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If you don’t agree with these comments, express your attitude to conferences yourself.

Task 5.35. Write short essays concerning the following questions:

  1. What are advantages and disadvantages of participating in a conference in your native town and abroad?

  2. Some students are eager to take part in scientific conferences, others think that they should pay attention only to their curricular activities. Which of these opinions do you agree with? Why?



  1. Do students scientific conferences have any influence on their participants’ professional future?

  2. What is the most essential thing to you when you are planning to take part in a conference: (1) the value of ideas presented in your paper and those of the others, (2) the amount of the registration fee, (3)the location and prestige of the conference? Why?


Key to tasks 5.2 and 5.3. Text “A Letter From London”

Dear Martha,

I am writing to you from London. 1 have never been on a business trip or scientific mission before, so I have had a lot of problems. However, I have managed to find solutions to all of them. But let me tell you everything in proper succession.

Two months ago our department received a formal invitation to an annual conference dedicated to environmental protection. Every year the Organizing Committee appoints and approves the location of the conference. This time the conference was to be held in London. How could I decline the invitation?! I accepted it willingly and sent the title and short abstract of my paper so that the Organizing Committee could consider my paper while arranging the programme. Several weeks later I received a letter which enclosed the preliminary programme of the conference. I packed my suitcase and left for London. And there all my troubles began.

First of all, on arriving at the hotel and unpacking my suitcase, I found that I brought only the Ukrainian text of my paper. According to the rules speakers are allowed to present their papers in their mother tongue in case they supply their own interpreters. So, all the evening long I was translating my paper into English as it was the working language of the conference. In the morning I hurried to the typing room to get the translated paper typed. The typist did her job very quickly, but she mixed up the summary with introduction, and omitted several paragraphs including the most essential passage of my paper. It took me another hour to put my paper in order. Fortunately, I was just on time to get registered. As I had paid the registration fee by mail, I had only to fill in the registration form in block letters. No doubt, I should have failed to do it, but for Roman, an acquaintance of mine, who helped me to fill in some questionnaire entries.

The first speaker at the plenary session was a famous scientist from Japan. But I cannot comment on the merits of his paper as my earphones turned out to be defective and I couldn’t listen to the synchronous interpretation. Roman was to deliver his paper after the Japanese so he was busy arranging his visual aids on a special board. Of course,



Roman’s presentation was brilliant. It met all the requirements. Roman didn’t wander from the subject under consideration and kept strict timing. I should like to be as accurate as Roman. But I have never been able to stay within time-limits, I have always tried to voice my opinion as completely as I could. And my presentation at this conference wasn’t an exception. Before I had time to clarify my point of view and enlarge on the problem, my time-limit was up. But I took the floor at the panel discussion, raised the same question and managed to evoke the audience’s interest in the problem to such an extent that the chairman had to prolong the discussion. If I’m not mistaken, all the present were in favour of my ideas. Though I must tell you that I prefer to deal with people who disagree with me as, to my mind, verbal controversy with an opponent allows you to consider the problem from a different view-point and stimulates constructive thinking.

The cultural programme of the conference was excellent, but I couldn’t visit museums and go sightseeing as after the panel discussion I caught a cold and had to stay in bed for two days watching TV and reading newspapers.

At the closing meeting the chairman announced that the next conference would probably be held in Vienna. I suggest that we both should apply for participation in it. I’ll ring you up as soon as I return to Lviv, and we’ll talk it over.

Yours Helen. P.S. Don’t pay attention to my having emphasized the shady side of the journey, my general impression of the conference is highly favourable.

Key to tasks 5.4 and 5.5. Dialogue “Presentations”:

A: - Can you help me?

B: - With pleasure. What’s the problem?

A: - I’m participating in the conference for the first time. And the programme includes

so many types of presentations that I don’t know which session to attend. B: - A-ha. So you want me to describe each type of presentation, don’t you? A: - Exactly. Let’s begin with plenary presentations (пленарю доповда). В: - OK. Those are reports that are made at the plenary meeting for all participants.

And, if I’m not mistaken, they are not followed by a discussion. A: - Oh, it’s boring! I’d like to discuss papers and to comment on them. B: - Then you should attend talks (тематичш бесщи) or panel discussions (дискусп

спещашета). They consist of a 10-minute-long formal presentation and a 5-minute

discussion. In other words, these are sessions for a group of specialists to discuss

some specific issues of their interest. A: - No, it’s too narrow. I prefer general discussions. В: -1 see. Then let us consider paper reportings (секцшш доповда). It usually takes a

presenter 15 minutes to deliver his/her paper. The presentations are supported by

handouts and audio-visual aids. After the reportings the participants ask questions.

