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Английский язык. Часть 1.pdf
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Типы предложений.Порядок слов в предложениях.Глаголы “to be”˝ и “to have” в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем временах.Структуры “˝to be going to do smth”, “to be fond of smth”.Общие и специальные вопросы.Артикли: определенный, неопределенный, нулевой.Ли˝чные местоимения. Указательные местоимения this / that, these / those.

Text 1

A book. It is a book. Is it a book? Yes, it is. No, it is not. What is it? A chair. This is a chair. Is this a chair? Yes, it is. No, it is not. What is this? A pencil. Is that a pencil? Yes, it is. No, it is not. What is that? This is the floor. That is the ceiling. This is the door and that is the window. This is the wall and that is the wall, too. It is a blackboard. It is a duster. Is that a book? – Yes, it is. Is this a pen? – No, it isn’t. It is not a pen. It’s a pencil.

The blackboard is black. The chalk is white. This desk is brown. That piece of paper is yellow. These pencils are green and those pencils are blue. These are green pencils. Those are blue pencils.

Is that pen red or green? It is red. Is the bag brown? No it isn’t. It is yellow. Is that a blue box? No, it isn’t. It is a red box. Is this piece of chalk white? Yes, it is.

Text 2

а) Прочитайте текст, переведите его и ответьте на вопросы.

б) Переделайте текст, поставив глаголы “to be” и “to have” в прошедшее и будущее время.

My name is Susan. I am twenty. I am a first-year student at Glasgow University. I’m going to become an economist. It’s a very interesting profession. I’m not married, because I’m so young. My family is not large. We are five: my mother, my father, my grandmother, my sister and me.

My father is a teacher. He is very clever. He is like a walking dictionary. He is keen on foreign literature, he is interested in sciences.

My mother is younger than my father. She is always full of joy and energy. She is a housewife and is good at cooking.

My grandmother is quiet and thoughtful. She is well-read. She has a lot of books on her shelves.

My sister Mary is a lovely girl. She is well-bred and always well-dressed. Foreign languages are her hobby. She is going to master French.

We have many relatives: three uncles, two aunts, six cousins.

My best friend is Ann. She is modest and honest. She is good at painting.


What’s your name?

2. How old are you?


What are you going to be?

4. Are you married?


Why aren’t married?

6. Is your family large?






How many are you in the family?

8. What is your father?


What is your father interested in?

10. Is Mary always well-dressed?

11.What language is Mary going to master?

12.How many relatives have you got?

13.Who is your best friend?

14.What is she good at?

Text 3

Read the text and try to tell your group-mates about your relations.

My Relations

My mother has six sisters. Her elder sister lives in Moscow. Her name is Maria. Aunt Maria is a teacher. Her husband is a technician. His name is Michael but we call him uncle Mike for short. His hobby is radio repairing.

My aunt and uncle have four children: three sons and a daughter. I am on friendly terms with my cousins.

My cousin Andrew is married. He is an electrician. His wife is a tailor. They have two children, they are twins. My second cousin Nick lives in the country. He is a technician at the transport services. He is married too. His wife is a nurse in the kindergarten. In summer we go to the country on our holidays and stay at Nick’s.

Text 4

Read the text. Answer the questions given below and retell the text.

About Mr. Brown, a Teacher

This is Mr. Brown. He is English. He is from Great Britain. He is from London. Mr. Brown is not single. He is married. He is forty-five years old. He is a quiet, good-looking man, tall, handsome, rather thin, with curly brown hair and dark gray eyes.

Mr. Brown is a teacher. He is a teacher of London University. He is there on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. On Wednesday he is at home in his rich, cosy family library. He is busy with reading scientific books and newspapers, journals and magazines, writing articles and reports. Saturday and Sunday are his days off. His hobby is music and gardening.

1.Where is Mr. Brown from?

2.Is Mr. Brown single or married?

3.How old is he?

4.What does he look like?

5.What is Mr. Brown’s occupation?

6.On what days is he at University?

7.What is he busy with?

8.What are his days off?

9.What is his hobby?





Text 5

Read and translate the text in writing.

The Browns

Mr. Brown’s family is not large. There are four of them: his wife, his son, his daughter and him.

His wife, Mrs. Brown, is a pleasant looking woman. She is forty. She has warm brown hair and soft dark brown eyes. She is kind and gentle. She has much work to do about the house. Mr. Brown is a little unpractical. Mrs. Brown, on the other hand, is very practical and full of common sense.

