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I. Read the text and answer the checkup questions.

1.What is a full power? 2.When does the diplomatic agent require a special authorization, called a full power, from the head of the state whom he represents? 3.When and where are the full powers of the plenipotentiaries Exhibited for verification? 4. What was the custom observed in former limes? 5. What is the form of the full powers issued nowadays to repre­sentatives for such purposes as the negotiation and signature of a treaty? 6 Who performs the duty of verification of the full powers? 7. What seems to be the most essential feature of such documents?

//. Complete the following sentences using the required information from the above text.

I. The full powers to ratify a treaty or to accede to a treaty are now.... 2. At a time when most states were governed by more or less absolute monarchs, a full power invested its recipient with ....3.Today a full power means.... 4. When the representatives of the negotiating states enter upon their task, the first step is.... 5. The full powers issued ad hoc are.... 6. They vary greatly in form, according to .... 7. In the case of a multipartite negotiation, the duty of verification falls upon ....

///. Study the texts in exhibits 75 to 77, point out words and phrases pertaining to the formal style.

IV. * Memorize the phrases below, suggest their Russian equivalents.

1) everything so agreed upon and concluded; 2) the full powers conferred by the high contracting parties; 3) the full powers given ad hoc, 4) an instrument that may tend to the attainment of the above-mentioned end; S) ministers, commissioners or plenipotentiaries as may be vested with similar power and authority; 6) for the purpose aforesaid;7) in as ample manner and form, and with equal force and efficacy an; 8) in testimony whereof, 1 have caused the Seal of the United States of America to be hereunto affixed; 9) I do hereby certify that; 10) who is by these Presents named, constituted and appointed as Plenipotentiary and Representative having Full Power and Authority.

V. * Study the use of italicized words in different phrases, suggest their Russian equivalents.


absolute ~ ; the great ~s; the leading ~s; a colonial ~ ; a maritime ~ ; a nuclear ~ ; a party in ~ ; to be beyond one's ~ ; to come to ~ ; to do all in one s ~ ; to seize ~ .


emergency ~; large ~; official - ; wide ~ ; delegation of ~; verification of ~; vested with ~ and authority; within one's -; to confer the necessary ~ to smb; to delegate one's ~ to smb; to exceed one's ~; to exercise one ~; to exhibit one's full ~ ; to invest smb with full ~ ; to preserve one's~; to prolong the ~ of parliament.

VI. * Comment on the meanings of "empower" and "empowered'' the sentences below.

1. If for some reason the head of a consulate cannot carry out his functions or if the position of the head of a consulate is temporarily vacant, the send­ing state may empower a consular officer of the same or another consulate in the receiving state or one of the members of the diplomatic staff of its diplomatic mission in the receiving state to act temporarily as head of the consulate. 2. A person empowered to act as temporary head of the consulate shall be entitled to perform the duties of the head of the consu­late whom that person was appointed to replace.

VII. Suggest the English for:

лицо, облечённое властью и полномочиями; осуществление пол­номочий; передача полномочий; полномочия, выданные для данного случая; полномочия, выданные высокими договаривающимися сторонами; иметь широкие полномочия; облечь подходящее лицо необходимыми полномочиями; предъявлять свои полномочия для проверки.

VIII * Fill in each blank with the required preposition from the text.

I. A diplomatic agent ...whom a particular negotiation is entrusted ... the conclusion ... a treaty or convention requires a special authorization, called null power,... the head of the state whom he represents. 2. A full power Invested its recipient ...power to bind his principal, provided that he acted... the limits of its authority. 3. When the representatives of the nego­tiating states enter ... their task, the first step is the mutual submission ... their full powers ... verification. 4. The full powers vary greatly ... form, according... the particular constitution or the settled practice ... the coun­try which issues them. 5. Differences may also exist according... the degree ... importance ascribed ... the treaty, or whether it is to be concluded ... heads ... state or,... the other hand, ... governments.

IX. Translate into Russian taking note of the words and phrases in bold

As conventions are negotiated without the signing being immediately en­visaged, the powers of the delegates, which are powers for negotiation only, are delivered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They are generally included in the letter from the ministry sending the list of the delegation and naming its president. On occasion, a special letter entrusted to the leader of Vie delegation confers the powers given. This is the case for the United Nations. Generally, a credentials commission examines the powers and makes its report to the plenary conference. Sometimes the Secretariat of the organization reports to the conference.

When negotiations are opened under the aegis of an international organization, the permanent representatives of the member states are held to pos­ses all the powers necessary to participate in the negotiation. The delegates take part in the discussion and in voting. The final vote adopts the convention. However, as the delegates have no capacity to bind their government irrevocably; this vote is only given ad referendum.

X. Precis the following text in English in about one-third of its size.