A: - Just to ask questions?! Well, I thought we gathered here to find some new

approach or solution to the problems under consideration!



В: - Now, I know. You are a creative person, so workshops (практичш семшари) are intended especially for you. A workshop has very little lecturing. The main emphasis is laid on the participants’ activities under the guidance of a leader. They solve some problem or develop a research technique during the session. '

A: - It sounds much better! But look, the programme also includes poster presentations and swap shops. What are they?

B: - Poster presentations (стендов! доповад) are held in the Conference Hall. On entering the hall you will see several posters (with brief texts accompanied by photos or charts) on display. You may get acquainted with the content of any poster and discuss it with the presenter. While in a swap shop (секція обяшу матеріалами) you may exchange your materials (such as programmes, assignments, etc.) for ready-made materials of other participants.

A: - That's great! I'm sure not en go oack home empty-handed. Thank you for the information.

B:-You are welcome.

/I» »(•(


Task О.і.Discuss the following questions in smaU groups and then report the conclusions of your discussion to the class.


  1. What do you know about professional ethics of a specialist?

  2. How do you understand human responsibility of a scientist?

  3. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that science and technological progress have nothing in common with humanistic ethical values? Give specific reasons to support your answer.

  4. Do you believe in the existence of absolute values"?

  5. What absolute values can you mention?

  6. Could the spiritual pollution which we face today be as dangerous as the material one?

  7. How can knowledge of ethical values and professional ethics influence our life?

II. 1.What do you know about global warming and greenhouse effect?

  1. What can you say about supplies of fresh water worldwide?

  2. Do you think that poor land use such as clearcutting forests, draining wetlands causes destruction of ecosystems? Give extended answers.

  3. How can loss of plant and animal species influence our life?


Task 6.2. Before listening to the discussion of some ethical problems try to match

the following English words and word combinations with their Ukrainianequivalents:

  1. spiritual situation in the world 1. шдняти питання

  2. a due question 2. байдужшть

  3. to achieve democracy 3. людсыа irimrocri

  4. improvement of society 4. чинити благородно

Professional ethics


  1. solve the problems

  2. predominant

  3. spiritual sense of purpose

  4. appreciation of genuine spiritual values

  5. raise a question

  1. act nobly

  2. alienation

  3. illegal drugs

  4. injusiice

  5. apathy

  6. lack of moral purpose

  7. reward

  8. punishment

  9. permanent process

  10. human values

  1. винагорода

  2. стан духовносп у свт

  3. досягти демократа

  4. розв’язати проблеми

  5. висока ощнка справжшх духовних цшностей

10. вщсутнють моральної метиП.вщчуження

  1. несправедливють

  2. покарання

  3. вдосконалення суспшьства

  4. що переважає, пануючий

  5. наркотики

  6. постшний процес

  7. духовне вщчуття мети

  8. доречне запитання

Task 6,3. Listen to the discussion and answer the following questions:

  1. Is democracy an important first step in the improvement of society?

  2. What is the way of improving the spiritual situation in Ukraine?

  3. Do all men act nobly?

  4. What are the enemies of our home?

  5. How can these enemies be conquered?

  6. What factors are very important in moral training?

Task 6.4. Comprehension test. Listen to the text “Global warming and greenhouse effect” and decide whether the following statements are True or False, then tick your answer:

True False

1). 2). 3). 4).

  1. Human activities are responsible for extreme changes in the Earth’s temperature.

  2. All the solar energy is absorbed on the Earth’s surface.

  3. Carbon dioxide and methane are greenhouse gases.

  4. We do not need a greenhouse effect.

  5. The increase of concentrations of greenhouse gases rises

the Earth’s surface temperature. 5).

6. Carbon dioxide can remain in the atmosphere for hundreds

of years. 6).

  1. Methane stays in the atmosphere for more than ten years, 7).

  2. The greenhouse effect is not necessary to keep the liquid state of water on the Earth. 8).


Unit 6

Task 6.5. Listen to the text once again and fill in the gaps with suitable words and phrases.

  1. Human activities are responsible for the _ in Earth’s temperature.

  2. Changes in Earth’s temperature cause global warming and major changes in _.

  3. Two thirds of the solar energy _ inside the atmosphere.

  4. Some gases in the atmosphere which trap solar energy, and it are called “greenhouse gases”. ~ ~

  5. Carbon dioxide _ from burning fossil fuels.

  6. _ may be a major source of nitrous oxide.

