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By Minister of State for External Affairs of India EDUARDO FALEIRO during the Signing Ceremony of the Convention for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons being held in

Paris, 13-15 January 1993

Part 2

Ladies and gentlemen,

India has all along opposed arrangements of an ad hoc1nature. It has instead sought a comprehensive convention that would rid the world of an entire class of weapons of mass destruction. The central issue of the Chemical Weapons Convention is not the non-proliferation of chemical weapons but their elimination which can be best addressed by a regime which is universally applicable and non-discriminatory in character.

Government of India is totally committed not to acquire or produce chemical weapons. The Action Plan presented by India at the Third Special Session of the UN General Assembly devoted to disarmament in 1988 called for the conclusion of a convention banning chemical weapons in the first phase, as one of the key measures leading to the establishment of a new and non-violent world order.

Within the region, India and Pakistan signed a Joint Declaration on 19th August, 1992, renouncing chemical weapons and committing both countries to becoming original states parties. As part of its unreserved commitment, India has, even prior to signing the Chemical Weapons Convention, instituted a series of export restraints to ensure that dual-


purpose chemicals are used exclusively for peaceful purposes.

The Chemical Weapons Convention stands out among international disarmament agreements, characterized as it is by the principles of universality and non-discrimination. Under the non-discriminatory provisions of the Chemical Weapons Convention, all countries, big and small, shall share a similar set of responsibilities and obligations while enjoying equal rights. We are convinced that the Chemical Weapons Convention, which is the first global, non-discriminatory and multilateral agreement, should serve as a basis for similar multilateral agreements relating to other weapons of mass destruction. In many ways, we therefore have in the Chemical Weapons Convention an agreement that can and should serve as a useful model for our future efforts in the field of global disarmament.

Thank you, Mr. President.

Комментарий и словарь

      1. Ad hoc - (лат.) «применительно к этому», специально для этого случая, для определенного случая.

      2. Dual-purpose chemicals - химические вещества двойного назначения.


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Численность населения города - 1 567 000 человек. Женщины составляют 52% населения. Из общего числа жителей 346 580 - пенсионеры; детей в возрасте до 16 лет - 248 900. Численность трудоспособного населения - 869 450. 43% населения проживают в верхней части города. Люди с высшим образованием составляют 37% населения. На государственных предприятиях работают 112 578 человек, в частном бизнесе занято 659 450 человек. Ежедневно общественным транспортом пользуются более 1 200 000 человек. Владельцев автомобилей в городе 549 238 человек, из них 18 340 человек имеют автомобиль марки «Газель».

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An Interview with Ben Pimlott, Professor of Politics and Contemporary History at Birkbeck College in London, the author of

the book «The Queen: A Biography of Elizabeth II».

Сейчас в Великобритании много говорят о роли монархии в жизни страны, необходимость монархии подвергается сомнению. Этому способствуют и некоторые события в жизни королевской семьи, которые привлекают излишнее внимание общественности. В этой связи вполне естественно возникает вопрос: каким Вы видите будущее монархии в Великобритании?

It has been and is being slimmed down1to some extent - there were discussions about that again this summer. The huge scale of the monarchy relates to an empire and a world power that doesn't exist anymore. There is a lot to be said for the suggestion of making the monarchy accountable.


A solution is to have a sort of Department of the Crown , which can be budgeted in a normal way and a minister responsible for it. However much one may advocate radical, progressive policies - as I do - it seems to me that one of the aspects of the monarchy is that it should be a traditional institution. I think that it will go on and that the ceremonials will continue.

И тем не менее в нашем мире многое изменилось. Изменилось и само государство. Это уже не та мощная империя, которая была во времена королевы Виктории. Не случайно все чаще раздаются призывы ввести в стране республиканскую форму правления. Как Вы можете прокомментировать эти призывы?

I wouldn't want to be presented as defending the monarchy, but I dislike what I regard as trendy republicanism. The monarchy is an important aspect of our culture. It is a part of the British psyche and relates to one's position as a citizen in almost every aspect of life. A book came out some years ago that said that 40 percent of the people in the country dream about having the Queen come to tea. I think it's probably still true. There have been tremors in the position of the monarchy before. The age of


Queen Victoria was not a model of rectitude , and by the 1870s, there was a very strong republican movement. There was a huge rally in Hyde Park in 1871 demanding a republic. If you had a republican rally in Trafalgar Square now, I doubt that you'd get 100 people.

В своей книге Вы писали, что королева Елизавета в своей жизни имеет необычайные привилегии и в то же время весьма сдержанно пользуется ими. Это ее определенным образом характеризует. Что Вы можете сказать о королеве как о личности?

She's not an extraordinary woman, in one way. But the situation is an extraordinary one to be in, and she's risen to the challenge. She's not an innovative thinker, she doesn't take initiative very much, but she is a very dutiful person. There have not been huge mistakes, and on the whole she's trod a very steady path. I certainly gather from talking to her friends that she is by no means an intellectual. But, that said, she's no doubt a very intelligent woman and a very knowledgeable one - or one who does her homework.

А как строятся отношения королевы с премьер-министрами?

I think her relationship with John Major is a good one. With Margaret Thatcher, it was always being said that there were problems.

Два года назад мы узнали о решении королевы платить налоги. Что подтолкнуло ее к такому решению?

The taxation thing is one of her major errors. It was bound to happen. She should have seen the writing on the wall1, but instead she was effectively pushed into it2.

Вы хотите сказать, что в этом отношении королевская семья оторвалась от реальности?

Because there hasn't been a major war in the last 50 years, people tend to think that we're much the same as we were in 1946. But we aren't. The values of society are different, the structure of society, the economy, our place in the world is utterly different. The monarchy has existed as a golden thread through these changing times.

Комментарий и словарь

          1. To slim down - зд.: уменьшаться, снижаться. Данную фразу можно перевести следующим образом: «Роль монархии уменьшилась».

          2. Department of the Crown-Министерстводвора.

          3. Rectitude - незыблемые моральные устои; правота, правильность.

          4. She should have seen the writing on the wall - здесь звучит аллюзия на события, описанные в Ветхом Завете (книга пророка Даниила). Интервьюируемый имеет в виду, что королева должна была внять предупреждениям, должна была расценить ситуацию как предупреждение.

          5. ...she was effectively pushed into it - фраза логически связана с предыдущей частью предложения. Возможный перевод: «Вместо этого ее вынудили пойти на это/она была вынуждена сделать это под давлением извне».

Welcoming Remarks by the Chairperson of the UNESCO Executive Board

(Visit to the Executive Board of the Prime Minister of Mauritius, Sir

Anerood Jugnauth)

Mr. Prime Minister,

It is a great pleasure and honour for me to bid you welcome, on behalf of the Members of the Executive Board of UNESCO, to this 145thsession of the Board.

You come, Sir, from a beautiful, "sea-locked" country1which has come to be very especially admired for its peaceful multiracial society, its sound democratic traditions and its substantial recent development successes.

Political stability, success in attracting foreign investment, gigantic


economic progress - with per capita income having jumped from below $1000 to over $8000 - unemployment virtually nil, and labour needing to be brought in from abroad, a literacy rate of over 95%, free education up to university level, compulsory primary education, free health care... the list of your country's achievements is remarkable and long, and much of those achievements are due to your outstanding leadership.