programming languages, thus few people know them.

2. The compiler reads in the programme and converts it into the machine language.

3. Usually written computer programmes are used unchanged on different sets of data even over a long period of time.

4. A programming language comprises a vocabulary of computer’s operation.

VII. Выберите правильные ответы на вопросы.

1. What are the calculations to be performed defined by?

a) by a programme;

b) by a computer language;

c) by a set oа rules.

2) What unit is the operation of the computer controlled by?

a) by control;

b) by output;

c) by input.

VIII. Прочитайте предложения. Выберите правильный вариант перевода.

1. The programme is held in a part of the store and we assume it is there initially.

а) Программа хранится в памяти и считается, что она находится там изначально.

b) Программа хранится в памяти и предполагается, что она там находится там изначально.

2. The instructions may cause some data to be read into store.

a) Команды могут направить некоторую информацию в память.

b) Инструкции могут приказать памяти считать некоторую информацию.

3. The compiler not only reads in the programme, but also converts it.

а) Компилятор не только распознает программу, но и изменяет ее.

b) Компилятор не только считывает программу, но и преобразует ее.

IX. Переведите на русский язык абзацы с 3 по 5.


Bариант 1

I. Выберите правильный вариант видовременной формы глагола, перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, указав, в какой видовременной форме находится выбранный вами глагол.

Example: The teacher … by his behaviour.

a)was shocked; b) have been shocked; c) are shocking; d)has shocked

The teacher was shocked by his behaviour. - Учитель был потрясен (возмущен) его поведением. (Past Simple, Passive Voice)

1. The term “electronics” … to the study of electron behaviour and movement.

a) had been applied originally; c) are originally applied;

b) was originally applied; d) was originally being applied.

2. An ever-increasing volume of information … in digital form.

a) are transmitted; c) is transmitted;

b) are been transmitted; d) transmits.

3. The digital pulses … perfectly after they become attenuated with distance.

a) can be regenerated; c)could have be regenerated;

b)can been regenerated; d) being regenerated.

4. Access to knowledge … far easier recently by computerized indexes of scientific and technical journals.

a) were made; c) are made;

b) has been made; d) make

5. Your watch is not ready yet. It … still … .

a) are … being repaired; c) is… repairing;

b) was … being repaired; d) is … being repaired

II. Прочитайте предложения, перепишите их, обращая внимание на многофункциональность «that». Переведите письменно предложения на руский язык.

Example: We know that a computer is a complex electronic device. – Мы знаем, что вычислительная машина является сложным электронным устройством. (союзное слово)

1. That machine is quite automatic – it does everything by itself.

2. There are computers that can do many jobs.

3. That Mendeleev discovered the periodic table is well-known.

4. The story of the telephone is similar to that of the telegraph.

5. The television audio signals are received by equipment similar to that used in other forms of radio.

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