  7. Fluoiocarbons _ occur naturally.

  8. A greenhouse effect provides a _ of warms enveloping Earth.

  9. A nitrous oxide molecule traps heat about 200 _ more effeciively than a carbon dioxide molecule.

  10. Without a natural _ the temperature of Earth would be _ 18° С


Task 6.6. Read the essential vocabulary and translate the sentences:

1. advertise - рекламувати; to announce, e.g. Alcohol and cigarettes should not beadvertised.

advertisement / advert / ad- оголошення, реклама; announcement; TV commercial, notice, e.g. The publication of the results in mass media is an advertisement for the products manufactured by this company.

2. be aware - усвщомлювати; to be conscious of, e.g. A scientist should be aware ofhis responsibility to his country.

awareness - усвщомлення, обізнашсть, знання; consciousness of, e.g. Spiritual pollution can be seen in the lack of awareness of sense of life.

  1. ban v. - забороняти; to forbid, veto, reject, restrict, e.g. The government has banned the use of chemical weapons, n. заборона; prohibition, taboo, e.g. Our country should put a ban on the import of nonstandard products.

  2. claim - 1. вимагати; 2. претендувати; 3. амер. заявляти, твердити; to demand, ask for, require, e.g. Plato claimed that among absolute values are justice, huma­nism, love, wisdom and conscience.

  3. conscience - совкть, сумлшня; moral sense, principles, sense of right and wrong, ethics, e.g. Justice, humanism, love, wisdom and conscience are the main laws of the science of ethics.

Professional ethics


  1. consequence - 1. наслщок, результат; 2. висновок; 3. важливють, значення; 1. result, outcome; 2. conclusion; 3. importance, significance, e.g. For centuries con­sequences of the technological progress for the environment were not taken into consideration. • . ..

  2. cruel -1. жорстокий; 2. болюний, тяжкий; 1. brutal, inhuman; 2. unkind, pain­ful, heartless, e.g. Before the industrial revolution workers had been cruelly exploited.

cruelty - жорстоюсть; brutality, e.g. Lack of moral purpose might be caused by cruelty.

  1. damage n.- 1. шкода; 2. пошкодження; harm, ruin, e.g. Now we must find ways to develop industry with as little damage to the environment as possible, v. завдавати збитюв; пошкоджувати; to harm, ruin, destroy, e.g. Lots of farms have been badly damaged by spring floods.

  2. dangerous - небезпечний, загрозливий; risky, insecure, unsafe; threatening, e.g. The spiritual pollution which we face today may be as dangerous as the material one. danger - небезпека; risk, threat, e.g. Illegal drugs are a great danger to our society.

  3. depletion - виснаження (озонового шару), вичерпування (запаав); exhaustion, reduction, decrease, e.g. Nowadays the depletion of the ozone layer is one of the major problems of the environment.

  4. destroy - руйнувати, знищувати; to ruin, wipe out, e.g. Industry has destroyed the environment.

destruction - руйнування, знищення; ruination, wiping out, e.g. One of the prob­lems we must solve today is the destruction of atmosphere.

12. eliminate - 1.усувати (помилки і т. т.); 2. знищувати; to remove smb./smth. thatis not wanted or needed; to get rid of smth., e.g. The nuclear threat is not yetcompletely eliminated.

elimination - усунення; liquidation, exclusion, removal, e.g. The elimination of the consequences of Chornobyl tragedy will take decades.

13. emerge - 1. з’являтися, виходити; 2. виявлятися, з’ясовуватися; 1. to appear,come out; 2. to become known, e.g. The mismatch which emerged between the tech­nological progress and humanism caused labour dehumanisation.

emergence - поява;арреагапсе, e.g. The emergence of new technology sometimes damages the environment.

14. encourage - шдбадьорювати, заохочувати; to give hope to, inspire, persuade,reassure, support, e.g. Science should be encouraged.

encouragement - заохочення; approval, reassurance, e.g. Students need encou­ragement of their parents and teachers.

  1. entertainment - 1. розвага; 2. вечірка; 1. fun, enjoyment, recreation, pastime; 2. show, concert, play, e.g. Some people think only of money and entertainment.

  2. environment - довгалля, оточення, середовище; surroundings, conditions, atmosphere, e.g. All the countries should unite their efforts to save environment.


Unit 6

  1. greediness - жадібшсть, ненажерливкть; an excessive desire for wealth; being grasping, materialistic, mean, selfish, money-grubbing, e.g. Spiritual pollution manifests itself in greediness of society.

