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экономисты 1.doc
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Lending and loans

Loans to bank customers are drawn on the funds deposited with the bank and yield interest, which pro­vides the profits for the banking industry, and the interest on savings accounts. These loans may take the form of mortgages or other policies. Banks may guarantee credit for customers who wish to obtain loans from other institutions. They also provide foreign exchange facilities for individual customers, as well as handling large international money transfers.


safeguarding - охрана

transactions- сделки

to carry on - проводить

engaged - занятый

to provide - обеспечивать

mutual savings banks – взаимно-сберегательные банки

lending-предоставление кредита



creditworthiness – кредитоспосособность

acceptance - принятие

creation - создание

vaults - хранилища

to store - xpaнить

to insure – страховать

theft - кража

to repay – возместить

valuables - ценности

profitable - выгодный

interest - процент

percentage return – доход в виде процента

gaining access – получение доступа

account debit cards – карты дебета счета

electronic cash till - банкомат

computer on-line banking – компьютерные онлайновые расчеты между банками

payments - платежи

income - доход

savings - сбережения

are drawn on – снимаются с

mortgage - ипотека

policies- полисы

facilities – средства

handling – обработка

III. Give English equivalents for the following.

Для этих целей, обмен денег, другими словами, в большинстве случаев, обанкротиться, хранить деньги в банке, при помощи документов, предлагать другие способы, получать доступ, предоставлять подобные услуги.

IV. Insert the missing words given in brackets.

    1. Banking is the transactions carried on by any per­son or firm engaged in… to consumers or businesses.

    2. Banking … safeguarding and transfer of funds, lending or facil­itating loans, guaranteeing creditworthiness and exchange of money.

    3. These physical deposits are in most cases insured against them and against the bank … and unable to repay the funds.

    4. Transfer of funds can …: contracts, cheques, or direct transfers performed electronically.

5. They also … for individual customers, as well as handling large international money transfers.

(to handle through written instruments, to consist of , provide foreign exchange facilities, to be bankrupt, to provide financial services)

V. Complete the following sentences.

  1. For these purposes there exist commercial banks ….

  2. The depository institutions are …

  3. In some banks customers can …

  4. To save money in banks is profitable because …

  5. Loans to bank customers are drawn on the funds deposited with …

VI. Agree or disagree to the following.

1. Banking is the transactions carried on by any per­son or firm engaged in providing financial services to consumers or businesses.

2. Financial services to consumers or businesses are provided only by commercial banks.

3. In other words, banking is the ac­ceptance, transfer, and creation of deposits.

4. Vaults and safes are the means for safeguarding of funds.

5. To save money in banks is unprofitable.

  1. The only way to transfer of funds is to use written instruments.

  2. Nowadays banks limit their customers’ access to the funds.

  3. Loans to bank customers are drawn on the funds deposited with the bank and yield interest, which pro­vides the profits for the banking industry, and the interest on savings accounts.

  4. Banks can’t guarantee credit for customers who wish to obtain loans from other institutions.

  5. You can’t exchange foreign currency in Russian banks.