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W.S. Maugham Theatre

Учебно-методические рекомендации по домашнему чтению

Для студентов V курса, изучающих английский язык

как вторую специальность

Составитель: ст. преподаватель Громова В.Д.



W. Somerset Maugham

Theatre”. 1965

Assignment I (chapters 1 – 2) pp. 11 – 26 (13 – 33)

  1. Transcribe the words and learn their meanings:

An accountant, handsome, to admire, admiration, confusion, a luncheon, to blush, experience, bearing, to boast, to rehearse, a rehearsal, doubt, doubtful, shy, attractive, curly, a success, obstinate, shyness, the cast, false, a performance, a part, laughter, make-up, a stagehand, a stage, manager, a camera man.

  1. Reproduce the situations in which the following word-combinations are used.

    1. to be in love with smb. – p. 12 (15)

    2. very distinguished people - p. 13 (16)

    3. to put smb. at one’s ease (put, put) – p.13 (16)

    4. as thin as a rail - p. 15 (19)

    5. to belong to smb. (smth.) – p. 17 (21)

    6. to do without smb. (smth.) – p. 17 (21)

    7. to become a leading actor (became, become) – p. 20 (26)

    8. to let smb. down (let, let0 – p. 21 (27)

    9. to take one’s breath away (took, taken) – p. 21 (27)

    10. to get an engagement (got, got) – p. 22 (28)

    11. to do smb. a service (did, done) – p. 22 (28)

    12. to get rid of smth. – p. 23 (29)

  1. Find the English equivalents of the following expressions, use them in the sentences of your own.

    1. Это очень любезно с вашей стороны. – р. 13 (15)

    2. Роль для ведущей актрисы / для «звезды»/ - р. 16 (20)

    3. Такая досада – р. 19 (25)

    4. Быть довольным – р. 21 (27)

    5. иметь непринуждённые манеры – р. 21 (27)

    6. актёр на амплуа героя любовника – р. 21 (27)

    7. быть прирождённой актрисой – р. 23 (29)

    8. быть старомодным р. 23 (30)

  1. Translate the following sentences and make up your own ones using the same grammatical structures.

    1. It was his beauty that saved him.

    2. It was she who gave Julia her first lessons.

    3. She had to acquire a more conversational style.

    4. … and, what I don’t know about acting isn’t worth knowing.

    5. Wouldn’t you like to be a star?

  1. Describe Michael’s appearance. Write out the words and expressions from the book which will help you to do it. Do you think him to be really handsome?

  2. What impression did the young man, the accountant, make on you. Why was he so shy and confused/

  3. How did Michael get to the theatre and become a prosperous manager of a first-class theatre? What kind of actor did he use to be?

  4. In the book you come across a statement about the heroine of the book Julia Lambert “She was a born actress…”. Prove this statement by the facts from the book.

  5. Describe Julia’s appearance and manners. Do you agree that she was a great actress not only on the stage, but in life as well?

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