The Browns haven’t many children, only two: John and Mary. John is seventeen and six foot tall. He is at University. He has a lot of books in his room. He is a clever, hard-working student, a first class footballer, boxer and runner. He hasn’t much time to spare. He is strong, quiet and thoughtful like his father.

His sister Mary is only twelve. She is a lovely girl. She has golden hair and dark blue eyes. She is always bright and happy, full of joy. She is at school. She has much homework to do. She has a pet, it’s a parrot.

The family is very friendly, they have much in common. Every time they are together, they are happy.

1.Is Mr. Brown’s family large?

2.How many are they in the family?

3.How old is Mrs. Brown?

4.What is she like?

5.What is she?

6.How many children have the Browns?

7.What is their son’s name?

8.How old is John?

9.What is his occupation?

10.What has he in his room?

11.What is he like?

12.Is he like his father or his mother?

13.Has he much or little time to spare?

14.What is the daughter’s name?

15.How old is she?

16.She is at school, isn’t she?

17.Has she much or little homework?

18.What Pet has Mary?

19.Is everyone in the family happy?

20.Have they much or little in common?

21.Is the family friendly?






Learn the dialogues by heart. Act them down.


-Tom, who is this good-looking, chestnut-haired young lady?

-Oh, it’s my sister.

-And who is this pretty girl with rosy plump cheeks and a turned-up nose?

-It’s her elder daughter, my niece.

-Well, you have such pleasant-looking relatives.

-Thank you.


-What is the name of your younger brother?


-Really? Fantastic, we both have a brother John by name.

-Why? John is such a popular name.


-Look, Jane, have you got a family of your own?

-Oh, no, I’m not married yet. I live with my parents.

-Is your family large?

-I don’t think so. My parents have got only two daughters.

-And which of you is the eldest?

-It’s me. I’m twenty.

-How old is your younger sister? I wonder what her name is?

-Susan. She’s a lovely girl. She is ten.

-It’s a pleasure to have such a young sister, isn’t it?

-Certainly. She’s the apple of my eye.

Translate the dialogue from Russian into English.


-Это миссис Браун? У нее большая семья?


-Сколько у нее детей?

-Четверо: две девочки – Мэри и Бетси, и два мальчика – Билл и Джон.

-Мэри старшая?

-Äà, åé 16 ëåò.

-А сколько лет Джону?

-Он еще маленький, ему еще нет трех.





-Брауны очень приятные люди.

-Да, очень. М-р Браун – великолепный отец, а миссис Браун – очень любящая мать.

Translate the replies from Russian into English. Act out the dialogues.


-Hello, Kate. Let me introduce my friend Barbara, she is from Nottingham.

-Здравствуйте, Барбара. Рада познакомиться с вами. Вы здесь по делу?

-Pleased to meet you too. You are right, I’m on business here. I’m a nurse and I’m on practice at hospital now.

-Вы очень заинтересованы в своей профессии? И я думаю, вы очень хороший специалист.

-Да, я люблю свою профессию. Мои родители – врачи. И я тоже собираюсь стать врачом.

-My parents are journalists. But I’m not a journalist. I’m going to be a lawyer.


-What are you going to be after school, Jack?

-Я собираюсь стать инженером. Мне очень нравится математика, физика, компьютеры. А ты?

-Я бы хотела стать актрисой. Это такая интересная профессия, и я хочу петь, танцевать, встречаться со многими людьми.

-Oh, you are wrong then. I think, it’s very hard to be a good actress, and a person should have a lot of special talents.


Act out the dialogue. Learn it by heart.

-Good evening, Helen, dear! I’m very glad to see you.

-Good evening, Pamela! How are you and your son?

-We are very well, thank you. My son is a lawyer now.

-Oh, I am very glad to hear that. And my children are still students.

-You know, Helen, my George is a married man now. His wife’s name is Sarah. She is very nice and young.

-How old is she?

-Nineteen. She is a student.

-I’m very glad for the young couple. Best regards to George and Sarah.

-Thank you, good bye!

-Good bye!






Exercise 1. Insert the definite or indefinite articles where necessary in the following sentences.

I am Peter Smirnov. Peter is my … first name and Smirnov is my … surname. My family is large: Mother, Father, … sister, … brother and grandparents. My grandparents live with us. There are seven of us in … family.

My mother is … doctor. She works in … hospital. My father is … turner. He is … experienced worker. He reads a lot. His hobby is fishing.

My grandpa is … veteran. My granny is … pensioner. She is often ill and we help her with … housework. I go shopping and my … sister Ann helps about … house.

Ann is seventeen. She is … part-time student. My brother Nick is … schoolboy. He is … ten. He wants to become … engineer.

