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Arbitration Agreement

Section 1

Any question in the nature of a civil matter which may be settled by agreement, as well as any question of compensation for damage resulting from a crime may, when a dispute has arisen with regard thereto, be referred by agreement between the parties to the decision of one or more arbitrators. An arbitration agreement relating lo any such question may also have reference to future disputes arising from a particular legal relationship specified in the agreement.

Arbitrators may not assume jurisdiction in respect of any question which is the subject of a pending action or summary documentary [process although such court action will not prevent arbitration proceedings if notice of withdrawal has been given to the presiding Budge.


If the arbitration agreement does not reserve the right of the parties to appeal from the award, they will be deemed to have consented to abide by it.

The present Act shall not apply to an arbitration agreement which provides for a right of appeal.

Section 3

If, after a request has been made for the application of the arbitration agreement, that request is rejected by a party, or a party f fails in his duty to appoint an arbitrator, and the other party

prefers to bring the dispute before a court of law rather than insisting on an arbitration award, than the arbitration agreement shall be no bar to the jurisdiction of the court over the dispute.

Section 4

In regard to disputes between business enterprises and consumers concerning products or services supplied in the main for private use, an agreement made prior to the dispute to the effect that disputes shall be referred to arbitration without a right for the parties to appeal against the award may not be invoked if the value of the disputed matter does not exceed the amount referred to in the Small Claims Procedure Act (1974 No. 8) [... ]


  1. Read and translate the text, summarize its major points.

  2. Explain the following words in English:

capacity, challenge, concern, genuine (cooperation), internationalization (of business).

    1. Study the text in exhibit 78 and find the English equivalents of.

1) в момент заключения договора; 2) в силу закона; 3) в соответствии с общими принципами; 4) полагая, что; 5) принимая во внимание; 6) на основе равенства и взаимной выгоды; 7) с аукци­она; 8) договаривающиеся государства; 9) договоры международной! купли-продажи товаров; 10) гражданский или торговый статут сторон; II) нормы международного права; 12) оборотный кредитно- денежный документ; 13) постоянное местожительство; 14) предостав­ление иных услуг; 15) сдача на хранение ратификационной грамоты; 16) соблюдение добросовестности в международной торговле; 17) содействие развитию дружественных отношений между государствами;18)установление нового международного экономического порядка;19)вступать в силу; 20) способствовать устранению правовых барьеров в международной торговле.

IV. Translate into Russian taking note of the words and phrases in bold hpe.



Section 6.01

All technical information supplied by (name of company) including, but lot limited to, processes, formulas and recipes used in the manufacture of cigarettes hereunder and changes in the manufacturing and in the processing and in the packaging and package design of cigarettes manufactured by (name of company) under the Licensed trademarks shall become and remain the property of (name of company), subject for the Duration of this Agreement only to the licennes granted hereunder, (name of company) shall keep the technical information confidential and shall not reveal any aspect thereof to any person other than its own employees and only to the extent necessary to enable (name of company) to manufacture the Licensed brands properly and efficiently during the term of this Agreement or during its extensions, if any. (name of company) shall fully cooperate with (name of company) in such procedures as may be necessary to consolidate, vest and record exclusive ownership thereof in (name of company), including at (name of company) option and expense, the filing of applications of patents, ;utility models and designs in all countries, including countries other than the Territory as (name of company) may designate, in its sole judgment

Section 6.02

LICENSEES agree that they will not question or otherwise challenge, either directly or indirectly, the validity of any registration or application for registration by (name of company) of the Licensed trademarks, whether word or design, or any of (name of company) rights therein. All use of the Licensed trademarks by LICENSEES shall inure to the benefit of (name of company).

Section 6.03

LICENSEES shall promptly notify (name of company) of any assertion that the manufacture or sale of cigarettes hereunder infringes the rights of any third party and will consult with (name of company) lo determine course of action to be followed in response to said assertion.

V. * Study the use of italicized words in different phrases, suggest tin Russian equivalents.


~ to a bearer; bonus ~; deferred ~s; founders' ~s; ordinary - ; preference (preferred) ~ ; priority ~ ; registered - .


bonus ~; common |; debenture -; deferred - ; ordinary § ; preference

(preferred) ~ ; promoters' .

VI. Translate the following text, comment on its syntactic and stylistic peculiarities.