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Part 1

  1. When my son wrote compositions, he always forgot about punctuation marks.

  2. When Patrick looked up, he saw the teacher standing over his desk.

  3. The Drakes were travelling in the East when they met Paul and his new wife.

  4. The student made a lot of phonetic mistakes when she was reading the poem aloud.

  5. The boys were playing in the street when they heard their mother call them.

  6. When Grandma sits at the window, she can see her grandchildren playing in the yard.

  7. When you buy a new coat, don't forget to try it on first.

  8. When Nelly skated yesterday, she sprained her ankle.

  9. Henry turned off all the lights when he left the house.

  10. When we write a telegram, we must use as few words as possible.

  11. While Mum was talking to Nora, she continued to cook dinner.

  12. When I was going home, I thought about my future trip to London.

  13. While Jane was waiting for her bus, she read the book I gave her.

  14. While Jack was attempting to lock the door, he broke the key.

  15. When she was brushing her hair, she was examining her face.

  16. While Stuart was talking to his friend, he kept thinking about the new girl.

Part 2

  1. The astronauts received their final medical check up and boarded their spaceship.

  2. We were told that bad weather was on the way and that is why cancelled our trip.

  3. Now that I have heard your side of the question, I'm more inclined to agree with you.

  4. The young man finished the essay and gave a sigh of relief.

  5. The sportsman decided that he had little chance of winning the competition and gave it up.

  6. Sheila brought her new suit from the dry-cleaner's and saw a large stain on it.

  7. Our luggage was weighed and registered first and then taken to the plane.

  8. As soon as the man entered the compartment, he took the window seat.

  9. As soon as Pat heard the news, she burst into tears.

  10. As soon as Tony opened the wallet, he found that it was empty.

  11. Then Derek took out his pen from the breast pocket and began to write.

  12. When they turned round the corner, they at once saw the bookshop they needed.

  13. As soon as Irene heard the footsteps, she rushed downstairs.

  14. They came to the station and saw that their train was about to leave.

  15. Since I had no reply to my letter, I sent Jim a telegram.

  16. As Peter had passed the final exams well, he was offered a good job.

  17. As Ann has lived in Liverpool for ten years, she knows the city well.

  18. As we were tired, we decided to go shopping on Sunday.

  19. Since Fiona had left credit card at home, she could not withdraw the money that day.

  20. As Peter had no relatives in Manchester, he had to stay at a hotel.

  21. As Val had lived in Western Africa for two years, he knew the customs of Nigeria quite well.

  22. Since Lily lived near the university, she always walked there.

TASK 7. Write sentences with the given word combinations, using different forms of participle in the function of an adverbial modifier. Follow the example.

Example. neglect/ the flowers/ die = Having been neglected and not watered, all the flowers died.

  1. to show the way / to find the cottage

  2. to leave alone in a strange town / to feel at a loss

  3. to be written by a popular writer / be a success

  4. to be made by a professional tailor / to look very nice

  5. to be asked about the sons / to feel very proud

  6. to be impressed by a new picture exhibition / to write an article

  7. to be trained to teach children / to work in a school

  8. to know of the danger / to be calm

  9. to earn money / to buy a car

  10. not to know the way to / to ask a passer-by

  11. not to learn the time of departure / to miss the train

  12. to understand the text / to retell the story

  13. not to know your new telephone number / to call

  14. not to buy something for dinner/go to a restaurant

  15. not to set the alarm-clock / to oversleep

  16. not to pass the final exams / to offer a good job

  17. to write to smb / to forget to mention

TASK 8. Translate into English using participle I in the function of an adverbial modifier.




Рассказав все, что он видел в день ограбления банка, свидетель покинул свидетельское место.

Розповівши все, що він бачив у день пограбування банку, свідок покинув місце для свідків.


Позвонив в дверь дважды, Марк решил, что в квартире никого нет, и направился к выходу из дома.

Подзвонивши у двері двічі, Марко вирішив, що у квартирі нікого немає, і направився до виходу з будинку.


Закрывая дверь, Салли неловко повернула ключ в замочной скважине и сломала его.

Закриваючи двері, Салли ніяково повернула ключ у замковій щілині і зламала його.


Тихо закрыв за собой дверь, Том на цыпочках прокрался наверх в свою спальню, чтобы родители не знали, как поздно он вернулся домой.

Тихо закривши за собою двері, Том навшпиньках прокрався наверх у свою спальню, щоб батьки не знали, як пізно він повернувся додому.


Рассказывая нам об этом смешном происшествии, Джером не мог не упомянуть о той роли, которую сыграл в нем Монморенси.

Розповідаючи нам про цю смішну подію, Джером не міг не згадати про ту роль, що зіграв у ній Монморенси.


Приехав в Австралию всего два года назад, Стюарт знает обычаи этого континента, как будто он прожил здесь всю свою жизнь.

Приїхавши в Австралію всього два роки тому, Стюарт знає звичаї цього континенту, начебто він прожив тут все своє життя.


Проработав целый день на солнце, вечером Тина почувствовала, что у нее горит вся кожа, а к плечам просто больно прикоснуться.

Проробивши цілий день на сонці, ввечері Тину відчула, що в неї горить вся шкіра, а до плечей просто боляче доторкнутися.


Вставив карточку в щель телефона, Тимоти набрал знакомый номер, но, услышав незнакомый мужской голос на противоположном конце провода, сразу же повесил трубку.

Вставивши картку в щілину телефону, Тимоти набрав знайомий номер, але, почувши незнайомий чоловічий голос на протилежному кінці проводу, відразу ж повісив трубку.


Уронив монету на пол, Сандра решила не искать ее в темноте, а открыла кошелек и вытащила из него все имеющиеся там деньги.

