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Английский язык. Часть 1.pdf
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The Present Perfect Tense. Степени сравнения наречий. Степени сравнения прилагательных (повторение).

Text 1

Read the text and answer the questions on it.


London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and cultural centre. It’s one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is more than 11 million people. London is situated on the river Thames. The city is very old and beautiful. It was founded more than two thousand years ago.

Traditionally London is divided into several parts: the City, the West End, the East End and Westminster. The City is the oldest part of London, its financial and business centre. The heart of the City is the Stock Exchange.

Westminster is the most important part of the capital. It’s the administrative centre. The Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British Government, are there. It’s a very beautiful building with two towers and a very big clock called Big Ben. Big Ben is really the bell which strikes every quarter of an hour. Opposite the Houses of Parliament is Westminster Abbey. It’s a very beautiful church built over 900 years ago. The tombs of many great statesmen, scientists and writers are there.

To the west of Westminster is the West End. Here we find most of the big shops, hotels, museums, art galleries, theatres and concert halls. Picadilly Circus is the heart of London’s West End. In the West End there are wide streets with beautiful houses and many parks, gardens and squares.

To the east of Westminster is the East End, an industrial district of the capital. There are no parks or gardens in the East End and you can’t see many fine houses there. Most of the plants and factories are situated there.

London has many places of interest. One of them is Buckingham Palace. It’s the residence of the Queen. The English are proud of Trafalgar Square, which was named so in memory of the victory at Trafalgar. There in 1805 the English fleet defeated the fleet of France and Spain. The last place of interest I should like to mention, is the British Museum, the biggest museum in London. The museum is famous for its library – one of the richest in the world.

All London’s long-past history is told by its streets. There are many streets in London which are known all over the world. Among them Oxford Street, Downing Street and a lot of others. And tourists are usually attracted not only by the places of interest but by the streets too.

In conclusion I should say if you are lucky enough to find yourself in London some day you will have a lot to see and enjoy there.





1.When was London founded?

2.Into what parts is London divided?

3.What is the heart of the City?

4.Do you know any places of interest in London?

5.All London’s history is told by its streets, isn’t it?

Text 2

Have you ever been to London? Read some information about it.

More about London

London is the capital of England, the capital of Great Britain, and the capital of the United Kingdom. It is the largest town in Europe and one of the oldest towns in the world. The old Celts gave it its name, the Romans made it the centre of their new colony, the Germanic invaders tried to burn and to destroy it, the victorious Normans made it the capital of the country.

The central part of London is full of historical remains. Nearly every building, every bridge, every street, palace, house, and stone – each of them has its own story, its own past. In London past and present are so mixed together that they cannot easily be separated and when you are in London you see the past in the present and the present in the past.

The oldest part of London is called the City. In the City the streets and pavements are very narrow and the traffic is very heavy on weekdays. That is because the most important London firms and banks have offices there. But at weekends the City is almost dead.

The most fashionable and the most expensive part to live in is the West End. It is situated between the City and Hyde Park. The City and the West End are the heart of London; they are the parts which everybody who comes to London must see and wants to see, because they are more interesting than any other part of London. All the most interesting buildings, shops and offices are situated here.

The Tower of London, the Bank of England, the Mansion House where the Lord Mayor lives, the Law Courts, and many interesting old churches are situated in the City. The Houses of Parliament with Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, the National Gallery and many theatres and good shops are in the West End.

London has many bridges over the Thames, more than twenty, but the most interesting of them all is the Tower Bridge situated near the Tower of London.

The Tower of London is an old castle, with high walls, high towers, small windows and large gardens. Once it was a royal residence, a strong fortress and a state prison. Here many important people, among them two wives of Henry VIII, were imprisoned and beheaded.

One of the oldest and the most famous places of London is St. Paul’s Cathedral. It has been destroyed and rebuilt several times since the original





construction in the 7th century. It stands in the centre of the so-called Little Britain. A large part of Little Britain was destroyed during the war; the houses that were close to the Cathedral’s walls disappeared and for the first time in centuries St. Paul’s Cathedral’s beauty can be seen.


Insert articles where necessary. London

London is one of … most interesting cities in … Europe. During holidays many tourists from all over … world come to London.

London is situated on … Thames. The places tourists always want to visit are … Houses of Parliament and famous clock “Big Ben”. Very close to … Houses of Parliament is Westminster Abbey where many kings and queens, poets and other outstanding persons are buried. … Tower Bridge and … Tower of London are also worth seeing, as well as one of … biggest cathedrals in … world – … St. Paul’s Cathedral. Buckingham Palace where … Queen and her family live is also a great attraction for visitors. There are many museums in … London, one of … most interesting is the Madame Tussaud’s where you can see wax figures of politicians, film stars, kings and queens and other famous persons. Tourists also visit the British Museum and Tate Gallery. They also go to Piccadilly Circus with its Eros statue and Trafalgar Square with its … Column of Nelson and to … Hyde Park, … Oxford Street and …Soho.

