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5 Дайте письмові відповіді на запитання до тексту.

1 What branches of industry are developed in Great Britain?

  1. What is the leading branch of industry in the country?

  2. What part of Britain’s land is used for agriculture?

  3. What can you tell about farming as a branch of English economy?

Варіант 2

1 Перепишіть слідуючи речення, підкресліть в кожному з них дієслово – присудок та визначте його видо-часову форму та стан. Перекладіть речення на рідну мову. У розділі /Б/ зверніть увагу на особливості перекладу пасивних конструкцій. (див. зразок виконання 1)

A/1 This plant produces new machines.

2 The car has already gone 200 miles today.

3 The device will not be working for such a long time.

B/ 1 For years the problems of atomic energy were being worked at by many

scientists of different countries.

2 Many schools are built in our country.

2 Перепишіть слідуючи речення, підкресліть в них модальні дієслова та дайте їх еквіваленти. Перекладіть речення на рідну мову.( див. зразок виконання 2)

1 I cannot say what she looks like.

2 He might go away after the lesson. But he didn’t want to.

3 One of all, we must devotedly work for the good of our country.

3 Перепишіть слідуючи речення, підкресліть в них Participle I та Participle II та визначте функції кожного з них, тобто чи є воно означенням, обставинами, чи часткою присудка. Перекладіть речення на рідну мову. (див. зразок виконання 3)

1 The reading student is my friend.

2 People living one hundred years ago knew nothing of radio.

3 Water becomes ice when cooled.

4 Перепишіть та перекладіть письмово слідуючий текст:

Industries and Science of the USA

New words and word-combinations to be remembered:





To turn out

обробка, переробка



розподіл, поширення


In recent years there has been a great increase in the number of engineers and scientists employed in American industries as companies emphasize research and the development of labor-saving machines. Some plants in the oil and chemical industries are built almost entirely around self-acting controls. Machines are doing more and more of the work of processing, assembling, packaging and distributing products. To meet the demands of the rapidly increasing population, industry today turns out more products at greater speed and with less labour.

The growing use of machines to perform routine tasks in agriculture, industry and other fields has brought about a shift of workers to new employment. Though some have been displaced because of automation, most have been absorbed by new industries and by the growth of service and leisure industries.

Other changes have taken place in the business world. Today industry reinvests twice as much of its profit in modernization and development as it did a century ago. New industries are formed as new discoveries are made. Atomic energy, for example, has created a wide range of new activities. So has the invention of plastic materials, which are used in many products. Electronics has become a major industry, employing more than a million people. About 80 per cent of the products of one leading electronics firm did not exist 10 years ago.

The United States has long had a reputation as a pioneer in ingenious technology – from incandescent lights, sewing machines and cotton gins to telephones, television equipment, computers, airplanes and spaceships. But only in the last 40 years have American scientists become known for their contributions to research in basic and applied science, and today the country is among the world’s leaders in both areas.

The United States contributions to the world body of scientific and technological knowledge range from discoveries about subatomic particles, earthquake prediction, clues to the origin and evolution of the sun and the planets to breakthroughs in the fight against cancer and heart diseases, organ transplantation and substitution, genetic research and new sources of energy.