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Indispensable, necessary,

e.g. You must be able to find the most essential information in technical texts.

19. forecast (v) - передбачати, прогнозувати - to say what is going to happen in the

future, syn foresee, e.g. The students should master forecasting of events in the field of international relations.



20. fundamentals(n) - основи- basics, the simplest and most important ideas and

principles of science in contrast to more complicated or detailed ones, e.g. Besides many technical subjects the students should master fundamentals of the humanities.

21. introduce (v)- впроваджувати - to cause smth. to enter a place or exist in a

system for the first time, e.g. At our institute the three-level training of specialists has been introduced. introduction (й) - впровадження - act of introducing, bringing to notion, e.g. New technologies should be tested before their introduction into the production

process. introductory (adj) - вступний, ввідний - giving general information about smth.

often before a more detailed information, e.g. The students are expected to master an introductory course of religion and


22. irrevocable (adj) - безповоротний, остаточний - incapable of being recalled or

revoked.; syn unchangeable, unalterable, irreversible, e.g. He made an irrevocable decision and there was no use arguing any more.

  1. master (v) - опановувати - to succeed in understanding smth. completely, e.g. He soon mastered the skills of radio production.

  2. obligatory(adj) - обов’язковий - required, binding syn. Compulsory,

e.g. Almost all the subjects offered by the university’s curricula are obligatory.

25. obtain (v) - отримати - to get, syn.: receive, gain,

e.g. Having obtained profound knowledge in his major, he was able to find a very good job after graduation from the university.

26. obvious (adj) - очевидний - easily discovered, seen or understood syn evident,

apparent, conspicuous, e.g. It may be stating the obvious but most of teleworking at present is connected with computers.

27. perceive (v) - збагнути, помггити, усвщомити - to identify and obtain knowledge

by means of the senses; syn to apprehend, e.g. Every student should perceive for himself the direct relationship between success and effort

  1. profound (adj) - глибокий - having or showing great knowledge in subject, e.g. They have acquired profound knowledge in all the branches of mathematics.

  2. record (v) - записувати - to write down an information or put it into computer so

that in the future people can refer to it, e.g. The results of the carried out experiments were recorded into the students'

notes. record (n) - запис - written account of smth., e.g. Those who gain the additional speciality of a teacher have a proper record in

their diplomas.

30. revolve (v) - обертатись - to move in a curved path around a center syn to rotate,e.g. The planets revolve around the Sun. (lit).

e.g. The conversation revolved around the recent conference.(fig)

Engineering profession


31. solve (v) - виршшти - to find an answer to a problem or question, syn. to resolve,e.g. The students are taught to solve various mathematical problems.

solution (n) - ршення - dealing with a problem or situation in such way that

difficulty is removed, e.g. No matter how hard he tried he failed to find the solution to the problem under


32. up-to-date (adj) - сучасний - syn modem, contemporary,

e.g. Training at the university is conducted on the basis of the most up-to-date computer facilities and information technologies.

33. undermine (v) - пщривати, похитнути - to ruin, remove the foundation or support

of e.g. Descartes irrevocably undermined many traditional assumptions,

Task 1.З5. Arrange the following word's in groups of two or more synonyms:

a) adjectives and nouns:

deviation, apparent, indispensable, additional, assumption, necessary, up-to-date, dis­tinct, fundamentals, conspicuous, supposition, declination, unchangeable, obvious, obligatory, irrevocable, modern, supplementary, unalterable, substantial, compulsory, irreversible, contemporary, considerable, extra, different, basics, obliquity, essential, evident,required.

b) verbs:

assume, ruin, apprehend, surround, suppose, anticipate, accomplish, foresee, revolve, achieve, undermine, resolve, perceive, limit, rotate, presume, forecast.

Task 1.З6. Translate the foUowing expressions into Ukrainian and use them in sentences of your own.

1. to assume responsibility/control; 2. to undermine someone’s reputation; 3. outstanding /remarkable achievement; 4. the most advanced scientific methods; 5. to a considerable extent; 6. a considerable amount of time; 7. to follow directions; 9. to give/issue directions; 10. essential difference; 11. irrevocable mistake; 13. irrevocable decision; 14. irrevocable past; 15. obvious reason; 16. profound changes; 17. profound effect;

Task 1.37. Read the text and present its contents in the form of an interview:

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