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Introduction to Codes Compilation

Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions (CSEP) was founded in 1976 to promote education and scholarship on the professions, with special emphasis on the ethical and social responsibility issues associated with professional education and practice. To that end, CSEP pursues a variety of research, teaching and public program activities. In support of these programs the Center maintains a resource collection on the professions that serves the burgeoning informational needs of students, scholars, practitioners, and the public alike.

The collection contains printed materials covering a wide range of professional fields, with the types of items as varied as the kinds of information they convey. Included are monographs, bibliographies, professional directories, government reports, hearings and regulations, court decisions, journals, and newsletters, dissertations, unpublished papers, and conference proceedings. The collection is open to all and professional assistance is available. Visitors are welcome to make inquiries by mail or telephone.

As a special service, the collection houses an extensive inventory of statements on professional responsibility and freedom promulgated by government and other groups concerned with the rights and responsibilities of professionals. The documents take many forms, including, codes of ethics, advisory opinions, resolutions, policy statements and reflect such diverse perspectives as those of private practitioners, employed professionals, recipients of professional services, government bodies and so on. In the belief that these statements can serve useful educational and research purposes, CSEP publishes this COMPILATION of the items currently available, most of which can be obtained from the Center. Ordering information is given on the following page.

We welcome suggestions and copies of materials for inclusion, as well as corrections of any of the items currently included. All correspondence regarding the COMPILATION should be directed to the CSEP Librarian, Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions, Illinois Institute of Technology.

(Adapted from the Internet)

Professional ethics


Professional Ethics and Computer Scienceflnformation Systems

If you are looking at this page, you probably have an interest in (or have been told by a professor to have an interest in) computers and ethics.

Ethics One definition of ethics, according to Merriam-Webster, is "a set of moral principles or values". You may derive your own personal ethics from many sources: your family and culture," your religion or faith, the legal system where you live, etc. However, ethics in general is not the topic of this web page.

Computing Ethics Sometimes you will hear someone refer to "computing ethics", which is a whole range of ethical questions surrounding computer science and the use of computers.

Professional Ethics This web page discusses professional ethics (or professional practice): the "principles of conduct" that we agree to be governed by as computer scientists and engineers.

As a student at Stony Brook, you have agreed to follow the university's rules regarding academic honesty and appropriate conduct. These are a statement of professional conduct for students. Faculty have their own rules regarding professional conduct (the Computer Science faculty have adopted a statement which will soon be on the department's web site). Depending on where you are in life, you may have several different sets of professional ethics to adhere to. It is important to think about who you are, what roles you play, and how you can act professionally in those different roles.

This web page is one place for you to start thinking about professional ethics.

(Adapted from the Internet)

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