Упустивши монету на підлогу, Сандра вирішила не шукати її в темряві, а відкрила гаманець і витяглася з нього всі наявні там гроші.


Подойдя к зеркалу, Барбара посмотрела на свое лицо, и, оставшись довольна своей косметикой и прической, пошла вниз, чтобы приветствовать прибывавших гостей.

Підійшовши до дзеркала, Барбара подивилася на своє обличчя, і, залишившись задоволена своєю косметикою й зачіскою, пішла вниз, щоб привітати гостей, що прибували.


Когда он брился, Брайан к своему ужасу вспомнил, что сегодня был последний день сдачи курсового проекта, и завтра его могут уже не принять.

Коли він голився, Брайан до свого жаху згадав, що сьогодні був останній день здачі курсового проекту, і завтра його можуть уже не прийняти.


Джил и Питер вошли в комнату, громко разговаривая, не обращая никакого внимания на спящих людей.

Джил і Пітер увійшли в кімнату, голосно розмовляючи, не обертаючи ніякої уваги на сплячих людей.


Старик молчал, ожидая, когда мальчики выйдут из комнаты. Он не хотел, чтобы они слышали, как полицейский инспектор будет рассказывать о подробностях происшествия.

Старий мовчав, очікуючи, коли хлопчики вийдуть із кімнати. Він не хотів, щоб вони чули, як поліцейський інспектор буде розповідати про подробиці події.


Мистер Райзман прочистил горло, словно хотел что-то сказать, но затем махнул рукой и устроился поудобнее в кресле с таким видом, будто он все уже сказал.

Містер Райзман прочистив горло, немов хотів щось сказати, але потім махнув рукою й улаштувався зручніше в кріслі з таким видом, начебто він все вже сказав.


Фиона смотрела на меня, как будто видела впервые. Я не мог понять, что ее так удивило в моем рассказе.

Фиона дивилася на мене, начебто бачила вперше. Я не міг зрозуміти, що її так здивувало в моїй розповіді.


Зная об этом деле гораздо больше, чем она говорила, мисс Марпл опасалась делиться своими подозрениями с миссис Траут, так как она боялась, что ее подруга расскажет что-нибудь своему мужу, а тот, в свою очередь, начнет говорить об этом при всех в пабе.

Знаючи про цю справу набагато більше, ніж вона говорила, мисс Марпл побоювалася ділитися своїми підозрами з миссис Траут, бо боялася, що її подруга розповість що-небудь своєму чоловіку, а той, у свою чергу, почне говорити про це при всіх у пабі.


Получив все документы, которые она ожидала почти месяц, миссис Дрейк отправилась к нотариусу, чтобы заявить свои права на поместье.

Одержавши всі документи, які вона очікувала майже місяць, миссис Дрейк відправилася до нотаріуса, щоб заявити свої права на маєток..

TASK 9. Use the correct form of participle I of the verb given in brackets.

    1. I felt a bitter envy towards the two small boys, __________ (to walk) along the path.

    2. __________ (to greet) her, he turned the key in the only door with a certain skill.

    3. __________ (to have) tea, Stella went early to Victoria Station.

    4. There was a noise of curtain-rings __________ (to run) back along the rods, and of water _________(to splash) in the basins.

    5. Mrs. Bean had a pale face and dark hair _________(to turn) grey.

    6. __________ (to pick up) his coat, he walked on into the field.

    7. The dog __________ (to walk) round the three small flower-beds, had also taken a seat in front of the old man.

    8. The two men stood in the drawing-room __________, (to wait) for the ladies to join them.

    9. Not for one moment did he show surprise at the wedding gift, __________ (to present) to him personally.

    10. __________ (to dry) his hands, Tom came across from the washstand.

    11. The major was at the telephone __________ (to sit) on a box.

    12. She had a hand on his shoulders and was including herself in the pictures__________ (to take).

    13. He crossed the room to the long buffet. __________ (to stand) beside the girl, he picked up a sandwich. Then, __________ (to turn) and __________ (to speak) nervously and with an effort, he said, "I say, do you mind if I speak to you?"

    14. _________ (to think) about this with some comfort, she fell asleep.

    15. __________ (to see) his daughter and his grandson off to the sea that morning, he felt flat.

    16. Miss Lindsey, __________ (to see) Rose, smiled.

    17. Miss Swiss poured out another cup of tea for herself, and _________(to taste) it, plunged into further confidences.

    18. _________(to jump) down from the stairs, he went over to the driver.

    19. __________ (to lift) the telephone, Peter asked for the director.

TASK 10. Join the sentences given below using the necessary form of participle. Follow the example.

Example. The criminal removed all traces of his crime. He left the building. = Having removed all the traces of his crime, the criminal left the building.

  1. He thought he must have made a mistake somewhere. He went through his calculation again.

  2. He stole the silver. He looked for a place to hide it.

  3. We were soaked to the skin. We eventually reached the station.

  4. I had heard that the caves were dangerous. I didn’t like to go any further without a light.

  5. I didn’t want to sit down. I knew there were ants in the grass.

  6. She wore extremely fashionable clothes. She was surrounded by photographers. She swept up to the microphone.

  7. We barricaded the windows. We assembled in the hall.

  8. The speaker refused to continue. He was infuriated by interruptions.

  9. We visited the museum. We decided to have lunch in the park.

  10. She believed she could trust him absolutely. She gave him a blank cheque.

  11. The girl did not know what to answer. So she hesitated.

  12. He was very selfish. He never did anyone a good turn.

  13. Ken had written a note for his wife. Then he left for the station.

  14. Donna did not boil the kettle. But she still poured some warm water into her cup.

  15. Derek knew that his parents were out of town. So he called them to their country house.

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