I am sixteen. I am … student. I go to … technical school. I am … fulltime student. I am in … first year, and I want to be … technician.

Exercise 2. Insert “to have” or “to be” in the following sentences.

My friend’s name … Peter. Last year Peter’s parents … a small flat. Now they … a large flat and Peter … his own room.

Peter … twenty years old. He … a student. I … also a student. We … schoolboys only three years ago. There … a factory not far from our school. Now we … students at a Technical Institute. In some years we … engineers.

Peter’s father … a turner. His mother … a worker, but now she … a housewife.

Peter … two brothers. He … no sisters. His eldest brother John … a sailor. The second brother … a doctor. His name … Pavel. He … twenty-six years old. Last year he … still a student. His wife … a teacher. Her name … Ann. They … a little daughter. She … only two years old. His brother’s family … a new flat soon. The flat … far from the center of the city but there … an underground station near their house. In two or three years that part of the city … simply wonderful. In front of their house there … a large square with the high building of the Palace of Culture and a monument to Pushkin in the middle of the square.

Exercise 3. à) Insert the indefinite article “a” or “an” where it is necessary.

1. ...window

2. ... horse

3. ... airport

4. ... university

5. ...organisation

6. ... restaurant





7. ... Chinese restaurant

8. ... Indian restaurant

9. ... accident

10. ... bad accident

11. ... question

12. ... important question

13. ... hamburger

14. ... hour

15. ... economic problem

b) Insert the definite or indefinite articles where necessary in the following sentences.

1.What is ... name of this town?

2.Jane is ... very nice person. You must meet her.

3.Montreal is ...large city in Canada.

4.What is ... largest city in Canada?

5.“What time is it?” “I don’t know. I don’t have ...watch.”

6.When I went to Rome, I stayed with ... Italian friend of mine.

7.You look very tired. You need ... vacation.

8.Don’t sit on ...floor. It’s dirty.

Exercise 4. Mind the use of the definite or indefinite articles in the following sentences.

1. I want to buy a book for my son. 2. My son has got a very good English teacher. 3. The watch is too slow. 4. I haven’t a pen. 5. My father can drive a car. 6. The flat is quite large and comfortable. 7. He travels widely throughout the United States. 9. What lovely flowers! 10. Mr Petrov is an engineer at our factory. 12. Where are the pens? They are on the table. 13. He is hungry. He hasn’t had dinner today! 14. They go to the Institute by bus, but today they are going there on foot. 15. I like Literature and History, but I don’t like Mathematics.

Exercise 5. Insert the indefinite article where necessary in the following sentences.

1.This is … bed. It’s my bed. 2. He likes … milk. 3. This work gives me

satisfaction. 4. It took me half … hour to make supper. 5. How many times

month do you go to the theatre? 6. He met … Kate yesterday. 7. What … lovely day! 8. Give me … pencil, please! 9. … snow is white. 10. London is the capital of … England. 11. Go to … room three, please. 12. I’m … student.

Exercise 6. Insert “is”, or “are”.

It … autumn now. The days … shorter and shorter and the nights … longer and longer. It … often cold. But sometimes the weather … fine. Some gardens … still full of flowers. But it … also a season of fruit and vegetables.





Exercise 7. Insert “am”, “is”, or “are”.

1.I ... not three years old.

2.This suitcase ... very heavy.

3.These suitcases ... very heavy.

4.The dog ... asleep.

5.Look! There ... Carol.

6.I ... hot. Can you open the window, please?

7.This bridge ... one hundred years old.

8.My brother and I ...good tennis players.

9.Ann ... at home but her children ... at school.

10.I ... a student. My sister ... an architect.

Exercise 8. Make up sentences using “am”, “is”, or “are”.

Model: (The shoes very dirty) The shoes are very dirty.

I not very happy today

this restaurant very expensive

the stores not open today

Mr. Kelly’s daughter six years old

the houses on this street very old

the bed very comfortable

those flowers very beautiful

the pencils in your bag

Exercise 9. à) Translate into English. b) Write these sentences in the Past Simple Tense and the Future Simple Tense.

1. Я – студент. 2. Вы студент? – Нет, я врач. 3. Мой дедушка – ученый. 4. Моя мама – не учительница. 5. Твоя сестра менеджер? 6. ˝Ваш двоюродный брат инженер? – Нет, он конструктор. 7. У меня есть˝ три сестры и два брата. 8. У Вас есть двоюродная сестра? 9. У Нины ес˝ть племянник и две племянницы. Они – школьники.

Exercise 10. Use the verb “to be” in à) the Present Simple Tense;

b)the Past Simple Tense; c) the Future Simple Tense.