There are many other places to see in … London, so it is impossible to see everything in one day or even one week.

Text 3

Read the text and translate it without using a dictionary. Close the book and tell your group-mates what you have learnt from the text. Retell it in details and then write an essay.


London is the capital of Great Britain. More than six million people live in London. London lies on both banks of the river Thames. It is the largest city in Europe and one of the largest cities in the world.

London is not only the capital of the country, it is also a very big port, one of the greatest commercial centres in the world, a university city, and the seat of the government of Great Britain.

The most important parts of London are: the City, the West End, the East End and Westminster.

The City is the busiest part of London. People do business there. Only about ten thousand people live there.





The West End is the richest part of London. You can find the best shops, theatres, cinemas, museums, fine parks and squares there. Its houses and streets are the finest in the capital. The rich people live in the West End.

The East End is the part of London where working people live. It is not so rich as other parts of London and there are fewer parks there.

Westminster Abbey is one of the most beautiful buildings in London. There are many monuments of great men there. Many great English scientists lie buried there; among them Newton, Darwin and Watt. In the Poets’ Corner some of the famous English poets and writers are buried.


Read the dialogue and then learn it by heart.

-Is England the name of that country?

-No, it isn’t. It’s called Great Britain, or simply Britain. England is a part of it.

-Really? So, I’m sorry, I’m mistaken.

-In my opinion you simply mix the names.

-And what about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland or the United Kingdom? That sounds more official, doesn’t it?

-Yes, it’s the official name of that country. In everyday speech Britain is used to mean the United Kingdom, it’s the name of the island which is made up of England, Scotland and Wales.



Exercise 1. Put in the right form of the adjective.

Part 1.

1. Kate is (young) than Mary. 2. John is the (clever) boy in the class. 3. The weather is (dull) today than it was yesterday. 4. London is one of the (big) cities in the world. 5 This sentence is (difficult) than the first one. 6. My dog is as (good) as yours. 7. His dog is (good) than yours. 8. Her dog is the (good) of the three. 9. The cat is much (happy) in her new home. 10. My cold is (bad) today than it was yesterday. 11. This mountain is the (high) in Europe. 12. This piece of homework is as (bad) as your last one 13. This piece of homework is (bad) than your last one. 14. This piece of homework is the (bad) you have ever done. 15. Richard is not as (tall) as Tom. 16. Tom is (tall) than Richard. 17. Tom is the (tall) boy in the class.





Part 2.

18. Athens is (far) from London than Rome is. 19 Jack is (rich) than Richard, but I don’t think he is (happy) than Richard. 20. Our neighbours have (many) hens than we have, but they get (few) eggs. 21. He doesn’t look a day (old) than forty. 22. What (nice) present is there than a box of chocolates? 23. What (good) present is there than a box of cigarettes? 24. Jack and Peter are exactly as (old) as each other and exactly as (tall) as each other. 25. Susan is (old) than Mark; she is the (old) of the family.

26. Summer is (warm) than winter. 27. Robert and Paul are the (noisy) boys that I know. 28. Boys are always (noisy) than girls. 29. Summer is the (warm) of the four seasons. 30. Winter in London is (foggy) than in Paris. 31. These are the (bad) cigarettes I have ever smoked. 32.1 think I am the (bad) dancer in the world! – You are not (bad) than I am. 33. Your work is much (good) than I thought. 34. London is (big) than Manchester. Manchester is (small) than London. 35. A train goes faster than a ship but not as (fast) as an aeroplane. Which is the (fast)? Which is the (slow)? 36. It is (hot) in Athens than it is in London; it is not as (hot) in Oslo as it is in London. Which of the three cities is the (hot)? Which is the (cold)? 37. This is the (wonderful) and (beautiful) film I have ever seen.

Degrees of Comparison of Adverbs

Exercise 2. Fill In the blanks with a suitable adverb in the comparative or superlative degree.






more beautifully

most beautifully

Carefully more carefully

most carefully


more bravely most bravely


more easily (easier)

most easily (easiest)


more slowly (slower) most slowly (slowest)





Fast faster




Hard harder




Well better




1. Old men walk ... than young men. 2. Some birds sing ... than other birds. 3. A good student does his homework ... than a lazy student. 4. The soldiers fought... than their enemies. 5. We can answer easy questions ... than difficult questions.





Exercise 3. Answer these questions in complete sentences.

1. Which goes faster, a car or a plane? 2. Which goes fastest, a horse, a car, or a plane? 3. Who works harder, a child or a man? 4. Which cuts better, a new knife or an old knife? 5. Who plays football best, an old man, a little girl, or a strong boy?