  2. harmful - шюдливий, згубний; bad, damaging, dangerous, ruinous, unfavourable, unhealthy, unpleasant, e.g. Some products are harmful to the health of consumers.

  3. insurance - страхування, забезпечення; protection, security, e.g. Child labour was banned, insurance and pensions were introduced.

  4. judge - 1. судити, виносити вирок (ршення); to assess, criticize, evaluate, examine, consider, dcteaiiiiie, estimate, guess, suppose, e.g. The decision on whether to develop the bomb can only be judged by ethics.

judgement - 1. судження, думка, погляд, 2. розсудливють, здоровий глузд; conclusion, decision, e.g. The judgment about the danger of spiritual pollution is absolutely correct and more people begin to understand it.

  1. justice - 1. справедливють; 2. законнють, правосуддя; 1. right; 2. morality, law, e.g. It was actually a campaign for social justice.

  2. manifest - 1. робити очевидним; 2. обнародувати; 3. виявляти; to show, make evident, make obvious, e.g. Spiritual pollution manifests itself in everyday life, manifestation - прояв; display, show, expression, declaration, demonstration, e.g. Alcoholism is a manifestation of the lack of culture.

  3. match v.- пщходити, вщювщати; to be equivalent, be the same, be similar, coincide, correspond, e.g. Thermal solar panels will perfectly match your new environmentally friendly house. п.-рйшя,пара; equivalent, e.g.These energy efficient hght bulbs and electronic environmental controls are an excellent match for our modem homes.

  4. pollute - забруднювати; to contaminate, poison, e.g. Everyday burning of litter pollutes our cities.

pollution - забруднення; contamination, poison, dirtiness, impurity, e.g. Environmental pollution is the major threat to our survival.

25. promote - сприяти, допомагати; to help, support, e.g. We should promote ethicalnorms based on ultimate values.

promotion - сприяння; help, support, advancement, assistance, contribution to, backing, sponsoring, e.g. Healthy way of life demands banning tobacco promotion.

  1. realm - галузь, сфера, царина; sphere, branch, world, field, area, e.g. Today we need a second humanization - in the realm of environment.

  2. replace - замшити; to change, renew, restore, e.g. Nowadays environmental pollu­tion has replaced nuclear war as the major threat to our survival.

  3. suggest - пропонувати; to advise, propose, e.g. You should suggest more energy saving features in the design of new buildings.

suggestion - пропозшщ; advise, proposal, e.g. Their suggestions are quite clear: absolute values exist and some values are more important than others.

29. survive - вижити; to stay alive, continue to exist, e.g. To survive when the air, theearth and water are so dangerously polluted is quite a problem.

Professional ethics


survival - виживання; continued existence, e.g. Poor land use decisions make our survival more difficult.

  1. tailor - пристосувати до (чогось); to fit, suit, adapt, adjust, e.g. There are cases when the results of scientific investigation are tailored to the needs of the company which sponsors this investigation.

  2. threaten - погрожувати, загрожувати; to put at risk, endanger, e.g. We should promote ethical norms in order to solve the problems which threaten the world today, threat - загроза; danger, hazard, e.g. Deforestation is a serious threat to the survival of animal habitat.

  3. value - щншсть, важливкть; the worth of sth; importance, significance, e.g. Science and technology, by themselves, are not a source of ethics and values, values [pi] - щннос-ri; moral or professional standards of behaviour; principles, e.g. Young people have a different set of values from their parents.

ultimate values - вічш, основш, первинш цшностц basic, fundamental, primary, e.g. The question of existence of ultimate values has been discussed for centuries.

33. violate - порушувати (закон і т. ш.); to breach, ignore, e.g. Have you ever violatedthe laws of the society?

violation - порушення; contravention, infringement, offence, e.g. Another ethical problem that should be considered by scientists is violation of the rights to intellectual property.

34. wisdom - 1. мудршть, 2. розумшня; 1. common sense, good sense, insight, pene­tration, perceptiveness, rationality, reason; 2. understanding, e.g. He is a man ofgreat wit and wisdom.

Task 6.7. Match English words with their Ukrainian equivalents:

1. justice

а) усувати

2. to violate

b) замшити

3. realm


4. conscience

d) вичерпування(запаив)

5. absolute values

e) пошкодження

6. threat

f) виживання

7. to eliminate

g) мати на yeasi

8. depletion

h) справедливкть


і) забороняти

10. to ban

j) совать, сумлшня

11. damage


12. to bear in mind

1) порушувати (закон)

13. to replace

т) проявляти(-ся)

14. to manifest

п) царина

15. survival

о) наслщки

16. consequences



Unit 6

Task 6.8. Arrange the A.

