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Вуз: Предмет: Файл:
1.91 Mб
  1. Answer the following questions.

  1. What is the composition of water?

  2. Which experiment shows that water is a compound?

  3. Which properties prove water to be a unique liquid?

  4. What can be the properties of water accounted for?

  5. What did spectroscopic studies of water molecules show?

  6. In what way are the atoms in the water molecule held together?

VII. Fill in the blanks with the words and expressions listed:

electrolysis, solution, density, heat capacity, volume, component.

    1. Water vapor has a low …….. …….. and poor thermal conduction.

    2. The …….. …….. is equal to the atomic weight by the density.

    3. Some gases as carbon dioxide escape from water …….. and return to the atmosphere.

    4. Hydrogen is a ……… of all organic compounds.

    5. That is based on its average …….. , calculated by dividing total mass by volume.

    6. Perhaps the best known example of ……….is the electrolytic decomposition of water to produce hydrogen and oxygen.

      1. Give the English equivalents for the following.

  1. Состав воды

  1. водородная связь

  1. на воздухе

  1. соседние молекулы воды

  1. признавать

  1. структура льда

  1. жидкая вода

  1. следующим образом

  1. отличаться от

  1. удерживать вместе

  1. необычно высокая теплоемкость

  1. увеличение плотности

  1. в газовой фазе

  1. ожидаемое уменьшение

  1. межъядерное расстояние

  1. приблизительно

  1. классическая работа

  1. уникальные свойства

  1. отрицательный заряд

  1. находящийся рядом, по соседству

IX. Listening

a. Guess the meaning of the following words and match them with their definitions. Then listen to the tape and check your guesses.

  1. Visible

  1. to find out

  1. to pick up

  2. to be placed

5. to recognize

6. to be reproduced

  1. to produce something very similar to

  2. able to be seen

  3. to put in a particular position

  4. to choose (someone or something) from a number of alternatives

  1. to identify (someone or something) from having encountered them before; know again

  2. to discover a fact or piece of information

b. Listen to the tape and complete the sentences using the words from the exercise above.

  1. To what extent is water capable of …….. …. information? 

  2. The Aerospace institute has discovered a relatively simple way of  making a structure of a drop of water …….. .

  3. They can quite easily …. …….. but you would never have thought they were all from the same water.

  4. We undertook experiments to …….. …. whether things changed.

  5. A real flower …. …….. in the water. 

  6. You could …………. the flower in every single drop in this glass.