Exercise 4. Fill in the blanks with “few”, “a few”, “little”, “a little”, “many”, “much”.

1. There is so ... snow on the roof. 2. He has ... books. He has to go to the library.

3. There are too ... flowers in this vase. I can give them to your wife. 4. Give me ... butter, please. 5. Bring me the jug, please. There is too ... milk in my glass. 6. There are ... pies on the plate. Take ... them for your friends. 7. Now there is quite ... water in the river. 8. There are so ... people on the ice! 9. Open the window. There is so ... air in the room. 10. I can’t drink this tea. There is too ...sugar in it.

Exercise 5. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect Tense.

1.We just (to talk) about it. 2. He just (to say) something about it. 3. His brother just (to tell) him some stories about dogs. 4. Who (to write) the article? 5. We already (to learn) a lot of English words. 6. You (to find) the book? 7. Who (to teach) you to do it? 8. They (to ask) me several questions.

9.You (to read) any stories by Jack London?

10.I already (to do) my homework.

Exercise 6. Read the dialogue. Find the sentences in the Present Perfect Tense and translate them in writing.

-It’s nice to see you, Mary. How are you?

-Good evening, Alec. Hope you are well. I haven’t seen you for ages. Where have you been all the time?

-I have just arrived from Brighton. Have you ever been there?

-Yes, I have been there several times. It’s a nice place, isn’t it? I hope you have enjoyed yourself greatly.

-Oh, yes. I have had a very nice time.

-What about your brother John? Has he graduated from college?

-No, not yet. He is in his last year. And you? I haven’t heard from you lately. How are you getting on?

-Thank you. Quite all right. Come and see me some day, will you?

-I’ll be delighted. So long.

-See you soon.





Exercise 7. Make the sentences interrogative and negative.

1.You have taken my note-book. 2. His sister has passed examinations.

3.Her brother has entered Moscow University. 4. The children have already had breakfast.

5.The teacher has just come. 6. The students have been busy the whole day. 7. She has translated this article. 8. The delegation has returned home.

9.You have visited this theatre. 10. They have heard much about it. 11. I have written a letter to Ann. 12. They have opened the shop. 13. She has told the director about it. 14. She has spoken at the meeting today. 15. I have done my homework.

Exercise 8. Choose the correct form.

1. It’s not (good, well) for you to smoke. 2. I was (angry, angrily) at what he said. 3. He spoke ( angry, angrily). 4. He’s a (brave, bravely) man. 5. This is quite (clear, clearly). 6. He is (dangerous, dangerously) ill. 7. We always travel (comfortable, comfortably). 8. The weather is (cold, coldly) today. 9. This (clear, clearly) shows the difference. 10. She always rests very (good, well).

Exercise 9. Put adverbs in correct forms.

1. I like this book (well) than that. 2. He visits them (frequently) than us. 3. Now I can see the ship (clearly) than before. 4. Whose singing do you like (well): Mary’s, Nina’s or Helen’s? 5. The fire was put out (quickly) than we expected (ожидали).

6. He speaks English (correctly) of all in my class.

Exercise 10. Translate:

1.Я никогда не был в Москве. 2. Вы уже получили ответ от Анны?

Нет. Мы еще ей не писали. 3. В этом году мы много раз бывали в историческом музее. А Вы? 4. Почему Вы не выучили эти слова? 5. Т˝ы взял мою тетрадь? – Нет. 6. За последнее время он много работа˝л в этой библиотеке. 7. Почему Вы не открыли окно? Здесь душно (stuff˝y). 8. Как долго вы его знаете? – Я знаю Бориса с детства.


London Traffic

London is so large that visitors must learn to use buses and the underground to get about. London taxis are too expensive for any but the rich. You can get a map of the underground and the bus routes at any ticket office. The word “Underground” across a large circle shows you where the stations are. London underground is called the “tube”.





Bus stops are marked clearly. In the suburbs buses do not stop unless there are passengers who wish to get on or off. These stops are marked “Request Stops”.

Inside some buses you will see the notice: “Please, state your destination clearly and have the exact fare ready.” It is easy enough to tell the conductor where you want to go to, but not always possible to have the exact fare. The conductor will always give you the change.

London buses are very large. They have seats both upstairs and downstairs. English children like to sit on the front seats of a big London bus. They can see everything that is happening in the streets.

Here are some of the things you may hear on a bus in London: “Fares, please.”

“Four pence, please.”

“Full up inside; plenty of seats on top.” “Standing room only.”

“No, sir, this bus does not go to Victoria Station.” “No more seats on top; five seats inside.”

In Great Britain traffic keeps to the left. Motor-cars, buses and cyclists must all keep to the left side of the road. In most other countries traffic keeps to the right. There is heavy traffic in London and you must observe traffic rules.