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Практична граматика англійської мови для студентів 3 курсу

неособисті форми дієслова


Навчально-методичний посібник з граматики

для студентів 3 курсу

факультету іноземних мов

Харків - 2008


Piloting 2007-2008


Participles ……………………………………………………………………...3

Grammatical categories of Participle I ……………………………………….. 3

Participle I and Gerund compared ……………………………………………. 4

Participle I as attribute ……………………………………………………….. 7

Participle I as an adverbial modifier ………………………………………….. 9

Participle I as part of Complex Object ……………………………………….. 16

Participle I as predicative ……………………………………………………. 20

Participle I as part of a compound verbal predicate (Complex Subject) …….. 20

Participles as parenthesis ………………………………………………………22

Participle II …………………………………………………………………….25

Participle II as attribute ………………………………………………………. 26

Participle II as an adverbial modifier ………………………………………….27

Participle II as part of Complex Object ……………………………………… 31

Participle II as part of a compound verbal predicate (Complex Subject) ……..36

Participle II as predicative ……………………………………………………. 36

Participial constructions ………………………………………………………..38

Misrelated participles …………………………………………………………..39

General revision of verbals ……………………………………………………. 40


Participle I Participle II

e.g. Seeing Petra, David smiled. e.g. That was the main question asked.

Participle I is a non-finite form of the verb with verbal + adjectival + adverbial features.

Though participle I and gerund coincide in form, they differ in functions.

Participle I

Verbal features

  1. Participle I has the category of voice, e.g.

  • The mother was taking her son to school when she was attacked by the kidnapper. (active voice)

    • The boy was being taken to school, when he was kidnapped. (passive voice) = Когда мальчика везли в школу, его похитили. / Коли хлопчика везли в школу, його викрали

  1. Participle I has the category of correlation, e.g.

    • Writing essays, I use dictionaries a lot. (Non-Perfect) = Когда я пишу сочинения, я много пользуюсь словарями. / Коли я пишу твори, я багато користуюся словниками.

    • Having written the essay, I began editing it. (Perfect) = Написав сочинение, я начал его править. / Написавши твір, я почав його правити.

  1. Combinability: Participle I can be followed by direct, indirect and prepositional object, e.g. Reading books, he forgot about everything. (direct object)

Looking at the boy, the nurse was whispering something. (prepositional object)

  1. Participle I can be modified by an adverb, e.g.

Having eaten hurriedly, John sat down to business.

Adjectival features

Participle I can function as an attribute, e.g.

Everybody looked at the laughing man. (What kind of man?)

I was woken up by the rain pattering on the roof. (What kind of rain?)

Adverbial features

Participle I can function as an adverbial modifier, e.g.

Having parked his car, David looked at his watch.

(adv. mod of time – When did David look at his watch?)

Grammatical categories of participle I

Correlation /





Adel spent a lot of time writing letters to her friends. = Адель проводила много времени, переписываясь с друзьями. / Адель проводила багато часу, листуючись із друзями.

Translating from English into Ukrainian, the translator should know both languages very well. = Переводя с английского на украинский, переводчик должен знать оба языка очень хорошо. / Переводячи з англійського на український, перекладач повинен знати обидві мови дуже добре.

Being written in pencil, the letter was difficult to read. = Написанное карандашом, письмо было трудно читать./ Написаний олівцем, лист було важко читати.

Being translated into many languages, this novel is well known in many countries of the world. = Переведенный на многие языки, этот роман хорошо известен во многих странах мира. / Переведений на багато мов, цей роман добре відомий у багатьох країнах миру.


Having written the letter, Adel dressed and went to the post office. = Написав письмо, Адель оделась и пошла на почту. / Написавши лист, Адель одяглася й пішла на пошту.

Having translated the novel into English, the translator took it to the editor. = Переведя роман на английский язык, переводчик отнес его редактору. / Переклавши роман на англійську мову, перекладач відніс його редактору.

Having been written in haste, Adel’s letter had many mistakes. = Написанное в спешке, письмо Адель содержало много ошибок. / Написане в поспіху, лист Адель містило багато помилок.

Having been translated many years ago, the novel is unlikely to be published in this version. = Переведенный много лет назад, этот роман вряд ли будет опубликован в этой версии. / Переведений багато років тому, цей роман навряд чи буде опублікований у цій версії.

Note: Non-perfect participle may denote a second action that follows immediately after the first one, forming its part or being its result, e.g.

Steven fell from the stairs, hurting his knee.

The secretary left, carefully closing the door behind her.

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