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Chapter 6 etymological background of the english vocabulary

1. What Is Etymology?

Etymology is a branch of lexicology, the subject-matter of which is the origin and evolution of lexical items, i.e. historical changes in the sphere of lexis. Etymology is mainly based on a diachronic approach. The history of the English lexicon, or vocabulary, is a history of far-reaching changes. It is marked by losses and gains in the word-stock of the English language, its considerable expansion due to internal and external causes.

The question, that investigations in the sphere of etymology should give an answer to, is ‘Where have the items in the lexicon come from?’. If we regard English words in the light of the present-day language we should say that the majority of words with certain exceptions (e.g. garçon Fr., kimono Jap., perestroika Rus., rajah, Hind., etc.) are English. But according to their etymology the majority of English words are taken, or borrowed, from other languages (Latin, French, Scandinavian, etc.), about 70% of modern English lexicon are not English by their origin. From etymological point of view the English word-stock is mixed. It consists of native and borrowed, or loan words.

In linguistic literature the term native is used to denote words of Anglo-Saxon origin brought to the British Isles from the continent in the 5th century by the Germanic tribes – the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes, and also words coined later on their basis.

The term borrowing is used to denote the process of adopting words from other ‘donor’ languages and also the result of this process, the language material itself (lexemes, morphemes, some word-groups) which are also called loans. In its second meaning the term borrowing is sometimes used in its wider sense including the so-called translation-loans (calques) and semantic borrowing. Translation-loans are words and word-groups formed from the material available in the language but under the influence of some foreign words and expressions: mother tongue < L lingua materna, it goes without saying < Fr cela va sans dire, self-criticism < Rus самокритика.

Semantic borrowing is the appearance of a new meaning due to the linguistic influence of a related word in another language: words propaganda and reaction acquired their political meanings under the influence of French, deviation and bureau - under the influence of Russian, as in right and left deviations, Political bureau.

Distinction should be made between true borrowings and words coined out of the morphemes borrowed from Latin and Greek (telephone, thermodynamic, phonogram). Such words were not actually borrowed from those languages.

There is also certain confusion between the terms source of borrowing and the origin of the word. The term source of borrowing should be applied to the language from which a lexeme was taken into English. The term origin of the word should be applied to the language the lexeme can be traced to. Thus the word table is Latin by origin (L tabula) but it was borrowed from French (the source of borrowing). It should be noted that whereas the immediate source of borrowing is as a rule known, the actual origin of the word may be obscure, e.g. riot < OF riote(r), origin unknown.

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