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080 Principles of Flight - 2014.pdf
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Answers to Questions on Page 173

Stall speed in a 25° and 30° bank if VS1g = 150 kt CAS. (with % comparisons)

25° = 158 kt CAS (5% increase in stall speed above VS1g) [lift 10% greater] 30° = 161 kt CAS (7% increase in stall speed above VS1g) [lift 15% greater] 45° = 178 kt CAS (19% increase in stall speed above VS1g) [lift 41% greater] 60° = 212 kt CAS (41% increase in stall speed above VS1g) [lift 100% greater]

Stalling 7

Stalling 7


7 Stalling

Stalling 7

Key Facts 2

Self Study

Insert the missing words in these statements, using the foregoing paragraphs for reference. The swept-back wing is the major contributory factor to _______ stall.

An aircraft design with super stall tendencies must be fitted with a stick ______. Factors which can affect VSR are:

a.Changes in _______.

b.Manoeuvring the aircraft (increasing the ______ _______ ).

c.Configuration changes (changes in _______ and _________ moment).

d.Engine _______ and propeller ______________.

e._______ number.

f.Wing _______________.

g.Heavy ________.

In straight and level flight the load factor is _____.

At a higher weight, the stall speed of an aircraft will be _________.

If the weight is decreased by 50%, the stall speed will ___________ by approximately ____%. Load factor varies with ______ ______.

The increase in stall speed in a turn is proportional to the square root of the ______ _______. High lift devices will __________ the stall speed because CLMAX is __________.

Forward CG movement will __________ stall speed due to the increased tail ________ load. Lowering the landing gear will increase stall speed due to the increased tail ________ load.

Increased engine power will decrease stall speed due to propeller _________ and/or the

__________ inclination of thrust.

The effect of increasing Mach number on stall speed begin at M ______. The effects of compressibility increases stall speed by decreasing _________.


Stalling 7

The formation of ice on the leading edge of the wing can ___________ stall speed by ____ %.

Frost formation on the wing can __________ stall speed by ____ %.

An aircraft must be free of all _____, _____ and ____ immediately before ______.

Airframe contamination ________ stall speed by reducing ______, increasing the adverse

_________ _________ and/or reducing the _______ energy of the boundary layer.

Indications of an icing-induced stall can be loss of aircraft ___________, _____ oscillations or

_____ drop and high rate of _______. Artificial stall warning will be _______, but aerodynamic

_______ may assist in identifying the onset of wing stall.

Very heavy ____ can ________ the stall speed due to the film of water altering the ___________

contour of the wing.

A _______ must occur before a spin can take place.

In a steady spin, _____ wings are stalled, one more than the other.

A spin may also develop if forces on the aircraft are unbalanced in other ways, for example, from yaw forces due to an ______ failure on a multi-engine aircraft, or if the ___ is laterally displaced by an unbalanced _____ load.

The following is a general recovery procedure for erect spins:

1.Move the throttle or throttles to _____.

2.___________ the ailerons.

3.Apply full _______ against the spin.

4.Move the _________ control briskly to approximately the neutral position.

5.______ the recommended control positions until rotation stops.

6.As rotation stops, neutralize the _______.

7.Recover from the resulting dive with ________ back pressure on the ______ control.

A crossed-control stall can be avoided by maintaining the ___ of the slip indicator in the ______. A stall can occur at any ______ or flight _________ if the ________ angle of attack is exceeded.

A secondary stall can be triggered either by not ___________ the angle of ______ enough at stall warning or by not allowing sufficient ___ for the aircraft to begin _____ again before attempting to ________ lost altitude.

Stalling 7


7 Stalling

Stalling 7

An added complication during an accidental stall and recovery of a single engine-propeller aircraft is due to the _______ and ______ forces generated by the _________. It is essential to maintain balanced, co-ordinated flight, particularly at ____ airspeed, high angles of _______.

In whatever configuration, attitude, or power setting a stall warning occurs, the correct pilot action is to ________ the angle of attack below the _____ angle to un-stall the ____, apply maximum allowable ______ to minimize altitude loss and prevent any ____ from developing to minimize the possibility of ________. “Keep the _____ in the middle”.

If a large shock wave forms on the wing, due to an inadvertent overspeed, the locally increased

_______ pressure gradient will cause the ________ _____ to separate immediately ______ the shock wave. This is called “______ stall”.



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