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Page 25

Sensible Sentences?





(From Week 4)





Underline the word that makes sense in each of the sentences below.

1.We were impressed with the new maid because she cleaned the house with (alacrity, solace).

2.All (aspirants, lacerations) for the basketball team must come to practice today.

3.Once he was a millionaire, but today he can be found among the (dregs, octogenarians) of society.

4.The newspaper specialized in printing the (sordid, brash) details of crime in the city.

5.After finding the (pugnacious, tangible) evidence in his drawer, Roger took it to the police.

6.The normally (scurrilous, belligerent) police dog was unusually quiet this morning.

7.Bobby, who was extremely modest, always (belittled, castigated) his own achievements.

8.Treated with (frenzy, disdain) by his stepfather, Artie grew closer to his natural father.

9.When the results of the bar exam were (intimidated, promulgated) Adele saw that she had passed handsomely.

10.I used to (scoff, feint) at Hank's stories of the fish he had caught, but he made a believer out of me.

Answers are on Page 306






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Page 26

Wordsearch 4

Using the clues listed below, fill in each blank in the following story with one of the new words you learned this week.

Want to Run for Office?

In recent years, we have seen the phenomenon of incumbent politicians retiring in record numbers. When interviewed, many of them admitted that they had lost their taste for the job because of the abuse to which an

__________ for office is subjected.

"My last campaign was a __________ affair in which my opponents did everything to __________ my

record and air __________ charges about my private life," said one congressman. "I don't have to stand still for such treatment," he added, "which was terribly embarrassing to me and my entire family."

Citizen groups, appalled by the candidates' mudslinging, have sought to do something about the situation. Committees have been formed in a number of states to study ways to elevate the tone of the process, reduce the

emotionalism, and eliminate the __________ of name calling that is generated as election day draws near.

"Unless we clean up this mess," said the chairman of an Illinois caucus, "we will lose the best and the brightest from the political arena. After all, who but a masochist wants to be a punching bag, the subject of daily vilification in the media, and a target for every malcontent in town?"


4th Day

3rd Day

2nd Day

4th Day

4th Day

Answers are on Page 306






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Page 27

5th Week

1st Day

New Words






eth′ iks


During my first weeks at the new school I observed that cheating was rampant. I had always considered it rather inane to cheat on a test because of my code of ethics, and because so much was at stake. Apparently the other students didn't concur. In fact, even the presence of a proctor did not intimidate* them. Far from being a clandestine activity, the cheating was open and obvious.

Sample Sentences

Use the new words in the following sentences.

1.When the plague was __________ on the island, Dr. Arrowsmith's wife died.

2.The spies thought their meeting was a __________ one, but a throng* of F.B.I. agents gathered outside the building.

3.A special management committee was asked to investigate business __________.

4.Orville Wright was criticized for his __________ desire to fly.

5.If I can get my parents to __________, I'll join the Peace Corps.


Match the new words with their meanings.

6. rampant

____ a. secret, undercover

7. inane

____ b. code of principles

8. ethics

____ c. foolish

9. concur

____ d. agree

10. clandestine

____ e. going unchecked, widespread

Today's Idiom

stock in tradethe goods, tools, and other requisites of a profession A quick wit and a warm smile were the salesman's stock in trade. Answers are on Page 306






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Page 28

2nd Day








New Words








ad mon′ ish


kul′ prit


Cracking Down

Mr. Dorsey, our new principal, determined to do something about the flagrant cheating at our high school. He issued bulletins and began to admonish those teachers who did not proctor alertly. Under duress, the faculty reported the names of the culprits. Several crib sheets were turned in as tangible* evidence of the cheating. Mr. Dorsey's inexorable campaign against the wrong-doers seemed to be paying off.

Sample Sentences

Into which sentences do the new words fit best?

1.The __________ was caught with his fingers in the cookie jar.

2.Television sleuths are __________ in their pursuit of lawbreakers.

3.The confession was signed under __________, the attorney claimed.

4.I suspect that my father will __________ me for coming home late.

5.Parking in front of a hydrant is a __________ violation of the city's law. Definitions

Match the new words with their meanings.

6. flagrant

____ a. inflexible, unrelenting

7. admonish

____ b. compulsion, force

8. duress

____ c. outrageous, glaringly bad

9. culprit

____ d. the guilty person

10. inexorable

____ e. to warn, to reprove

Today's Idiom

to take down a pegto take the conceit out of a braggart (ship's colors used to be raised or lowered by pegsthe higher the colors, the greater the honor)

The alumni thought they had a great basketball team, but our varsity took them down a peg.

Answers are on Page 306






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