1.The window ... open. 2. I ... in the classroom. 3. We ... students. 4. You

... a teacher. 5. The baby ... in bed. 6. The books ... on the table. 7. I ... a student. 8. The door ... shut. 9. The children ... in the garden. 10. ... we students? 11. The chair ... near the table. 12. ... I a teacher? 13. ... the door shut? 14. ... the windows open? 15. ... the baby in bed? 16. ... the children in the garden? 17. ... the chair near the table? 18. ... I in the classroom? 19. ... the books on the table? 20. ... you teachers?

Exercise 11. Translate into English.

1. Я студент. 2. Мой брат – художник. Он – не инженер. 3. Моя сестра˝ на работе. Она – врач. 4. Он был учителем. 5. Вы студент? – Нет, я вр˝ач. 6. Мы не будем завтра в институте. Мы будем дома. 7. Мой брат – ин˝женер. Он





– не экономист. 8. Ваш двоюродный брат дома? – Нет, он в инстит˝уте. 9. Твоя сестра была менеджером? – Да. 10. Наташа дома? – Нет, она на˝ работе.

Exercise 12. Start the sentences with the personal pronouns “I”, “you”,

“he”, “she”, “it”, “we”, “they”.


Model: He (she) is a teacher.


… are good friends.

… is a table.

… am student.

… is Mr. Robinson.

… is in London.

… is in the car.

… am fine.

… is a young man.

… are in the car.


Exercise 13. Use the personal pronouns “he”, “she”, “it”, “we”, “they” instead of the underlined nouns.

1. The pencils are blue. 2. The girl is not here. 3. Put the bag on the desk. 4. The bag and the coat are on the chair. 5. The bag is near the door. 6. Ann and I are students. 7. The boxes are not on the floor. 8. Where are the girls? 9. John is a pupil.

Exercise 14. Give short answers to the following questions, using the personal pronouns “I”, “you”, “he”, “she”, “it”, “they”.

1. Is this a pencil? 2. Is that a window? 3. Is the teacher in the classroom? 4. Are the students in the classroom? 5. Is Nick absent today? 6. Is Nick ill? 7. Is Ann near the blackboard?

Exercise 15. Give short answers to the following questions, using the personal pronouns “he”, “she”, “it”, “they”.

1. Is the window shut? 2. Is the door open? 3. Are the flowers on the table? 4. Is Ann absent today? 5. Is Nick near the blackboard? 6. Are the penñils on the floor? 7. Are the books on the chairs?

Exercise 16. Fill in the blanks with the personal pronouns “I”, “you”, “he”, “she”, “it”, “we”, “they”.

1. The pencil is in the box. ... is not on the desk. 2. The windows are not open.... are shut. 3. Ann is here.... is not there. 4. What colour are the desks?

... are brown. 5. Put the match under the box. Where is ...? 6. Put the pieces of paper on the table. Where are... ? 7. The boy is in the classroom. Where is

... ? 8. Where are the pencils? ... are in the box. 9. What are you? ... am a student. 10. Where are ... ? ... are in the classroom.





Exercise 17. Insert the definite or indefinite articles where necessary in the following sentences.

1. He is ... member of ... City Council of Birmingham. 2. He lives in ...

house at ... seaside not far from … factory where he works. 3. ... special announcement was made on ... radio this morning. I don’t know what it was. 4. The Prime Minister made ... speech to ... chief representatives of his party. 5. ... Doctor Smith works in ... hospital in London, near ... British Museum. 6. It was ... cold dark evening and ... warm fire and … book seemed ... best way of passing ... time.

Exercise 18. Insert the missing words.

1. My mother’s sister is my ___. 2. My uncle’s son is my father’s ___. 3. Your mother’s mother is your ___. 4. His aunt’s daughter is his __ . 5. My sister’s husband is my __ . 6. Her husband’s father is her __. 7. Our brother’s daughter is our __. 8. Their sister’s son is their mother’s __.


My Favourite Relative

Of all my relatives, I like my aunt Emily the best. She is my mother’s youngest sister. She has never been married, and lives alone in a small village near Bath. She is in her late sixties, but she is quite young in spirit. She has a fair complexion, thick brown hair which she wears in a bun, and dark brown eyes.

She is the sort of person you can always go to if you have a problem. She likes reading and gardening, and she still goes for long walks over the

hills. She’s a very active person. Either she’s making something, or mending something, or doing something to entertain herself. She is very generous. She is not very tolerant with people who don’t agree with her. I am sure I am the very picture of her.