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Vocabulary List

fivefold – впятеро, в пятикратном размере

life-span – продолжительность жизни

blended – смешанный

to reveal – выявлять, обнаруживать

  1. Find confirmation of the right statements in the text. Correct wrong statements.

  1. Reformulate the sentences marked *.

  1. Give a summary of the text.

  1. What is your opinion of viruses? Have you ever encountered them?

Topics for Essays, Oral or Written Reports

  1. What are computer viruses and how do they differ?

  2. What makes a perfect virus?

  3. A day in the life of the virus hunter.

  4. Will the computer apocalypse be?

Саn you do a better translation?

Oa programmers

OA young programmers began to work online,

One didn't pay for Internet, and then there were 9.

9 young programmers used copies that they made,

But one was caught by FBI, and then there were 8.

8 young programmers discussed about heaven,

One said, "It's Windows 95!", and then there were 7,

7 young programmers found bugs they want to fix,

But one was fixed by the bug, and then there were 6.

6 young programmers were testing the hard drive,

One got the string "Format complete", and then there were 6,

5 young programmers were running the FrontDoor,

The BBS of one was hacked, and then there were 4.

4 young programmers worked using only C,

One said some good about Pascal, and then there were 3.

3 young programmers didn't know what to do,

One tried to call the on-line help, and then there were 2,

2 young programmers were testing what they done,

One got a virus in his brain, and then there was 1.

1 young programmer was as mighty as a hero,

But tried to speak with user, and then there was 0.

Boss cried: "Oh, where is the program we must have?!"

And fired one programmer, and then there were FF.

Oa программистов

OA программистов продукт решили сделать.

1 спросил: «А деньги где?» и их осталось девять.

9 программистов предстали перед боссом

1 из них не знал fbxpro и их осталось восемь.

8 программистов купили IBM.

1 из них сказал «Маc — класс!» и их осталось семь.

7 программистов решили help прочесть.

У одного накрылся винт и их осталось шесть.

6 программистов пытались код понять.

1 из них сошёл с ума и их осталось пять.

5 программистов купили CD-ROM.

1 принёс китайский диск — остались вчетвером.

4 программиста работали на «С».

1 из них хвалил PASCAL и их осталось три.

3 программиста играли в сетке в «DOOM».

1 чуть-чуть замешкался и счёт стал равен двум.

2 программиста набрали дружно «WIN».

1 устал загрузки ждать — остался лишь один.

1 программист всё взял под свой контроль,

Но встретился с заказчиком и их осталось ноль.

О программистов ругал сердитый шеф,

потом уволил одного и стало их FF!!!

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