  1. cruel

  2. ban

  3. awareness

  4. emerge

  5. realm

  6. harmful

  7. promote

  8. tailor

  9. threaten

  1. conscience

  2. justice

  3. destruction

  4. replace

  5. manifest

  6. encourage

  7. insurance

  8. damage

  9. suggest

  10. wisdom

  11. claim.

following words in groups of synonyms:


  1. appear

  2. moral sense

  3. ruination

  4. brutal

  5. right

  6. change

  7. bad

  8. show

  9. protection

  1. understanding

  2. put at risk

  3. advise

  4. demand

  5. harm

  6. consciousness of

  7. help

  8. fit

  9. sphere

  10. forbid

  11. give hope to

Task 6.9. Do the crossword puzzle Across:


  1. небезпечний,

  2. замшити,

  3. наслщок, результат,

  4. жорстокий,

  5. оголошення, реклама,

  6. страхування,

  7. претендувати,

  8. судити,

  1. галузь, сфера,

  2. пропонувати,

  3. руйнування, 21. забруднення, 29. пристосувати до (чогось).

translating the words given below into English: Down:

  1. шкода,

  2. coBicTb, сумлшня,

  3. жад1бшсть,

  4. розвага,

  5. довкшля,

  6. об1знанкть,

  7. правосудия,

  8. усувати (помилки),

  9. сприяти,

  10. вичерпування (запаав),

  11. шмдливий.

  12. тдходити, вщповщати,

  13. руйнувати,

  14. робити очевидним,

  15. з’ясовуватися,

  16. шдбадьорювати, 30. виживання, З1.щншсть,

32. порушення закону.

Professional ethics





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Task 6.10. Read the words and decide which of them do not belong to each group of four items:

  1. ban/veto/demand/forbid

  2. result/outcome/consequence/conscience

  3. destroy/risky/unsafe/dangerous

  4. come out/emerge/come in/appear

  5. common sense/understanding/wisdom/wise

  6. fit/tailor/suit/change

  7. bad/harmful/damaging/pleasant

  8. judgment/protection/security/insurance

  9. coincide/correspond/much/match

  10. show/hide/make evident/manifest


Unit 6

Task 6.11. Write a synonym to each word in the grid:

  1. announcement

  2. contamination

  3. damaging

  4. moral sense

  5. results

  6. moral principles

Now look at the grid. Can you see the extra word? What is it?

Task 6.12. Form nouns, using the proper suffixes:

Advertise, eliminate, be aware, cruel, encourage, pollute, greedy, dangerous, judge, promote, insure, violate, emerge.

Task 6.13. Find in the list of the essential vocabulary words with the same form for the verb and for the noun.

Task 6.14. Match the following phrases with their Ukrainian equivalents:

  1. to be completely misguiding

  2. to face spiritual pollution

  3. to ease the labour

  4. things worth admiring

  5. first and foremost

  6. to bear in mind

  7. inner moral world of a man

  8. rights to intellectual property

  9. nuclear threat

  1. global warming

  2. to maintain living standards

  1. short term well-being

  2. lack of awareness of sense of life

  3. drug-abuse

  4. to shape a better world

  5. to think only of wealth and enter­tainment

A. тимчасовий добробут

B. права на штелектуальну власшсть

C. потешиння на земнш Kyni

D. полегшити працю

E. думати лише про багатство та розваги

F. мати на yeasi

G. вщсутшсть усвщомлення сенсу життяН. зловживання наркотиками

I. стикатися з духовним забрудненням

J. ядерна загроза

К. peni, якими варто захоплюватись

L. внутршнш моральний свгг людини

М. насамперед

N. створити кращий cbjt

О. тдтримувати життевий р1вень

Р. повшстю вводите в оману

Professional ethics


Task 6.15.Complete the phrases with the words given below:

  1. the results of scientific...;

  2. violation of the...;

  3. short-term...;

4 of the ozone laye;;

  1. consequences were not Jaken ..;

  2. ultimate...;

  3. ...a better world;

  4. lack of ... of sense and purpose of life;

  5. ways to... living standards;

  6. should be created and applied for ...;

  7. human ...of a scientist;

  8. science ... the environment;

  9. to fill technological progress with ...;

  10. should bear ...;

  11. the major ... to our survival;

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